Bjorn lomborg a real scientist? He has a Phd in political science.... ... and he's on side with climate change and that it's anthropogenic in origin.... I love how denier world checks their sources, which is never...
The NYT op ed Go ahead, Hoosier! Show me where Mann accuses anyone of fraud in my excerpt or anywhere in the article. Curry does not have a legal case. Show me any quotation where Dr. Mann accuses Curry of fraud as Steyn accused Dr. Mann. Freedom of speech does not allow for fraudulent claims, so,no, it's not a freedom of speech issue.
Freedom of internet forum fraudulent claims is limited only by calling them on it, and the ig function.
You seem to be woefully uneducated on what constitutes an actionable claim against a public figure. BTW, the hockey stick has already been proven a fraud so what's your point?
You mean like Mann's Climategate emails that point out he was trying to hide the cooling, which he did with what is called Mann's trick?
Global warming hiatus tied to cooler temps in Pacific Study: Volcanoes contribute to recent warming hiatus Current Hiatus of Global Warm Two Key IPCC Report Facts: Sea Level Rise, Warming Hiatus
every time you post a link it's very nearly a sure bet you read them yourself or if you did you didn't comprehend them...
Oh, I read them and they all acknowledge the hiatus unlike some on this forum but of course some of them try to explain it with the latest theory. I am sure MIT and the IPCC are not authority enough even for the hiatus deniers. On another note, the effort of the true believers to silence any opposition continues. Heating up: Climate change advocates try to silence Krauthammer This is what people like Mann and the cartoonists website are into now. Sounds much like the cartoonists efforts on his hidden blog that he and his buds use to coordinate attacks on anyone not of the true belief.
Really?...what's Mann's agenda? Krauthammer is, and always has been, a Right Wing, pro-big business shill. You people are laughable.
Mann was a nobody before he came along with his hockey schtick. I am sure that has nothing to do with it. Of course you conspiracy theorists always blame business for scientific theories that are not the same as the true religion of CAGW.
Typical. You don know his "hokey schtick" was found to be valid...not made up like the dishonest deniers claim, right? Of course, you flat-earth, AGW deniers don't have the brains to actually learn about what you post.
LOL, only if you read the true believer blogs like the opinion piece earlier but if you dig in, you find that no matter what data you put into the model it always ends with a hockey stick graph. That and the emails that confirm Mann was working to hide the cooling the proxy data showed, called Mann's trick. I don't expect any true believers to have any skepticism when it comes to their Lords that tell them what to think.
the last refuge of dullards....when ya actually got something of relevance to post with the grownups let us know...