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There have been a few dozen frozen mammoths found, most of them fragmentary, all of them more or less badly decayed. To "flash freeze" a huge animal like that is of course, impossible. The vegetation found in one or more mammoth's mouth is hardly a surprise, people get things stuck between their teeth too. The suggestion that it was a mouthfull and the creature suddenly froze before it could swallow is of course, just woo woo, not supported by close examination. - - - Updated - - - If an elephant takes a big bunch of vegetation into its mouth it is going to get a variety of plants.
I kinda thought the give-away was too obvious to need mention, but, since you asked.. I didnt just make it up, its a paraphrase from an odd book titled "Blood Sport", that I found in the seat pocket on a trans pacific flight. The question was about the "Hassayampa" river, which was described as arising in the Karakorum, and emptying into a lake in upstate New York. The LON denied its existence, which was taken as evidence enough of collusion to conceal from the world the secrets of this fantastic river. Im not sure what the book was about, exactly, but it was very entertaining.
With my little experience with ruminants is that they usually don't take into their mouths things they don't eat...but sometimes they do. I have no experience with elephants but i do have a little with cattle and goats. And i have a small part of one pasture (wire grass) that none of them will eat. a Mammoth would have to eat a wide variety of vegetation just to keep those big bodies fed IMHO.
There is enough in the way of pollen and fragments of plants to get quite a list of species they ate. You surely dont buy that flash frozen bit do you?
Even though flash frozen may be possible it probably didn't happen. I was just pointing out that buttercups were probably part of their diets. I know cows and goats eat tree leaves, clover, alfalfa, broad leaf weeds, honeysuckle, and many other things. They also seem to eat right along the fence line first. If their guts were in tact you could cut them open and see what they ate.
I thought I had already posted that?.. That old flash freeze suggestion was the basis for a novel and a recent hollywood climate change disaster movie "The Day After Tomorrow"...there's nothing like bad fiction to entrench myth as the truth in the minds of the masses....
just a comment for our friend who seems unsure on this. Velikovsky may even have been the one to first popularize the idea.
The problem here is actually pretty basic. It is what is known as "chasing the data". Instead of collecting data and trying to form a hypothesis and best guess cause and effect from the data, they have a hypothesis in which they are trying to force the data to fit. Also the complete fail that these scientists are forgetting the absolute basics of the very sciences that they claim to be in support of. For example, they are all believers of a "static Earth", where the planet never changes. Ice sheets do not enlarge, they do not contract, temperatures never rise, and never fall. And animals that exist now will always exist, just as they are, completely unchanging. This flies right in the face of all logic in evolution, plate tectonics, as well as Glaciology. The science for well over 100 years has shown us how the planet and animals and plants on it change and evolve. But suddenly to these people all change has somehow stopped at some point in time, and any and all future changes are the fault of humans. This is the worst kind of fantasy logic I can imagine. This is not science, this is activism disguised as science.
All inventions of your own mind...a result of not understanding the bigger picture, severe example of the dunning-kruger effect...
Of course only scientists papers interpreted by a cartoonist are valid and the actual scientists on film are to be derided. Typical.
No scientific papers interpreted by physics graduates BTW Explains some American beliefs
By all means, let's listen to the actual scientist, as you suggest. Here he is -- the very same guy, Dr. Richard Muller -- 18 months after making the posted video: The Conversion of a Climate-Change Skeptic Still listening, Hoosier? I bet you aren't.
What would you expect someone that is a professor at Berkley to do? Think he would like to lose his position?
Please explain how a tenured professor of particle physics can lose his position. Do you even know what "tenure" means? Or why we have it? And, just as I predicted: you stopped listening pretty darned quickly when the truth wasn't what you wanted to hear.
If you read more carefully than he did he attributed a lot of the warming to China. Does any serious person think that China's crony capitalists are going to self-abnegate for the good of the world? The top 5 tactics of climate alarmists a/k/a warmistas: 1) Extrapolation of trends that are in fact cycles (PDO cycles like sunrise/sunset times are cyclical yet the warmistas could hypothesize 24 hour darkness or light); 2) Fake experts (Al Gore unwilling to debate Bjorn Lomborg, author of The Skeptical Environmentalist when he discovered that he was a real scientist) 3) Impossible expectations (that China and India wouldn't more than replace any "savings" and that any sane politician, even if pro-Kyoto won't reduce his own peoples' standard of living while chasing his tail); 4) Misrepresenting the science and logical fallacies (see 1 above, also omitting the fact that every real scientist hedges by writing what "could" happen rather than what "will" happen); 4a) Misrepresenting the science and logical fallacies (spoliation of evidence, such as the East Anglia e-mail-gate) 5) In place of "Conspiracy theories" Ignoring effects of financing incentives on scientific research and formation of governmental committees. Honesty is not on the list.