Still a current pilot here but looking for a new taildragger. Probably a Cessna 140A ragwing.
No I don't, Just private, got my ticket in 81. When I started I was a young man, 30, with great dreams, wanted a float rating, started looking at instrument, we didn't have the simulaters they have now. Events in my life changed my dreams. OK, I just looked it up, the 201 is an M20, marketed as a 201 for it's speed.
What’s insulting to the 9/11 victims’ families is the atrocious failure of the US government to conduct a legitimate investigation into 9/11. Several of them are petitioning Congress to investigate it. I would say “re-investigate” but since that was never done it would be inappropriate.
I used to get a kick out of the conspiracy nuts when this first started, saying it took an experienced pilot to fly those planes. Not so. The aircraft is already air born, and all you are doing is steering it, to a visable target in broad daylight. Like driving a car with no traffic. You are not concerned with overspeed, oil pressure, air pressure, engine temp, cabin pressure, landing gear, and all the critical points a pilot needs to work with. The one that hit the pentagon was probably ready to self destruct anyway, and could not have recovered.
Irrelevant to the failure to conduct a legitimate forensic investigation. You’re avoiding the failure to do a required parts match. As an alleged pilot you should know the protocol. That you don’t tells me you’re not a pilot.
Cognitive dissonants should not be explaining psychology to anyone. Another term for it is the Stockholm Syndrome.
Anyone with two brain cells knows there is a mountain of evidence proving 9/11 was never legitimately investigated by the US government, especially given that a vast volume of those fully sourced facts have been posted in this section of the forum.
Obviously you don't know what Stockholm Syndrome is. I'll give you a hint, Patty Hearst had it, or claimed to.
Thanks for admitting you know nothing about NTSB airplane crash investigations. But that was pretty obvious anyway.
LOLOL Pilots don't train for that. An AP. would. Doesn't mean I don't know anything about it. Just countering where you said a pilot should know. You haven't the slightest idea of which you speak.
He thinks the NTSB and FAA are part of the conspiracy. Since I've worked with both, the Stockholm Syndrome, in his opinion, kicks in. He's completely wrong, of course. OTOH, I've learned to never try to rationalize irrational behavior. Obviously several people on this thread understand the 9/11 Truthers are conspiracy theorists....and that most sht too close to the house, so it's not like we're going to prove anything here. The Truthers can't be reasoned with. Better to just talk airplanes.
Finally back to the subject of this thread. Good point. So that brings up a whole bunch of issues. I’m willing to wager you have no idea what they are because you’re fixated on attacking/ridiculing those who haven’t bought the official fairy tale.