SU-35 vs F-22 RAPTOR Fighters Battle

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Destroyer of illusions, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. yacc

    yacc Member

    Jun 10, 2015
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    I would rather agree that killing of stolen cars is much more interesting task than killing of tanks being threatened by air-defence :)
  2. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    The total destruction of that entire 50 mile long convoy is the moment when President George Bush Sr. decided to end the war.

    After the Highway of Death incident it was no longer a war but rather a slaughter as it was apparent that the Iraqi's Soviet and Russian made military equipment and weapons systems was vastly outclassed by American systems.

    So we ended the war.

    Bush Sr. KNEW that although Saddam was a murderous and vicious SOB he still was the only one preventing an all out Sunni/Shia Civil War in Iraq.

    I personally was completely against the Invasion of Iraq but I was very much in favor of what we did in Afghanistan until some idiots in D.C. decided to go NATION BUILDING.

    The Invasion of Iraq was for the sole purpose of demonstrating to the world the vast superiority of the U.S. Military over a nation that was said to have the 2nd or 3rd largest standing army in the world and equipped with Soviet and Russian front line Weapons platforms and systems.

    It was thought the war in Afghanistan was too remote for the world media to cover.

    I was against going into Iraq.....and I am against direct U.S. Military involvement in Syria as we had that situation under control until Obama went public saying he wanted to OVERTLY supply Syrian Rebels in Syria when we were making sure the right people got weapons covertly.


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