It seems to me that we are in a situation somewhat like the time of the Prophet Elijah. 1Kings 18:21 I began to study these experiences a great deal back in 1990. They immediately made me realize that the "soul sleep" doctrine that I had been taught was almost certainly in error. I got kicked out of two churches due to disagreements mainly over that doctrine. But as a Christian there was no way that I could deny the possibility of people having an "out of the body experience!" 2 Corinthians 12:2 But I know that many Christians struggle with these accounts..... partly because they are offended that people are shown going to heaven who have not "accepted Yeshua - Jesus" in quite the same manner that they did?!?! Howard Storm: Here is the verse that causes many Christians to reject NDE accounts as a deception from the dark side of the force. Acts 4:12
2Corinthians 11:14 This verse is one of the main reason why these NDE accounts are so controversial in churches. The Catholic Bible has an interesting verse that seems to indicate a promise between the Elohim who formed Adam and Eve to appear to us and judge us. Baruch was the friend and scribe for the Prophet Jeremiah. The Book of Hebrews also has a promise of some sort of judgment after our deaths. Hebrews 9:27
I heard quite many stories about people went to heaven without being dead. Shane warren, the boy in "Heavel is for real", he didn't die when he went to heaven, and many many others. Like Mary K Baxter was taken in Heaven and Hell, she was not dead, she was shown that they are real, and tell people about it. All these give weight on out of body experience and NDE. It's not hard to understand these, if we understand we were given spirit when we were created and have experience of Holy Spirit who dwell in us. My guess is that if people don't have the Spirit of Truth in them, they won't get it. It is the Grace of God to given us understanding and wisdom. However, we have to be careful, because it is also true that some accounts are from the dark side. I saw some NDE experience on youtube, I can tell quite many of them are from the dark side, not all. Fallen angels and aliens are also able to take human spirit out of their bodies too, and pretend to be good. The second heaven belongs to them. I would guess, half & half in all the cases. Ask God for the Spirit of Discernment if you want to make sure. The Holocaust, I am very relief to know that the Angel was there meeting them, meeting their spirits and souls. I heard about same thing happened in 9/11 site I found these very encouraging. We really don't have to be afraid of dead.
Yes..... I have heard some of those stories as well....... To my thinking they fit perfectly with many near death experience accounts. Dr. P. M. H. Atwater saw what was happening in the invisible dimensions in the hours and days after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. It sure sounds similar to what Howard Storm was shown happened to the souls of the Jews who were murdered in the holocaust. What happened to the souls of those who died on September 11, 2001? I read much of this several years ago and I personally........ do happen to believe in the basic accuracy of what three time near death experiencer Dr. P. M. H. Atwater reports seeing happening to the souls of those who died on September 11. I personally do not think that this contradicts the Christian or Jewish Bible teachings on what happens to us after we die! I honestly believe that Muslims could well come to a much more peaceful understanding of how they should understand the Koran due to this account! Please notice... the author has made this available to all of us for FREE! ........... ...........
The Jewish and Christian scriptures are pretty easy to misunderstand but near death experience accounts fulfill this scripture...… John 16:25
NDE's are dreams. There is no way you can prove they aren't and Occam's razor dictates that explanation must therefore be the one accepted scientifically.
indeed it's a lot of babble but nde does clarify a lot of the meaning. - - - Updated - - - No it can be proved by providing unobtainable information.
You can’t obtain unobtainable information by definition. What you mean is that individuals appear to have access to information without an identified source. That doesn’t prove any of the multiple possible explanations for NDEs though, only that there is some source of information that hasn’t yet been confirmed. To prove your preferred explanation for NDEs, you’d first need to establish the mechanism by which you’re proposing the information could be transmitted to the subject.
Dude!!!!!! Did you know that you were inspired when you reminded me of.......... One of the possible implications of that story is that Zeus (Greek) may well equal Azazel (Hebrew)?????????! I don't know that for sure........ I could be wrong but read The Book of Enoch, chapter 13.......... Read Leviticus 16:10 in the RSV.........… Then read what I tried my best to explain to Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander back in 2010....... and........ wow..... this is kind of heavy???????!!!!! The probable implications.......... Azazel - Zeus..... becomes the epidome of this verse......… Luke 7:47 Rabbi ........, linking Jerusalem Third Temple with Grand Unified Theory of Modern World Problems.Wednesday, April 14, 2010 1:00 PM
Yes... but in order to stop fighting we must begin to see where the problem is partly our fault.... and not merely the fault of the people we have been taught are our adversaries...... For example... about a decade ago now I ran into the near death experience account of Mr. Christian Andreason and the way that he worded what he was shown about certain questions....... caused this red neck from the back woods of Nova Scotia to finally begin to understand the world view of the political left??????!!!!!! Sincere apologies for taking 5 years to understand NDE comments on Gay Community! I personally am ashamed of myself for being a Christian who could not understand this message for about five years!!!!! 9. What about sexually diverse people?
NDE accounts hold the key to peace between the newly formed Jerusalem Sanhedrin with the Vatican and with Pope Francis. I believe that they even hold the key for cooperation between Pope Francis with The Donald along the line of how President Ronald Reagan worked with Pope John Paul II to bring down the Iron Curtain?! Dear Pope Francis...... how about we assist the Jews to get Rabbi Nachman back? ........... (post #82)..... In my opinion The Jerusalem Sanhedrin is basically correct....... and The Vatican was acting in a sincere and well intentioned.... but unwise and naïve manner??????!!!! (I think)????!
Why do you first need to establish that mechanism? For example. If a nde subject comes back and tells us that a tin pot can be found underneath stony ground some where and he has no reason either to know that or to want to know that. What are we to make of it? Must we provide an entire new physics first? Before we can say the information comes from a spiritual source? Think of sherlock holmes famous maxim.
Exactly the same thing we’d make of it if they’d said that following any other event or situation; That they appeared to have gained information they have no apparent reason to know. By definition the evidence here doesn’t establish any source for that information. We are left with no idea of what that could be which it means it could be almost anything. On a side note, I’m not aware of any case where such detailed and specific information has been said to have come about following an NDE. I’m not aware of any independently recorded examples providing anything close to that at all. It doesn’t need to be “new physics” (and there’s really only one “physics”. New discoveries just build upon it). You do need to establish what the “spiritual source” you’re claiming actually is and provide some evidence supporting the existence of such a thing and then evidence that it was the source of the information. It’s the standard observation, hypothesis, evidence process and there is no valid reason for this field to be treated any differently. You’ve not eliminated any possible explanations though. You’re just leaping immediately to one specific explanation, the possibility of which has yet to be determined.
Yes...… if I remember correctly this is being studied by.....
Honest Joe... have you ever read the explanation for higher energy invisible space time dimensions that is an important part of String Theory? You will find several good quotations on the subject here:
The many ways that an NDE can be induced seems to indicate that there is more to this phenomena.
Near death experience accounts give people a level of hope that isn't so clearly spelled out in scriptures. I am a Christian who believes quite firmly that NDE accounts fulfill this promise: John 16:25 "These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father."
And since NDE can be reproduced over and over again under essentially laboratory conditions....... this causes many experts to take them more seriously! The Trigger of Extreme Gravity: Dr. James Winnery's NDE Research By Kevin Williams
The evidence in support of astral projection or remote viewing...... lay a pretty solid foundation for NDE accounts.