I havemade and demonstrated the use of both thermite and various gasoline bombs, some of them self-igniting, and none of them have any of the properties that your delusions require of them.
You have not proven it. How gasoline and a flame react in open air has nothing to do with how jet fuel in an oxygen-poor environment behaves.
but this is how it looks when it deflagrates LOL You spent the last 2 months in every post playing with your new word and when I show you an example you do not even recognise it. and of course that is exactly what is missing in the alleged plane impact. see that no deflagration when it hit all that concrete and steel. shadows from the wrong angle, parts of the building being destroyed where there is no aircraft to destroy it, must have been fear factor LOL
Lose the attitude. I know what deflagration is. I am a veteran fire fighter and you may have been in diaper, or not even twinkle in your father's eye when I learned to make Molotov cocktails. There is no parallel between your crappy GIF and a jet crash, just based on the flash point of gasoline versus JP5. and of course that is exactly what is missing in the alleged plane impact. http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o296/nine_one_one/wtc2fakeplane073.gif see that no deflagration when it hit all that concrete and steel.[/QUOTE]Only a rookie expects it to deflagrate in that oxygen-poor environment with no source of ignition. The shadows are so vague that they could be either a digital artifact or very soft reflected light. Give it up.