Why is it that all truther videos and .gifs look so extremely distorted. I mean, for real. They look absolutely ridiculous. You can barely even make out what is on them, and yet they use them like they're "absolute proof"
and nist, fema, asce, 911 omission commission used several of them in their reports LOL another PLONK
Yours are still too crappy to be worth anything, and you present them in a deliberately confusing way that does not permit analysis. Cheap trick and ineffective. It just shows that you have diddly.
It already is. The love of theory is the root of all evil. Bill Whittle summed it up nicely. Conspiracy theorists are like model train hobbiests. They spend their lives fabricating a miniature world. The houses are just so. Every tree is in its place. When they venture out into the real world it's to collect odds and ends to build on their imaginary one down in the basement. They view the real world through this lens. Always asking themselves, how does this fit into my train set world? Pieces that don't work or fit are just tossed out the window. http://ramparts360.com/afterburner-with-bill-whittle-the-train-set/
Kind of like that, only completely different. See, the Pentagon camera was doing the exact job that it was installed to do. The camera was designed to pick up license plates, and car descriptions at the gate that was right below the camera. That is why they used a fish eye lens, it enlarges the closer images. However, it then makes objects that are further away harder to distinguish. The pentagon largely used foot patrol to provide security for the building. In comparison to truther crap. Truthers take normal video footage and destroy it. Upload it, degrade it, and then try to use to prove their point. That's why the sky is either way too bright or way too dark. That's why the buildings are always messed up, and the entire thing is pixilated.
That and all the pieces outside and inside the pentagon,fraud...of course proof like that is 'ridiculous' to truthers
And that was the OOOOONNNLY camera there, right? Perhaps hidden somewhere in those 80 some odd confiscated videos could offer something (if only we could see the original contents of those other cameras).
Yesterday I watched a cat play with a piece of string for about ten minutes, and though about how easily the dumb cat was kept amused. Then I realized I had wasted ten minutes watching a cat play with a piece of string.
Yeah, RT, it was the only camera there. I am not sure if you missed it, you probably didn't you're just purposefully lying. I stated that they used FOOT PATROL to provide security for the entire building. Can you guess why that is? No, because your incredulity is so thick that it gives you blinders. They use foot patrol because people can hear things. You know things like: Other people running, doors shutting, trees rustling, etc. They can also peek in places that cameras can't, as cameras are stable. That's a fact, and something you can't dispute, so you better step up on handwaving it away. Secondly, and for the millionth time, the (*)(*)(*)(*)ing footage has been released. How in the hell are you not getting that? It's all available whenever you'd like to see it. You can sit in your mom's basement while she's cleaning up your room and watch it all day long. Here's a huge surprise for you....there's nothing on it. As has been explained to you a thousand times, other companies don't pay for security cameras to watch a completely different (*)(*)(*)(*)ing building. They use it to watch their own buildings.
They were certainly confiscated very quickly. I wonder why the confiscators thought there might be something of interest for them to observe? (probably because THERE WAS). Perhaps you could lend me a link where I could see all of the original contents of those confiscated tapes that show nothing? Thanks in advance.
You have nothing but your incredulity to back that with. There was, at best, an outside chance that some camera was pointed down the street over which the aircraft flew, but it is not likely that it was poionted up at the sky. They just had to have a look. And you are still stuck with the fact that nothing smaller than a 757 couldl have made 757 wing prints in the facade.
You're asking for proof that it was not demolished by unicorns. The imprint of a 757 is there. It is up to you to demonstrate that it could be anything else.
Go to your favorite site, youtube, and type in "PENTTBOM", it's all there. You can see the security footage all day, everyday. You don't need anything special or a secret knock or anything. There have been several other truthers that have watched it and admitted there was nothing on it. Let's face it though RT, you're going to come up with some reason not to watch it or to say it's a lie. Why do you even waste your time?
Dude I personally watched the 2nd plane hit live on CNN... Your ridiculous clip above is a fraud.. I saw the plane hit the tower, so did everyone else watching when it happened.. It wasn't a bomb, or a missile, or a floating orb,it was a plane... Your claim is silly..