The difference between Conservatives and Liberals

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by bodyforlife, May 27, 2011.

  1. Joe Six-pack

    Joe Six-pack Banned

    Oct 4, 2008
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    I think you want the Government to control your mind, body and soul because you think the masses are too dumb to create a good society. I'm a Liberal because I think people are smart and moral enough to have a free society. But my liberalism is extended to monetary and property rights, because people earn the money they make and property they buy with it. If you work all your life for something, it should be yours and the taxes you pay should be moderate so that you can enjoy the fruits of what you have achieved. As a Liberal, I don't feel I benefit from massive US debt spending, record deficits, four wars, massive government intrusion on civil rights, human rights, privacy, property and self determination.

    As a Liberal, I don't need Government to tell me how to live my life. Thanks, but no thanks.
  2. Warspite

    Warspite Banned

    May 2, 2011
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    They should, but you also need to give back to the society that facilitated those earnings in the first place. Social debt.
  3. liberalminority

    liberalminority Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    conservatives are generally for economic freedoms and liberals are generally for social freedoms

    the libertarians are for both economic and social freedoms.
  4. James Cessna

    James Cessna New Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Obama sincerely believes he has the Hispanic vote in his pocket!
  5. TheAmerican

    TheAmerican New Member

    Jul 13, 2012
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    A liberal will look at people being shot up at a school and think, we need to change something about our school environment and gun laws.
    A conservative will have an NRA rally.

    A liberal will see some Muslims as terrorists and say "remember, the crazy few don't speak at all for the whole"
    A conservative will try to make sure their mosques aren't too close to our homes

    A liberal will see thousands of people dying for lack of health care and every other developed country in the world with a more comprehensive system and say "we need to change something"
    A conservative will say "I don't want anything new"

    A liberal will look at school prayer and perpetual Christian bible pushing in a secular state and say "hey, we can believe what we want and there is separation of church and state. Believe what you wish, and let us do the same"

    A liberal will look at history and see that we have consistently disregarded those different than us. We saw slavery and fought to change it. We saw women being treated less than men and we passed legislation to make that stop, and we see gay people fighting for their right to be married and we say "they deserve the same rights as you and me"
    A conservative fought to keep slavery, to contain the woman to the kitchen, and to keep the gays in the closet

    A liberal doesn't want an abortion, they don't get an abortion but they make (*)(*)(*)(*) sure no
    One can make that descision for them.
    A conservative doesn't like abortions, they condemn it and all programs that support it no matter how beneficial the program is in other ways.

    Now, I'm not wholly liberal or wholly conservative. Both sides have their flaws and this list certainly doesn't reflect the whole, or even the majority of conservatives. But if you're going to put out a foolish, narrow minded list criticizing liberals (many of which aren't based in reality), then you need to understand that you're being narrow minded.

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