Aside from the glaringly obvious fact that you've personally never felt the Earth spin or orbit around anything at all, you still probably believe it does anyways. And why wouldn't you? Many of you even went on to college and paid someone to reassure you that it does. Like you, I too was essentially snagged out of my home by the state at the earliest age possible and aggressively force fed the psychotic, illogical and delusional Religion we call "Science". I know just how convincing the suggestions of an authoritative teacher can be. It can all be rather intimidating for a kid, as the severity of these lessons are compounded by hundreds of "tests" which decide whether or not they will fit in, and will be allowed to advance to the next grade alongside all of their friends. A percentage of you are fortunate enough to have been home schooled. While your parents do deserve recognition for their good intentions, it is still highly unlikely that you were ever given any real knowledge during your supposedly "alternative" indoctrination process. Science is a Religion. Outside of simple physics and chemistry, none of it holds any weight, bears any importance, or produces anything other than outlandishly speculative Religious dogma. Science attempts to "out-Bible" the Bible with its notable Patriarchs and Matriarchs, its endless stream of retranslations and reinterpretations of borrowed ideas and most importantly of course, its demand for your blind and unwavering loyalty despite its seemingly innumerable flaws. Now, it is known that Science often shoves its foot so deep into its own mouth, there's no choice for them but to officially swap out one untestable "theoretical" assumption for another dramatically differing yet still untestable theoretical assumption, and then claim it is Fact. Sympathizers of Science will say this vicious cycle repeats only because we are always learning. Ha! Because of the fact that their blatantly Religious assumptions are not provable, none of it matters. They can say whatever nonsense they want. Whatever Science's current belief is on that day, it is guaranteed to get shoved straight down the throat of every child in the civilized world for as long as they shall live. The Sun morphed from being 3mil miles away to being 93mil, the same exact way Horus morphed into Mithras, and then morphed into baby Jesus. One of Science's biggest shticks is "outer space", as we are all well aware. Those hungry for Godlike powers seek council with the Gods, themselves. Since the alleged 'Dark Ages' Science has fiendishly hijacked the dominion of those Gods, the Sky. In fact, they love the Sky so damn much, they tell you it completely surrounds us! Too bad for them that here in the real world, it's only ever ABOVE us. This matters not to the Religio-Scientifically pious. Pictures and videos produced by some Military Branch of some Imperial Government State (infamous for scandal, deception and corruption) are all that's needed to convince some people of a "fact". The Zodiac. A Pantheon, unchanging for thousands of years. Entire social structures formed upon their legend, ancient Monoliths were built in alignment with these celestial bodies. These bodies do indeed circle above, but they always come back to where they started. If the Earth were really... ..spinning on its Axis ..orbiting around a Sun ..within a Solar System that orbits a Galaxy's center ..within that Galaxy, itself traversing and expanding ..within a network of traversing, expanding Galaxies ..which are moving relative to all other Galaxies ..within a Universe which is itself expanding ..all at unimaginably breakneck speeds ...then this would not be possible. Stone Henge would no longer magically align to astrological events on the Annual Equinoxes. The same can be said of the Pyramids at Giza, as well as many other iconic Astrotheological Monoliths crafted by the Ancient seekers of the Gods. Polaris never moves. 365 days a year, regardless of the season. This alone immediately debunks the nonsense of an ever flip-flopping 23.5° tilt. Science hopes you don't ever simultaneously remember these two conflicting "facts". Astrotheological Witchcraft is the very foundation of the dark arts we sheepishly refer to as Science. However, this same Witchcraft and Sorcery is also the predecessor to the world's most dominant Religions. Religion cannot prove God's existence. Science cannot prove its own Big Bang, or any of its other theoretical chalkboard scribblings, for that matter. Both institutions parasitically thrive on humanity's Blind Faith. Gravity is a Mythological concoction. Replace "Gravity" with Density and all issues and arguments therein are resolved. Be careful what arguments you bring to the table in rebuttal of this easily observable fact, however. One misstep and you might slip into a debate over Centrifugal Force. After all, when Science wants to "simulate gravity" in a lab, all they do is use Centrifugal force. Let that sink in for a moment. Why does a Westbound flight from Miami to LAX take the same amount of time to accomplish as an Eastbound flight from LAX to Miami? At the latitude over which most of said flight path would likely occur, the Earth is Assumed to be spinning nearly 800mph. At a cruising altitude of 32,000 feet, SURELY that 800mph rotation beneath such a distant airplane would be observable over a length of hours. Just think of the exponential factors involved, especially if we're also accounting for the Assumed ball shaped surface rotating beneath said airplane, as it travels West at approximately 500mph. In theory, this plane should be traveling 1300mph or more, relative to the ground. This should result in a much faster Westbound flight. Yet it does not. Big Momma Science can't logically explain this one away. They are even so bold as to claim that, because the flight takes place within Earth's atmosphere, the laws of Simple Physics don't apply... ...and relative to the atmosphere and to this that & the other, it still just takes the same amount of time, so Shut Up, sit down and stop asking so many Damn questions!! Yes, every single astronaut in history has been a proud Freemason. In fact, the attainment of a certain rank or degree within their suspicious and shadowy temple is a prerequisite for all "rocket men". In this life, you are expected to join one of these two Religions. Both of the paradises offered by these two institutions of Religious Faith are entirely out of reach to you. The new religion doesn't even need some silly old book. The new religion is backed by the Television! And all that Television does is tell you exactly what you will want, what you will think, what you will worship and what you will hate. It's fine if you'd rather just trust the Freemason Brass and their top secret Cold War space magic videos. I understand. It's romantic, cool, all that good stuff. Just don't expect me to take anything you say all too seriously...
Source citation needed for the OP. So there are two speeds, one relative to the space an object occupies, and one relative to the earth. As for a flight from Miami to L.A. you need to realize that as it sits on the runway awaiting clearance it is technically going 800 mph backwards assuming that the earth is rotating 800 mph W to E. At altitude and a cruising speed of 600 the jet would be flying 200 mph backwards relative to the space that it occupies yet have a forward ground speed of 600 mph relative to the earth. Jets use ground and air to gauge speed and often the airspeed will be different than the groundspeed... for example storms or flying with the jet stream.
Yesterday, somebody hit me in the head with a block of cheese they threw from their car. It was Sharp American, which ironically is my favorite cheese and had the situation been a little different, I would have been grateful for the donation. But no, there I was the victim of a fromage drive-by and I didn't even have a quarter to play one of those games with the grippy claw and the old stuffed animals. That was really the reason I took my boat to the garage that day, Danny had mentioned his cousin's girlfriend had given him a line on a Walmart the next town over. But all of those plans turned to ash with the careful aim of a half crazed cheese tosser. I called the police, but the cheese crimes investigator had taken a sabbatical a few years prior and never returned. Apparently the call of Wisconsin was too strong for his will to bear and he broke under the constant temptation of that cheese loving state. So there I was, all cheesed up, no consolation grippy game stuffed animal thingie, and now, no chance for any kind of justice. I went home, made some ramen noodles, and I went to sleep. Thank god it will never be May 14th, 2015 ever again.
As they say, it's all relative. I wonder if you have ever talked to anyone in another time zone. Why is it night in China when it is daytime in America? You have no concept of scale, do you? Oh, there is something dense about your argument, but it isn't gravity. You're probably also wondering why it takes just as long to walk from the front of a train car to the back when it is travelling at 70 mph as it does to walk from the back to the front. Let that sink in for a moment.
You mean.... I could've looked to the same people who filmed Moon Landings in a desert and passed it off as real for reinforcement of their blind faith religious dogma? Do you even comprehend the magnitude of the ball shaped earth deception? Do you know why their Religion makes them claim this nonsense? - - - Updated - - - Man, I've never once see you propose a single argument against my work. All you do is mock. {Mod Edit - Rule 2 Insult} - - - Updated - - - Like I said in the OP... Outside of chemistry and simple physics, science is nothing but dogma. Chemistry and simple physics designed this tablet. Next??
Lol. You're claiming an airplane at 32,000ft, at 500mph, spinning against an object going 800-1000mph is going to produce the same observable effects as a train traveling on the ground at 70mph? Also, if you'd take 5 seconds to look at a real flat earth model (which includes the moon and sun paths above us) you would clearly understand the times zones and the way we are lit by the sun and moon at certain times of day. Its a very simple model.
You are confusing the universe with the Milky Way galaxy. The galaxy, which contains the constellations, is not expanding.
You just validated my claims, though. How do these monoliths line up to those constellations? You confirmed the claim in the OP. Thank you.
Simple physics designed what we see in the modern world? Newtonian physics designed the modern world? How much has quantum physics, which is not simple physics is used in this modern world? Perhaps one day you will take on quantum theory to show us how we are all being fooled there as well?
Science is a religion???? I disagree, although they do tend to have similarities; religion being a satisfaction of ones virtues to the perceived world; science being a means to an end under any set of personal desires. From the elemental senses, the supposition that a circumstance that occurred once can be repeated under the correct variables, it can be verified. Look into the sky; gaze at the sun; from the hierarchy of postulates you can describe the simple motion of it as it is perceived to you, hopefully otherwise you'd be in the one percentile; the discussion of this is something else hopefully you have enough sense not argue for it. Then look at the planetary bodies that appear in the sky, you see that this has motion with similitude of the sun; however, you can't describe this simple motion using the postulate that the bodies are geocentric; you have to accept the opposite; once this has come into terms, the motion of the planets still can't be describe if the others orbiting the sun while earth is stationary. From this you come to conclusion that the earth, by necessity, orbits the sun; that it orbits on it's axis; that it is tilted at angle when doing so. Now quantum mechanics is simply a partial explanation of a phenomenon that we don't have enough information to describe; this was Albert Einstein's fallacy, not understanding that quantum mechanics development is important in giving us insight to the description of the future science; otherwise, if this is in fact the ultimate description of the universe, we're bound philosophically to continue searching for fuller description of the mechanics at the atomic level.
If there was money to be made on this theory....or even the theory that the Sun orbited the Earth, not vice-versa? A rightwing think-tank would have been funded by Big Geocentrism and within weeks? Rush Limbaugh would convince his ditto-heads that not only is heliocentrism "a hoax"....but that Nicholas Copernicus was a "Commie."
When the atmosphere in which the airplane is flying also spins at 800-1000 mph with the ground, then yes, you would observe the same effects of relative velocity that you see on a train. If the Earth were flat, everything we've learned about geometry since Pythagoras would be wrong.
You're not factoring in the exponential increases of that air's speed at varying heights. If the earth is spinning 1000mph, and the earth is a ball, then the air must spin faster and faster, the higher one goes. What does Pythagorean geometry have to do with the shape of the earth? - - - Updated - - - Alleged "outer space". - - - Updated - - - Quantum theory is still just a theory. Nobody's ever seen a quanta.
The shape of the moon and sun in absolutely no way prove the earth is a sphere. Polaris never moves, therefore the tilt is a complete myth. Science is indeed a Religion. Its adherents are willing to die for it and it is, for the most part, based on blind faith. Atoms have never been seen. Blind faith in their existence is the exact same thing as blind faith in Allah, Jesus or Apollo.
As a physicist who is now designing electronics and software for a living, it's hard to understand why someone would use "atoms have never been seen" as an argument in this day and age. Only an extremely tiny part of the stuff going on all around us can be seen by our eyes. That's why most of the research during the last hundred years in the natural sciences dealt with the unseen and will continue to do so in the future. For example, we cannot see what's going on when it comes to electronics, but that doesn't stop anyone from manufacturing or using electronic devices. Our knowledge has expanded far beyond what's immediately accessible to our senses. The unseen is an integral part of everyday life for me, but perspectives vary, I guess. If anyone proposes a more elegant, quantitative approach to explaining the unseen than (quantum) physics currently offers, I'm all ears. For the time being, however, I'll work with the best theory I have access to. So far, that has worked out pretty well.
Atoms are so tiny your eyes cannot see them. But when we split them, and the chain reaction starts, you can sure feel them. As did the people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So not the same as allah, jc, or Apollo. You cannot see the electricity that energizes your pc. But stick your finger in a light socket, and you will not say blind faith is taking place.
<sigh> the pyramids don't 'lime up' with anything,they are a representation of the three stars in Orion's 'belt' And stonehenge 'lines up,ony on the solstice
You're not taking into consideration the scale of the atmosphere compare to Earth's radius. At an altitude of 100 miles, the atmosphere would have to be moving 25 mph faster, but again the airplane wouldn't care because it's speed is measured relative to the atmosphere, not a stationary point somewhere in space. If Earth were flat, then the Sun could only be 5,500 miles above it's surface to be directly overhead in Syene at the same time it was a 7° 12' angle in Alexandria, 575 miles due north. If it were this close, the parallax measured for other planets would be significantly greater. If Eratosthenes could figure this out 2,200 years ago, you certainly should be able to.
Wrong again. The great pyramid has an open shaft which lines up directly to some significant constellation. And yes, Stonehenge does align to constellations on the equinoxes. And HAS FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS. Thus the earth is not moving, big tex. All you are doing is validating Validation Boy's OP claims.
Why aren't airplanes required to constantly adjust downward, smart guy? Why doesn't Polaris ever move? Why does the Sun reflect off the ocean in a line towards the observer, when at an alleged distance of 93 million miles, its light should diffuse evenly over ALL the surface area of our plane(t) which is allegedly so tiny in relative comparison to the sun? See, you're in way over your head, fighting a battle you simply cannot win. You can come with all this Freemasonic Pseudoscience garbage about a sphere earth, but all I'm going to do is laugh at your parroted crap and keep trumping everything you could possibly argue, over and over and over again.