Well, for your ridiculous time lapse fakery to actually be real, Polaris cannot move. Make up your mind, Captain Double-Speak. Gravity is the Freemasonic religious pseudoscientific reinterpretation of the simple force we call Density. Airplanes would fly diagonally off into space if they weren't constantly readjusting downward, but they don't. The earth is thus flat and motionless. The geometry doesn't lie. A Sunbeam can't hit the ocean and come right up to the observer's feet in a straight line UNLESS the Sun is always ABOVE the observer. Are you honestly trying to tell me that the Sun can disappear over the alleged horizon, yet its emitted rays could still behave in this fashion? I'd really love to see you recreate THAT b.s. claim in a laboratory setting. LOL PLEASE think about what you're saying before you blab this Govt indoctrination nonsense, the next time.
Am I reading this right. Somebody still believes the earth is flat and stationary? My faith in humanity, or at least this forum, is waning.
None, you can take the pictures and do the measurements yourself. I did it in an intro to astronomy lab in 1998.
That isn't accurate. Several have been Freemasons, but not "every single" one. Regardless though, what's wrong with being a Freemason? Nothing. That is just false. The evidence provided by NASA is not "Freemasonic Pseudoscience". Quit with the stupid attacks and provide actual evidence to your ignorant theories. What Masonic groups are funding this type of research? How was Copernicus a Jesuit? There's also no proof that he was a Freemason since the earliest records of Freemasonry only go back to 1599. Al Gore is not a Mason. His father was I believe, but I'd have to verify that.
You do know the difference between hours and years, don't you? What's this, giving up on Intelligent Falling already? So according to your theory, airplanes don't have any density? Are you honestly trying to tell me that there is nothing ABOVE the ocean that could reflect sunrays down toward the ocean? PLEASE think. Period.
All I see here is a bunch of nonsense. I propose real questions, you throw crap back at me. Sorry, bro. Clouds don't concentrate sun rays into straight perfect lines which extend to an observer's feet. Ever. You've essentially given up, so I'm gonna make it easy on you and officially claim victory over you, as a man.
No oe here has 'given up' boy,especially since you show no common sense or even grasp basic science,,,,
I would like to see that as well, considering that Copernicus died in 1543, and the Jesuit Order was established in 1544.
Aeroplanes maintain a particular altitude to the earth. The plane is always relative to the earth. Just as a car is traveling relative to the road. When a plane hits an air pocket and drops, the pilot takes it back to the altitude he is supposed to maintain. When a plane is put on auto pilot, a computer makes the adjustments to maintain altitude and speed. When a pilot maintains say, 20 thousand feet, he is adjusting the plane to keep that altitude, to the surface of the earth. Not that hard to grasp.
If all you see is crap, then maybe you should have your eyes checked. Light from the sun reflects off everything, including clouds and even air molecules. Those rays are reflected in many different directions, including some that extend to your feet. That's how you are able to see where you're walking after the sun sets. So sayeth the pigeon.
You seem a bit confused. All you've done is support my claims, yet you keep saying I'm wrong. You're going to have to make up your mind, buddy.
Actually, millions are only NOW waking up to the Freemasonic deception of the currently accepted heliocentric model, and are beginning to debunk it with ACTUAL science.
...on the ASSUMPTION that Copernicus was an actual living person, that is. Your blind faith and "historical" religious dogma is unprovable. Copernicus might be no more real than Harry Potter, Casey Anthony or Jesus. I concede, I made an error in claiming he was a Jesuit. I'll admit that. But... He was the first Freemason, for sure, if he was a real man. - - - Updated - - - Entirely debatable.
I'd love to see a computer printout of just your average commercial airliner's midair adjustments. I'm pretty sure it would validate my claim.
Maybe you need your eyes checked. Your either on powerful hallucinogenics, or have a desperate need for bifocals if you're claiming you can see molecules, cause nobody ever has. Now, if the sun were SO FAR away, like Science claims, the rays would not be able to do what they do on the ocean. Even on a cloudless dusk sky. Like I said before... Shadows (caused by the Sun) cannot exist unless the Sun is at or above eye level to an observer. What are you going to do about it?
New flash for you. Everything you see is molecules. No, sun rays will not be able to do what you think they should do because you don't understand anything about basic physics. I'm not really sure what your point is here, but you seem to think the Sun is the only light source in this universe.