I don't believe atoms exist, let alone have they ever been split. You do know that atomic weapons are not real, don't you? If you actually watch the old footage of those famous nuclear explosions, you'll see how faked they were LOL. That whole "atomic bomb" song & dance was nothing more than Cold War propaganda, bro. And yes, I know electricity is invisible, SOME of the time... What's your point, again?
Since when are electrical currents and circuits something that's on the "Quantum level"? That made me laugh. You work with electricity. So where are your Quanta, again? Oh that's right, you can't prove they exist in any way, shape or form. How much does the Govt give you in salary to sit around and play with chalkboards and make funny symbols up which mean absolutely nothing?
It doesn't matter. I'm still right. It lines up with a celestial body, the sun. The earth is stationary. Thank you, once again.
[video=youtube;vVTLDtaQSL8]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVTLDtaQSL8[/video] You do know that all of your claims are completely opposed to observable reality, right?
Wrong, it does move by about 3/4 of a degree. (which is imperceptible to human eyes, but can be measured using telescopes, etc.) http://earthsky.org/space/north-star-movement
Polaris does 'move',but it's apparent motion goes unnoticed ,and it pretty much is at the NCP,about 3000 BC,the pole star was Thuban,in the constellation draco,As the progression of the equinoxes,which takes 27,500 years occured. Give it up,boy,you've lost
ROTFLAO Those Japanese in Nagasaki and Hiroshima would have heatedly disagreed with you....the ones that survived and had radiation sickness. I guess it wasn't radiation sickness, but home sickness for losing their cities.
It doesn't matter what they line up with. They still line up after thousands of years. I am correct. You are wrong. Thank you for validating all my claims, big TeX.
You do know that these particular types of time lapse photogography are fake, don't you? There's only one spot on this entire planet that someone could possibly capture such an image, dude. And they weren't there, were they? Plus, look how fake and cartoony that garbage looks, not to mention that its all on its side, not anywhere near where it should be on an alleged spherical surface.
Lol. I'm not even close to losing this argument. Explain away the entire list of celestial motions from the OP, and then I'll think about entertaining your wild claims that I'm losing.
Those people were bombed with regular bombs. Atomic weapons do not exist. How come there's essentially NO radiation there anymore? How come those Japanese people IMMEDIATELY started rebuilding their city? Cause there was no radiation. Cause A-bombs are a Cold War lie. Do a little research, man. You seem way too into this whole debate to still be coming to the table with such silly govt lies. I keep smashing your parroted nonsense to pieces with such ease. Where's your dignity?
Not fake. Could be shot anywhere in the northern hemisphere on a clear night. Not cartoony, but bright because of the high exposure involved in catching the starlight. Polaris does indeed appear low in the sky at a lower latitude, such as anywhere in the US of A, other than perhaps Alaska. You should try going outside and doing some stargazing sometime.
That's because the sun is tho only thing that's constant at the qunoxes,it doesn't go anywhere Why doesn't the sun line up the other 363 days? hmm?
Because the bombs were detonated above the cities, not at ground level, to maximize the damage from these small atomic bombs. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/new-technique-confirms-hi/ The research that went on after the war helped to set levels for later radiation therapy for cancer. You can find pics on the NET of those that suffered radiation damage and poisoning, but of course, when anyone is a denier, one will easily, but incoherently, dismiss any hard evidence as being a conspiracy. The Japanese are in on this conspiracy, and as one might add additional evidence, then you will move the goal posts, or claim that its just a conspiracy too. Do you not find it a bit incoherent, that only you and a scant few of human beings are right, while the entire world is wrong? Doesn't that raise some sort of red flag? Of course not. LOL I would hate it if humanity had the same views as you. We would still be pre-quantum, stuck in Newtonian and classical physics......wait......you cherry pick Newtonian physics too, or simply think that it is also a part of this monumental conspiracy. All evidence is quickly dismissed by your brain, as lies, and conspiracies. The size of the bin you keep these in is obviously very large. LOL Question: Do nuclear reactors that provided the energy for the Boomer I served on, actually exist? Or were we using diesel to stay under 3 months each time we went to parts unknown, to launch our nukes, in case Russia attacked us during the Cold War?
You have heard of gravity, haven't you? What makes you think that it doesn't? 3,000 years ago, the pole star was Thuban. Stick around a couple thousand years and it will be Gamma Cephei. Where do you think the light reaching your eye from all around you is coming from? If you don't think this is reflected sunlight, stand out in the middle of nowhere during a moonless night and tell me how much you can see. Sounds like the pigeon is about the crap on the chessboard. Laugh all you want, reality doesn't care whether you believe in it or not.
Could this be an elaborate and subtle parody of.....Climate Change Deniers? "Nicholas Copernicus was the Al Gore of his day!!!!!"
I am happy to entertain you. Your extraordinary claims throughout this thread made me grin too. While classical electrodynamics is nice and all, integrated circuits are all about atoms, crystal structures, doping, impurities, electrons, holes, and the resulting electrical properties. In other words, we're firmly in quantum physics territory. I am unaware of an accurate alternative theory for the behavior of semiconductors. I work for a private company and like all the funny symbols that help me design working products. As for ultimate proof that "quanta" exist, no one can provide that. All I can say is that quantum physics works exceptionally well and makes countless accurate predictions, some of which I verified personally. At the very least, nature behaves just as though there were "quanta" in a very wide variety of circumstances. That's good enough for a practical man like me.
So you must also be really into Tolkin, being such a huge fan of fantasy fiction and all. Just as long as we're both on the same page... Nobody's ever seen 1. A Quanta 2. An Atom 3. An Electron 4. Tangible evidence of "gravity" 5. An airplane ever adjust for any alleged curvature 6. A single non-CGI, non-NASA produced image of Earth from space 7. A non-Freemasonic or non-military group get funding to do this kind of research... correct? And you're SO confident? That takes an admirable amount of blind faith, brother. It's almost as if its your Religion or something. Very interesting.