,shadows are STILL caused by the sun,indirectly..... At twilight there is till enough light from the scattering of the suns rays by the molecules of air to cast shadows
'With a host of furious fancies Whereof I am commander, With a burning spear and a horse of air, To the wilderness I wander. By a knight of ghosts and shadows I summoned am to tourney Ten leagues beyond the wide world's end:: Methinks it is no journey.' Tom a Bedlam
LOL. My boss an old ww2 aviator used to fly me in his Cessna 172. He had to adjust altitude quite often to maintain his desired altitude. You ever fly? You hold air speed and altitude, that is what the controls are for. Granted if there is no turbulence it takes only small adjustments, but adjustments nonetheless. The size of the earth and it slight relative curvature doesn't require drastic adjustments, but on a long flight if you added up all of the slight adjustments made, it would equal the what was needed in flying over a globe. If you maintain the same latitude and have the fuel, you can circumnavigate this globe. But if you were in that plane you would claim trickery by the masons. So, the fact is, the evidence can never be there for you, for one has to accept evidence, and you just refuse to do that. Can't reach someone with that mindset.
Well, you cannot breath a vacuum. Ergo, something is real. And if something is real, it cannot be unreal. You got another word for atoms?
You're about 150 steps back in the discussion. That's something you're going to have to seek out for yourself. Trust me though, only a complete moron would ever expect to actually be aloud to find out.
1. Nope, still don't see the molecules. Are you high? 2. Cheap misdirection which settled nothing. 3. Another cheap misdirection which settled nothing.
You could INDEED prove it to me, though. It's 2015. Have somebody make a Video showing us, already! Why can't they? What are they hiding?
Why do I have to accept your wild notion of atoms, at all? I'm not going to play this game of yours. They've never been seen. They've never been interacted with. They've never been affected and singularly identified and evidenced. They are PURE speculation.
The Antarctic protection treaty mandates a military presence. The job of that Armed Force is to physically prevent "unauthorized" people from fully exploring the "continent". This is done under the guise of environmentalism. More Green lies, tex.
Don't accept my notion. Just provide an alternate notion for what is going on inside your lungs. Correct. Never identified and evidenced, just split and merged. As speculative as mathematics can be, I guess.
That would only cover the southern edge of a flat Earth. What about the northern, eastern and western edges?
You're so far behind. Please have some self dignity and look up the true flat earth model. I don't have the patience to explain everything to you beginners. - - - Updated - - - Maybe you should man up and research something FOR YOURSELF once in your life. I'm not here to regress all the way back to the basics.
You want me to research your narrative? Asking me to prove a negative. No thanks, I don't want to play your game. You don't get to frame the discussion in the light that validates your position only. Excuse me while I go have discussions with adults.