The London Riots

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Zook, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. Zook

    Zook New Member

    Sep 22, 2009
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    I know there are other races in Australia, but Australia is still overwhelmingly White. You don't get the kinds of negroids that England and USA gets and you don't understand the issues we face with them.

    Still, your non-Whites causes its share of violence and crime despite being an extreme minority.

    By the way, I'm just as much English as I am American.
  2. Zook

    Zook New Member

    Sep 22, 2009
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    I see no one's refuted anything I said in the OP. Not that I expected as much. This thread is littered with troll posts from anti-racist, *******s who can't argue with what I'm saying in a civilized manner so instead call me names and attack me because I dared speak the truth.

    Oh well, yet another point proven...

    Blacks will be the end of us all one day if current trends continue.
  3. Uncle Meat

    Uncle Meat Banned

    Jul 13, 2010
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    Somehow, I don't think either would rush to claim you as one of theirs.
  4. martin_777

    martin_777 Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    Good prove that multiculturalism is not working and why we should segregate from them.
    I think all whites, despite their nationality and differences should unite with Europe colored colonization. Sending them all back, despite of birth also is a good option.
  5. Viv

    Viv Banned by Request

    Jul 25, 2008
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    The rioters are multicultural, Bright Spark.

    Multiculturalism works so well that even The Mob is multicultural.
  6. Viv

    Viv Banned by Request

    Jul 25, 2008
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    NB: Shots were only fired by the Police as far as the information which has been released to date shows. The man's weapon is being tested to check whether it was fired. We don't even know yet (at least I don't) if the man presented a gun, or what the circumstances were surrounding the decision to shoot him.

    This is where you went wrong. The people who joined the protest are multicultural. Multi age. Multi class and details released so far show they are not unemployed. There has been a Teaching Assistant, two university students, a graphic designer, a 64 yr old man with a big knife in his pocket, a chef...

    You go wrong here also. The rioters were multicultural.

    When was the last all black riot in UK? It's been a while. Probably the last time the Rugby World Cup was held here and New Zealand fans left the Pub.

    The rioters are multicultural. It's not really clear why they rioted. There was a protest, but it seems more about class anger relating to the world economic crisis caused the reckless US financial sector.

    You went wrong here.

    The rioters are multicultural.

    The riots are taking place all over England, in Bristol, Nottingham, West Bromwich, Liverpool, Salford Manchester, Birmingham, probably missed one or two.

    London is not devastated. The people mobilised a clean up the next morning. The torched building in Croydon has been demolished and the shop owner is trading from his other shop. People are working with insurance companies to rectify the damage.

    There was no riot last night. People are obviously avoiding travel where possible until the situation stablises, but London has not ground to a standstill. The riots have for the moment. People are now ready for trouble and have organised into groups to support the authorities.

    You went wrong here.

    Every kind of person has been involved in the riots. White. Black. Asian. Educated. Employed. Unemployed. Male. Female. It's about class. Not race.

    I am not up on the demographics of London, but the people interviewed on tv in London were white.

    You went wrong here.

    The hordes riot when they're not happy. It's not about race, it's a by product of inept politics, class and anti-greed. As it no doubt is in every other part of the world where rioting is taking place, i.e. the Middle East or Greece or Italy (are these place full of black gangsters, I don't bloody think so).

    You went wrong here.

    The rioters are multicultural.

    I understand they initially protested because the man was not normally violent, Police would not release information about the shooting and it was assumed that is because the Police acted illegally. The Police cannot release details until details are established. Police here are called heavily to account for any shooting and more so since the Jean Charles de Menezes shooting. They are usually very careful not to release incorrect information.

    The people are very careful not to allow Police to shoot anyone illegally. They were making the point that the family are entitled to information about the death of their son.
  7. Zook

    Zook New Member

    Sep 22, 2009
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    Well I'm not going to tell you what part of London I'm in right now, but a building was firebombed just a mile away from me to give you an idea. Only a few windows were smashed around my bit on monday night and my local shopping mall and sports complex were completely boarded up. I couldn't even get my shopping/groceries in, I had to go back home and order them online.

    It's not that I think you're lying, but maybe Brixton wasn't as badly hit as say Croydon, Peckham, Deptford, Clapham Junction or Tottenham where entire buildings were set on fire.

    My comment still stands.

    I said "around 10%" indicating it's an estimation based on personal observation and obversing the news.

    My comment still stands.

    Clapham Junction is full of blacks and practically every looter I saw hitting Debenham's there was black.

    My comment still stands.

    You're being pedantic. If you're a Londoner you know which boroughs have the most blacks in them and are the ones to avoid... unless you're black yourself. But your spelling and grammar seem too good to be black.

    Peckham, Deptford, Lewisham, Tottenham, Brixton, Clapham Junction, Croydon and Catford are all known as predominantly black hellholes and all were hit in the worst ways.

    You can try and dig up as many stats as you like, but you're new to London if you try to deny those aren't black areas.

    Why weren't Bexleyheath, Welling, Eltham, Bermondsey or Wimbledon hit badly? They're all known as White neighborhoods. Infact, in Eltham all the Whites banded together to form a vigilante mob to stop all the looters. Infact, infact, I see every race in London doing this except the blacks. Why is that?

    Humans build, blacks destroy.

    My comment stands.

    Don't you understand that hundreds of Londoners were left homeless after having their houses firebombed during the riots? Are you not paying attention??

    70,000 jobs created each year by black businesses? Hell, they ruin hundreds of thousands of lives each and every year so it's not enough as far as I'm concerned. Considering the majority of them are racist as well, they're only hiring their own.

    I don't need sources for what I see with my own eyes.

    My comment still stands.
  8. Zook

    Zook New Member

    Sep 22, 2009
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    This riot was started by blacks and no one would be rioting if multi-culturalism wasn't FORCED upon the people of Britain in the first place. That is a FACT that no one can dispute.

    Every White rioter I've seen so far is a stone-cold wigger. Wiggers are trying to emulate their heroes... blacks... and black culture.

    This is what multi-culturalism brings to the table.
  9. Zook

    Zook New Member

    Sep 22, 2009
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    Anti-racists are pro-crime.

    This is the only conclusion I can come up with when you start arguing the semantics of why the police shot a gun-toting, drug-dealer dead. Why do you care whether he shot at the police first? I don't. A gun-toting, drug-dealing, black criminal is off our streets for good.

    If he was an angel that didn't do anything and was shot dead you'd have a serious point and I'd have to concede argument. But the police don't go around shooting law-abiding citizens otherwise I'd have been shot too.

    Yeah, I saw that teaching assistant. What a disgrace. As foul mouthed and "gangsta" as any other black I've seen rioting.

    I didn't go wrong. First of all I didn't say the uppity black mob that started this in Tottenham were unemployed. I don't care whether they are or not... and secondly, you have no idea whether the black teaching assistant, the graphic designer or the chef were the ones involved in the original riots in Tottenham that started all this... and thirdly, the original riots that started all this in Tottenham were done by a heavily majority black mob. I'll concede that many White wiggers have joined in in other areas of London, but the original mob that started this on saturday were black.

    The original rioters in Tottenham were NOT multi-cultural. They were black.

    Like I said, any White rioters hitting other areas of London are wiggers who are trying to emulate blacks and black culture.

    This was caused by blacks being outraged that the police shot and killed one of their thriving street businessmen, Mark Duggan.

    When was the last time blacks rioted in the UK? Well there was a race riot in Birmingham in 2005 when the blacks started attacking the Asians. I remember watching the news live and seeing them rob Asian and beat up Asian taxi drivers in front of the news crews. Then there was the infamous Brixton riots of the 80s. Let's not forget the murder of PC Blakelock during the Broadwater Farm riots.

    Moving on to America we see a common theme with blacks rioting. The L.A. riots, the Cleveland riots, the Cincinnati riots, the Philadelphia riots, the infamous Hurricane Katrina riots, etc, etc, etc...

    They're even rioting and attacking Whites in Philly today...

    [ame=""]Black Flash Mobs attack - YouTube[/ame]

    I mean, do you just bury your head in the sand when these events occur?

    The riots were started by blacks and the FACT remains that if London had no blacks no one would be rioting in Britain today.

    Do you live in London? I do at the moment. Many parts of London have ground to a standstill. On tuesday many shops and malls were closed.

    If you don't live in London you have no room to talk.

    Are you honestly trying to minimalise the furniture store that was torched in Croydon? That building has been standing since 1867... long before the blacks were invited to come and live in London. The owners are distraught and devastated. How dare you dismiss the devastation the blacks have caused in London. Hundreds are left homless, more are left carless and hard-working people's businesses are destroyed. Whether they are compensated or not, I'm sure they want to work today, don't you?

    People have certainly organised into groups. It's fantastic. However, I see every race in London doing this except blacks. I see Whites protecting their communities, Sikhs, Muslims, it's great. Where's the blacks trying to put a stop to all this with action?

    Re-read my quote you replied to here. You're starting to become annoying and redundant.


    I mean areas known to Londoners as heavily black areas. Of course no area of London is exclusively black.

    They are rioting for a cause in Greece. The economy has completely broken down. These blacks here are rioting because black gangster/criminal (MARK DUGGAN) was killed by police. How dare the police shoot a gun-toting, drug-dealing black "man." How bloody dare they! :mad: Let's go loot a carpet store and burn it down to the ground to teach those pigs a lesson! :mad:

    Your argument is stupid and short-sighted.

    I didn't go wrong anywhere, you're warped.

    No one rioted after Jean Charles de Menezes was killed by police because he wasn't black so blacks didn't care about him, even though Jean Charles de Menezes wasn't a gun-toting, drug-dealing criminal like Mark Duggan was.

    Don't you see the double standard??

    I spent way too much time on your nonsensical ramblings. Please come back with a better argument next time or leave it to someone who isn't logically bankrupt.
  10. Mockney

    Mockney New Member

    Aug 10, 2011
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    Well MY area of London is Clapham. So I know full well how much of that was brought to a standstill. The Junction area was, as obviously all the shops that were targeted were closed and cordoned off for the majority of the day, but the rest of Clapham was functioning quite normally, as indeed was the rest of London that wasn't directly hit. Even places just outside of the cordoned area (where police were still investigating) were open.

    Yes the shops all shut by four on Tuesday. Which was hugely inconvenient, for two hours, of one day. Absolutely dreadful it was.

    My point was you over-exaggerated the chaos here. It wasn't 9/11. In Clapham it was St Johns Road and the latter end of Lavender Hill. London was operating at a good 90% functionality on practically every day of the rioting, so "London a beautiful City has been ground to a halt" was grossly over exagerrated for dramatic effect.

    This is Clapham the day after the Junction riots. I was there, cleaning up.


    Looks absolutely desolate doesn't it?

    I'd add here - just for the sake of it - that if you genuinely believe that all the areas hit were "black" areas, then why do you even care if they were "ground to a halt"...Because the only areas that were, were presumably these black areas. Not the good old normal white areas, which were completely fine and operating as normal...As every area I've been to over the last few days has been.

    Through hugely tinted spectacles I imagine.

    Again, where have you gotten this from? Clapham is actually one of the least "black" places in the Lambeth area. Brixton is far more "black" and you've already admitted yourself that....

    ... So no, Brixton, with it's large black population, wasn't as badly hit as Croydon, which is even more White than either, with a majority white population of over 72% - (Demographics of Croydon) compared to 63% in Lambeth, and 65% in Harringey...

    You're forgetting Enfield, which is 76% White (Demographic of Enfield) which has also been hit, badly, with the sony warehouse being burned down.

    So you're basically arguing against your own argument. The "blackest" area of the 4 was the least hard hit. Well done you.

    [ame=""]London Riots Clapham (Debenhams) - YouTube[/ame]

    Perhaps you should look again. I can see several white people in this video. Including one (accompanied by another white youth) hitting Debs window with a plank.

    ...On shaky ground.

    I'm not being pedantic. I'm being factual. You claimed there were only black boroughs hit. This was factually inaccurate in the sense that no borough is black, and also something you're contradicting by admitting areas with a higher white population, like Croydon or Enfield, are being hit worse than areas like Brixton.

    I'm not.

    No they're bloody well not. As I've proven. With facts.

    I was born in London, and have lived here all my life, bar 4 years in Leeds in my early 20s. My Dad was born in Southwark, my mum in Putney, and myself in Wimbledon.

    Why wasn't Stratford hit at all? Why wasn't Finsbury Park? Why wasn't Vaxhaull? Why was Enfield, why was Croydon?

    And a great job they did too..

    You don't need sources to make assumptions no. You do need them in order to prove your prejudices, and to have anyone else take them seriously.
  11. Zook

    Zook New Member

    Sep 22, 2009
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    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Attacked: Richard Mannington Bowes, 68, (left) was critically injured after the riots in Ealing. Right, the suspect that police are hunting in connection with the attack

    Horrific: Mr Mannington Bowes lies injured on the floor and fire rages around him after attempting to put out the flames lit by rioters

    Suspect: Police have released this CCTV image of the man they want to talk to over the attack

    But it's okay, a few of the rioters were White...
  12. Mockney

    Mockney New Member

    Aug 10, 2011
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  13. Zook

    Zook New Member

    Sep 22, 2009
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    Because I live just a mile from one of those heavily black areas that were hit on monday night. That's why I care.

    Not as rose-tinted as yours.

    I've been to Clapham Junction many-a-time and it's full of blacks. You know it, I know it.

    Brixton was still hit far worse than a vastly majority White area like Welling though, funny that, huh? :)

    This is Enfield. Where Whites have set up a vigilante group to counter all the trouble-making black rioters. Listen to the commentary. "They're chasing all the blacks."

    [ame=""]Vigilante group chasing rioters in London Enfield - YouTube[/ame]

    Blacks are doing the majority of the rioting and the majority of the violence. If London had no blacks NO ONE would be rioting in the UK at the moment. That is a FACT. They started all this.

    Areas I consider with high White populations are Welling, Eltham and Sidcup. None of which were hit. Funny that.

    Yes they bloody well are actually. You've probably never been to any of them. They're full of blacks.

    You act as though you're new to London. Southwark is full of blacks and it was badly hit on monday. Peckham was one of the worst places hit, do you know anything about Peckham's reputation?

    I heard a rumor that Stratford was hit, but it was only a rumor, I have no idea. Regardless, those are Asian areas, Finsbury Park and Stratford. I'm not against Asians or Muslims, I think they contribute to society on some levels. I'm just sick to death of all the black violence which is absolutely out of control unless you don't have a set of eyes.

    They're trying to protect their neighborhood from the riots. At least they have balls to step up and do something, unlike appeasers like you.
  14. Beevee

    Beevee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2009
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    This thread is now far too complicated for me.

    I'm out!
  15. Zook

    Zook New Member

    Sep 22, 2009
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    You don't win anything... what did they do?? Loot a few shops? Smash a window? As far as I've heard no one got seriously injured in Manchester.

    In my pictures a 68-year-old man got beaten half to death. He's still in a coma as we speak. Hasn't regained consciousness. He was battered by a black guy twice his size. For what? Stamping out a fire the black lit in a bin.

    What is wrong with you?? You're incapable of looking at the bigger picture.

    Now... what do I win?
  16. Zook

    Zook New Member

    Sep 22, 2009
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    I agree. Mockney ruined it with all his pedantic "64.3% white area" nonsense.

    The original post in this thread pretty much sums up what happened with the UK riots, from a racially aware perspective. Not a rose-tinted ******* perspective.
  17. Zook

    Zook New Member

    Sep 22, 2009
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    Below is the moment a big black thug brutally beat an elderly 68-year-old man into a coma (critical condition) for stamping out a fire the black started in a wheelie bin.

    Attacked: Richard Mannington Bowes, 68, (left) was critically injured after the riots in Ealing. Right, the suspect that police are hunting in connection with the attack

    Horrific: Mr Mannington Bowes lies injured on the floor and fire rages around him after attempting to put out the flames lit by rioters

    Suspect: Police have released this CCTV image of the man they want to talk to over the attack


    Below is (Mockney's reply) the moment a few White wiggers smashed a window or two in Manchester...


    Kinda tells the entire story about these riots, don't you think?
  18. Mockney

    Mockney New Member

    Aug 10, 2011
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    And I live in one. And I care too. But I can tell you that Clapham isn't heavily black. Unless by "heavily" you mean under 10% of the population.

    It's full of many many more whites. And I live right next to it. And even if it was, it isn't the reason for the rioting.

    And Enfield was hit far worse than a low white population area like Hounslow (60%) or a (relatively) high black population like Willesden...We can all play this game..

    It isn't anything like a fact.

    There's been riots for centuries over a multitude of's one from Victorian times. Care to blame the blacks for this too?

    And yet neither was Stratford or Willesden,..again you're picking and choosing.

    You're changing the goalposts constantly. Initially, when confronted with the fact Brixton wasn't as black as you thought, you decided that "only a few windows were smashed" and laid your barometer for the seriousness of the riots on the burning of buildings...The places hit with the worst fires were Croydon, Enfield & Tottenham, not Hackney, Brixton or Peckham. If I were to rank those 6 in order of the "most white", it would be pretty much bang in the order I've given them.

    As you've already seen, I was cleaning up Clapham the day after. It was the first thing I did. I also signed up for a picket line to stand on Northcote road (the other road leading up into Clapham main, since Lavender was closed) should it happen again the following night. I'm quite happy to "do something about it", but I don't think "doing something about it" is "chasing blacks" and throwing bottles at the police....Call me old fashioned.
  19. Zook

    Zook New Member

    Sep 22, 2009
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    Who are doing most of the rioting in Enfield?

    Watch the video and listen to the commentary...

    [ame=""]Vigilante group chasing rioters in London Enfield - YouTube[/ame]

    It's a fact... Mark Duggan. That's what this riot was started over... and it's a typical theme. The L.A. riots were started when police beat a black criminal named Rodney King. Why do they care whether criminals are beaten or killed by police? Criminals are the worst of the worst.

    My comment is a bonafide fact. Without blacks in London, no one would be rioting.
  20. Trinnity

    Trinnity Banned

    Feb 3, 2011
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    Spot on.
    I personally wouldn't have used the word "uppity" but instead the more meaningful "emboldened".

    But overall, an accurate assessment of the situation.

    Multiculturalism seemed to work for a while. It's failing now.

    The general callousness of modern society that has been exacerbated by liberalism. IMO liberal tolerance morphed to a PC taboo to criticize any bad behavior. In recent decades, we've seen a decline in morals and ethics brought on by liberalism run amok: victim-hood mentality, entitlement mentality, and political correctness. We are seeing the result now.

    For multiculturalism to work, incoming cultures must adapt to the social mores and habits of the hosting culture. The liberalism detailed above, negates that assimilation.
    In a tangentially related matter, the problems associated with the Muslim influx in Europe will only get worse because they have no intention of assimilating.
    No, that contingent is bent on spreading the grip of Sharia style Islam.
  21. Zook

    Zook New Member

    Sep 22, 2009
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    Russian senator blames failure of multiculturalism for UK riots
    MOSCOW, August 10 (RIA Novosti)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Attacked: Richard Mannington Bowes, 68, (left) was critically injured after the riots in Ealing. Right, the suspect that police are hunting in connection with the attack

    Horrific: Mr Mannington Bowes lies injured on the floor and fire rages around him after attempting to put out the flames lit by rioters

    Suspect: Police have released this CCTV image of the man they want to talk to over the attack

    If a race conflict broke out in the UK, would the people even notice before it's too late?
  22. Iolo

    Iolo Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 5, 2011
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    There is nothing complex about the rioting and looting: the tories started a class war, attacking the young and the poor. People tend to object to being robbed and bullied by fat, flabby idlers.
  23. Gator Monroe

    Gator Monroe Banned

    Jun 1, 2011
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    How dare you leave out Moslems & Burnt Pakis...
  24. martin_777

    martin_777 Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    You were already shown the proves that they are predominantly black.
    BTW, you can still consider them multicultural, because they might not be just black, add to them Pakistani, Arabs, etc. :ignore:
  25. Chen

    Chen New Member

    Dec 6, 2009
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    The genesis of the riot was in the high level of crime in the black community relative to other communities in the UK. Hence the need for Operation Trident and the resentment that one of the community got shot by officers from that unit.

    The subsequent looting and rioting was predominantly by black youths in retaliation and also to get free stuff. Here is a message calling on rioters reported in the Guardian:
    Trinnity and (deleted member) like this.

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