Thoughts on Hannity Losing His Slot....

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by Sane Centrist, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. Consmike

    Consmike New Member Past Donor

    Apr 20, 2009
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    So what? Doesn't mean I don't agree with her on her beliefs of government and how she has pretty much things that she wrote about over 50 years ago are actually happening here in our country.
  2. Whaler17

    Whaler17 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2008
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    The way I see it, Fox at least posts corrections and apologies, No such thing from MSNBC. I respect Fox much more than MSNBC for thaht reason.
  3. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    You think? Please identify where Fox made a correction and/or apology for its fabricated story about how guys supposedly only a mile away from the consulate that was attacked in Benghazi were supposedly told to stand down.

    Did Fox make a retraction? A clarification? A notice? Any notice of retraction or that their unnamed "source" had made a huge error?

    Nope. Just change your story and history. Poof. Its the Fox way when they've been caught in a flat out error.
  4. Whaler17

    Whaler17 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2008
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    Could have held off all the speculation if Barry and Hillary would have stopped lying and hiding the truth!!!!!
  5. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Guys….going back & forth over who post's more corrections between Fox & MSNBC is like debating who’s more evil, God or Satan……….seriously.

    Hands down Fox posts more retractions and corrections to stories not thoroughly vetted more than any other new organization on TV, if you could call them a news organization.

    And you want to know why, because Fox is always so fast to jump at any story that attempts to make the president and his administration look bad.

    Like I said before, any hour of the day or day of the week you tune into Fox it’s: we hate the president, we hate the president, we hate the president around the clock….and “that” more than anything else is what looses all their credibility with all of us folks that can still think for ourselves.

    I’ve posted several links proving it and if I posted everything I have it would lasts for pages upon pages.

    Look, MSNBC and some of its hosts & pundits are just as personally attached and involved in what their reporting as Fox (which lessons their credibility) but only in Bizzarro World is Fox more credible than MSNBC or any other medium for that matter.
  6. gslack

    gslack New Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    IMHO, Fox News is news for the conservative/right, just as MSNBC is news for Liberal/left.. And Democracy Now! would be news for the extreme liberal hoping for a communist takeover..

    It's the next evolutionary step in what we have seen on the TV over the last 20 years. Specilized channels, "reality-based" tv, I am surprised so many are shocked by bias media... Was it really so unexpected? When Corporations lobbied and got the Telecommunications Act passed in 1996, the total number of radiao stations any one company could own nationwide was 40, after the act there was no limit. And now Clear Channel owns 850 of them. At one time the number was even higher. Recently they went from a public traded company toa private one.. Meaning they no longer answer to anybody their board....And nobody saw this coming? Seriously?

    You were warned, but nobody save a few listened or beleived it.... And who do you think gave this situation it's start? Liberals, Signed by Bill Clinton himself..

    So please, don't try and claim it's an act done by republicans or conservative owned corporations.. They couldn't do it before 1996, and your liberal leadership made it happen for them...

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