Throwing the towel on Covid-19 - I'm out of the topic

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by CenterField, May 16, 2021.

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  1. Jack Hays

    Jack Hays Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 3, 2020
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    Actually, I just found your statement devoid of any important meaning.
  2. Ddyad

    Ddyad Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    "Gain of function research is the stuff of biological warfare."
    The meaning is very clear and "gain of function research" and "biological warfare" are very "important". Surely you know that.

    “Poison gas and germ weapons turn civilization on its head. Diseases are not fought, but carefully cultivated; doctors use their knowledge of the functions of the human body to devise ever more effective means of halting those functions … Chemical and biological warfare, as one writer has put it, is ‘public health in reverse’”
    A HIGHER FORM OF KILLING, Robert Harris, Jeremy Paxman, Hill & Wang, NY 1982. p. xi,xii.
  3. Jack Hays

    Jack Hays Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 3, 2020
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    Gain of function research is necessary for biological weapons research, but is not exclusively associated with that. Indeed, it has much broader and less menacing utility. You are making a leap without evidence.
  4. Ddyad

    Ddyad Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    "Evidence" is an indication or sign it is not proof. The fact that gain of function research was going on at the Wuhan labs is evidence that the pandemic was caused by a bio-weapon. It is not proof. The fact that an active search for the truth has not been conducted by either the news media or the USG is evidence that the truth may be very inconvenient.

    I posted a list of a few questions serious investigators would be asking more than a year ago:


    1. When did the CCP stop domestic travel in and out of Wuhan?

    2. When did the CCP stop international flights out of Wuhan?

    3. Who was 'patient zero'?

    4. Where was patient zero infected?

    5. When was patient zero infected?

    6. Why hasn't extensive antibody testing already been completed?

    7. Why isn't hydroxychloroquine being given to Americans at high risk of dying from Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus?

    8. Who are the manufacturers of hydroxychloroquine?

    9. Where is hydroxychloroquine manufactured?

    10. How much hydroxychloroquine do we have available?

    11. How many of the deaths attributed to the Chinese Corona Virus are clearly not caused by some underlying critical condition?

    12,13. What are the results of antibody testing? Where can we see the data from that testing?

    14. Where are the ventilators promised to NY?

    15. Why isn't hydroxychloroquine given to high risk individuals before they test positive?

    16. Why didn't any of our numerous secret police/spy agencies, especially NSA, know about the pandemic in China from the start?

    17. Has even one Lupus patient taking hydroxychloroquine tested positive?

    18. Is it ethical to deny the victims of this pandemic hydroxychloroquine?

    19. When can we expect to see the models predicting deaths from economic collapse?

    20. Has any intelligence analyst concluded that the Chinese Corona Virus is a WMD?

    21. Where are the double blind studies proving that shutting down the economy is reducing the spread of the Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic?

    22. Where can Americans take the free rapid antibody test?

    23. Where is the map of all the testing stations in every state?

    24. Who are the federal and state officials responsible for failing to provide unemployment compensation to laid off workers?

    25. Why are hospital workers being laid off if the system is being overwhelmed?

    26. Why are there so many empty beds in our hospitals during the peak of the pandemic?

    27. Do any of the advocates for an economic shutdown have links to CCP State Owned Enterprises?

    28. How many US and EU companies has the CCP bought during this stock market crash?

    29. What are the names and stock symbols of these new CCP controlled corporations?

    30. How many more deaths/year result from every 1% increase in US unemployment?

    31. Is there any evidence that the Wuhan BSL-4 Virology Lab ha developed bioweapons?

    32. Is the Wuhan Corona Virus the product of Gain-of-Function research?

    33. Where did the funding for the Wuhan BSL-4 Virology Lab's gain-of-function reserach come from?

    34. Why is NY refusing to compile data after the treating patients with hydroxychloroquine?

    35. What are the key components of antibiotics no longer manufactured in the US?

    36. Has the President ordered the manufacture of these components in the US?

    37. Where are the components of these critical drugs being manufactured in the US?

    38. How long will it take to replace China as a source of these production materials?

    39. Have patients taking hydroxychloroquine at home suffered side effects?

    40. What side effects have they reported?

    41. What was the dosage that resulted in these side effects?

    42. How many patients has the FDA found with side effects from hydroxychloroquine?

    43. Do any of the experts researching the CCP Wuhan Coronavirus have investments in China or with businesses that have a relationship with CCP controlled SOE's?

    44. Who are the VA doctors who claimed that their "study" showed that hydroxychloroquine killed veterans intubated while being treated for the Corona Virus.

    45. Are the VA doctors who conducted the study infectious disease specialists?

    46. What is the specialty of the VA doctors who conducted the study?

    47. Are the VA doctors who conducted the study connected with any pharmaceutical company?

    48. Have the VA doctors who conducted the study ever been involved with a political party or any professional politician?

    49. What is the number of diagnosed cancers that have been allowed to grow while treatment has been denied by government mandate?

    50. How many patients with heart disease have been denied treatment while their doctors have been ordered not to treat them?

    51. How many patients with other serious illnesses have been denied care by the shutdown of medical treatment and procedures not related to the Wuhan Coronavirus?

    52. What do the models project to be the number of deaths associated with the denial of care to patients during the mandated shutdown of medical services?

    53. Why are you unable to provide those numbers?

    54. When will you be able to provide us with the numbers for denial of care and death from denial of healthcare?

    55. Why are there no models revealing the damages associated with the government ordered denial of medical care?

    56. Has any intelligence analyst concluded that any news organizations or businesses active in the US have links to CCP news organizations or other Chinese SOEs?

    57. Are there any reports from any part of the USG that reveal the links between news organizations and businesses operating in the US and the CCP or any of its entities or satellites?

    58. Why don't you know? Don't you think you should know?

    60. What is the mortality rate for intubated Wuhan Coronavirus patients?

    61. What is the mortality rate for all intubated hospital patients?

    62. When was it known that the death rate for intubated Wuhan Coronavirus patients was 80%?

    63. Are there alternatives to intubation?

    64. What are the treatments given to members of the WH Coronavirus Taskforce after the have been tested positive with the Wuhan Coronavirus?

    65. Have any of the members of the White House Taskforce being given any prophylactic treatments for the Wuhan Coronavirus?

    66. What "precautions" is Dr. Fauci taking after discovery that he has had contact with infected persons?

    67. What is the mortality rate for all those Spring Breakers?

    68. Have any of those flocking to beaches during Spring Break been diagnosed with the Wuhan Coronavirus?" Dd

    I am not aware of many of them ever being asked. By now the list should be much longer, and all of the questions should be answered.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  5. Jack Hays

    Jack Hays Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 3, 2020
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    I will await further data.
  6. Bridget

    Bridget Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2017
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    I've been pretty much off this topic for a long time. I've never feared or embraced this disease. It's about over now. The people who have built their lives around it will need to find something else.
    Robert likes this.
  7. Ddyad

    Ddyad Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Yes, data does matter.

    Fact: Fake Scientists have been caught using Fake Science to mislead the public and spread Fake News.

    "A second statement which had enormous influence in shaping public attitudes was a letter (in other words an opinion piece, not a scientific article) published on March 17, 2020, in the journal Nature Medicine. Its authors were a group of virologists led by Kristian G. Andersen of the Scripps Research Institute. “Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus,” the five virologists declared in the second paragraph of their letter.

    Unfortunately this was another case of poor science, in the sense defined above. True, some older methods of cutting and pasting viral genomes retain tell-tale signs of manipulation. But newer methods, called “no-see-um” or “seamless” approaches, leave no defining marks. Nor do other methods for manipulating viruses such as serial passage, the repeated transfer of viruses from one culture of cells to another. If a virus has been manipulated, whether with a seamless method or by serial passage, there is no way of knowing that this is the case. Dr. Andersen and his colleagues were assuring their readers of something they could not know."
    SCIENCE, Origins of COVID-19: Who Opened Pandora’s Box at Wuhan – People or Nature?, By Nicholas Wade,10/05/2021.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  8. Ddyad

    Ddyad Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    The only people who have "built their lives around" this pandemic work for or serve the interests of Big Pharma and or the CCP.

    3 million dead and the stack of bodies is still building.
  9. CenterField

    CenterField Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2020
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    Oh wow, this thread took a life of its own and is now full of misinformation and junk science... predictable. Which is precisely why I'm sick and tired of this topic.
    But nevertheless and against my best judgment, I'll add this:
    We have a new recipient of the Darwin Award. After mocking the vaccine, a 33-year-old deputy sheriff died of Covid-19:
    Derideo_Te, Jack Hays and AZ. like this.
  10. Ddyad

    Ddyad Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    "misinformation and junk science"

    And yet you offer no examples.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  11. CenterField

    CenterField Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2020
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    Read the OP and see if you understand why I NO LONGER offer examples. I spent MONTHS here debunking the insanities being said. This time, I'm saying, you all doubt the science (I mean, the real one, not the junk one)? Be my guest. Earn the Darwin Award.
    Sallyally and Jack Hays like this.
  12. Ddyad

    Ddyad Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    IOW, you obviously are unable to cite even one example that even you find credible enough to defend.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  13. CenterField

    CenterField Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2020
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    I've cited dozens... just browse my posting history, or look at my Vaccines thread or Variants thread, etc. I've debunked dozens of statements by people like you (and like your buddy Eleuthera who "likes" every single post of someone who disagrees with me, LOL). Ask all the people who posted here praising what I used to say about the virus: they know how I debunked all sorts of junk science posted in various threads.

    You seem to have a problem with reading comprehension. I said in my OP, I'm no longer debating this topic. I even spelled it out as the very title of this thread, LOL, can't you understand that??? And that's because of people like you. In a scale of 0 to 100 my knowledge of virology and immunology is 98 (nobody is perfect and nobody knows everything, so not 100, but I'm up there, given that it's what I do for a living) while the people who post insanities and nonsense about this virus would score, what, a 2? Being generous. More like a zero, totally clueless. So at one point I got frustrated and stopped engaging in debates with people like you.

    And people like you may say whatever you want, may display whatever misguided scorn you can muster, but you will not succeed in bringing me back to the discussion. If I do come back, it will be on my own terms and when I feel like doing it (like I said, maybe after vacations I'll restart - I have two weeks of vacation coming up - one week of staycation, followed by three working days, then another week when I'm traveling), not because of people like you posting your idea of some kind of challenge.

    Have a long and nice life. At this point, I choose to stop reading you. Over and out.
    Last edited: May 31, 2021
  14. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    We believe this thread has run it's course at this point.
    Eleuthera, Derideo_Te and Ddyad like this.
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