Despite the self righteous PC caterwauling to the contrary, obesity is unhealthy. John Goodman and Whoopi Goldberg could lose some weight. That's not an attack or fat shaming, it's just good advice.
I think it all comes down to the person and preferences. That said, some women look better with a little more weight than their peers in part because their bodies are shaped differently and in part because they wear their weight in different places. I say that as a man who will never even be at the high end of their "ideal weight" chart for his height. Doesn't mean I am not healthy. I am just not the waif type those charts were made for. I am overweight using BMI charts but just average weight using RFM charts
lol. That's the kind of thing that ppl who aren't attractive say. For example, ppl with one eye and a limp arm don't actually find other ppl with one eye and a limp arm attractive, it's just that they have compassion, not passion for such ppl. Those are two different contexts.
Ppl nowadays act like beautiful ppl are not actually beautiful. Crazy right, this is what the west wants, to create chaos, to make you think men are women and evil actions are good. It's a purely sick mindstate, the "west" is truly the sick man of the world for pushing this perversion.
This is true but within a context of what's currently thought to be beautiful [which has always been more of less the same because beauty can be defined]. Just like car guys believe that Ferrari's or Aston Martin's look pretty incredible, the same applies to women. If you don't believe me, go to your favorite porn site and search "babe" and you will see photo after photo of nearly perfectly proportioned women with beautifully symmetrical faces [all in their early 20's] whom the vast majority would agree are incredibly attractive [which why they're there, after all]. It's just the way we are wired.
No, that's wrong. "More or less the same" is a ridiculous statement, and not true even now. (Not that it ever was.) Some men like big boobs, butts, and hips. Some like a slender figure with small breasts, like a gymnast or ballerina. Some (many) like the classic hourglass figure. Some like a lean, muscular woman. (Including me, I married one.) Some men thing Serena Williams is hot, some think she's unattractive.
They're all sorts of double standards. They can make a show like milk Manor or the old lady's creep on young men but Leonardo DiCaprio is a monster for doing this whole thing. And it's not because they're older women it's because they're younger men praying on men is okay if that's what we're calling older people dating younger people. This is nobody raises an eyebrow at Stephen Fry he married a man in his 20s when he was in his late 50s.
What about a 280 lb 5'2" woman that was egotistical narcissistic self-obsessed and self-absorbed he was just with two kids from two previous dudes? That's where we are today. Such a woman 6'4 millionaire. Look around these people are crazy
Yeah the whole idea that regular people find and meet and get together with other regular people befuddles some people.
The sick mindstate is thinking there is any objective standard. At one point the Japanese ideal of beauty included small feet and small breasts. In Western cultures today, big breasts are considered by many to be part of beauty. The Mayans held that sloping foreheads were a sign of beauty. Your statement ignores all of history around the world that shows that standards of beauty are not consistent. Even your own profile pic would have some people saying that the person is ugly and other saying they are handsome.
John Goodman did lose weight for health reasons. Obesity is unhealthy but not for all if you consider diabetes, triglycerides, and level of C-reactive proteins as the markers of being metabolically healthy. Among obese adults, 29 percent were deemed healthy -- as were 16 percent of those who were severely obese based on body mass index (BMI, a ratio of weight to height). On the other hand, more than 30 percent of normal-weight Americans were metabolically unhealthy. Fat shaming involves humiliating overweight people for being overweight. Do overweight people really need someone to give them advice to lose weight?
Not humiliating, no. But being told it's bad to be grossly obese? Yes. In a society in which they are told obesity is ok and they should embrace it, yes, they need to be told the truth.
Everybody gets that, but what do the majority like? And why are we even discussing this? If anything is obvious, it should be this. Just look at advertising over the years [until it became woke].
The devil's in the details. Unfortunately, a fair percentage of medicine has gone woke [and this sounds like part of that non-sense]. To suggest that an obese person is healthy is like saying that a person who is deeply in debt and just barely getting by is financially healthy. It's only a matter of time before their body organ systems will breakdown. Most of this is common sense.
I'll be up front about this as an individual woman, so I speak for no one but myself. I hate overweight people. But I would never tell them I would just avoid them. By overweight I mean when their fat wobbles. When their clothes look deeply wrinkled, when their heads look too small for their bodies and when they are constantly wheezing. I feel worried being in an elevator with them They can't take part in normal exercise like doing the shopping without looking like a huge bag of drunken wet washing . If they are ill, they have my every sympathy. But it is those men and women, often with balloon bellied children who like to think it doesn't matter. It matters if my dog is overweight. It matters if my workmate is overweight. Why? Because they don't have enough pride and self control to do something about it. When looking for a house one of the agents, huge enough to look as if he was constantly falling forward , invited us for dinner at a resto. He ordered pigeon, tied a napkin around his neck like Lou Costello, picked up the bird and proceded to gnaw at it like a two fisted lion, blood and skin dripping off his chin His wife used to make him a cold lunch which he ate mid morning and then devoured a three course lunch by 2pm. And NEVER share a tub of popcorn at the movies with a fat person. You don't stand a chance. The magazines that promote the perfect body are of course all photoshopped. And I don't have trouble with chubby, especially in older women whose body becomes totally in control of the mind, we come in all shapes and sizes But FAT should be shamed. If we keep making excuses for it, ignoring it, making it socially acceptable and shaming the shamers, the more overworked doctors, hospitals and medicines will become necessary. Not forgetting psychologists. These people should practise self control. There is a lot of help out there. Other than a health condition, fat is a poor, weak life choice .
It's not common sense at all. Anybody can be a racist against another race, including their own race. While the latter seems counter-intuitive, it's certainly possible.
Just a question. Why is this thread about what men want in a forum dedicated to women’s rights. Do you know what women want @impermanence ? How are your views on women’s bodies even freaking relevant to women’s rights as they are so backwards and sexist and totally irrelevant to this forum?
Yeah exactly. The same women that get angry someone expects them to lose 15 pounds are the same ones that won't talk to men that aren't over 6', good looking, and making at least 100k a year.
It's not just that they're 6-ft tall it's that they're 6 ft tall a BMW a house in fit into the top 1/10 of 1% of people yet they have had more D than the beach has sand, it's not that the 15 lbs overweight it's that there's 70 lb overweight. These are the women that will tell you men are trash because they only date trash men.