If your theory was correct, then human intelligence would not look like the typical distribution patter found in nature: Human brains do not exist in their own world outside the limits of what the rest of the body is restricted to. One cannot become both a tiny jockey or an Olympic heavyweight boxing champion. One cannot become anything they want to be based on intelligence either. If the "Skinner Box" actually worked, then all the billions poured into inner city schools would have erased IQ disparities over the last 40 years---and they have not. The smooth curve of IQ distributions should then look something more like a square sine wave if you were to be believed. There would be those with brain disorders and retardation way at the bottom, then there would be an almost flat space where all the students of a particular school had been educated to nearly the same potential. Then it would drop down to the relative few geniuses. However, are geniuses NOT "born that way?" Do you honestly think that anyone with the right teacher could be like Mozart, who could write music at age 5 and taught himself to play the violin? Oh, and if your Bush People could get a boomerang going 33 times the speed of sound and attach a satellite to it then that could work.
Yeah, right! I'll get banned for replying to your B.S. when you stated (personal insult) that MY personality was ugly just because I pointed out that you were wrong on a particular point? Pulease!
I can see my diploma right in front of me that says "Doctor" right on it. I have an O.D. degree, that took 4 years of study on top of the 4 to get a BS degree. Believe it or not.
` All forums have worthless posters that are not worth responding to, to me at least. But on the other hand, we should; "listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story".
LOL! Well, cry me a river! Yeah, I get annoyed when you continuously drag hollywood movies into every topic. You live and breath Hollywood and it's fiction, For you, Hollywood is life's answer. Oh well.....you is what you is......
Your IQ has probably gone up though; maybe you are. - - - Updated - - - I sort of like mentions of movies, since I missed so many of them when I worked overtime for years.
Ok.....when Chopped commented about you not being married and how would he know?.... that's when I really started feeling you guys knew each other and just horsing around w/each other. But m/b you mentioned your marital status b/f........don't know.
133. Most tests like these online that I have taken have given me between 120 and 140 so I'd say it's pretty close to that.
Just to test if it was just being nice I answered it with the most simpleminded responses possible and got 74.
132 but it's junk. For example, I said leaf goes with branch, but they said that's wrong, it's twig. However, not all leaves are on twigs. All leaves are on branches. Very amateurish.
145, but some of these were similar to a test I took a long time ago and I recognized how to solve them. I'm usually in the 130's on these type of tests.
If I'm not mistaken the SAT { standard entrance exam for College } used to have a bonus written part. However today like a Civil Service application there are points given for being black or Hispanic or native American. Same with the SAT. Blacks as of 2015 get a bonus of 230 pts. Hispanics get 185 pts. And Asians get just 50 pts. Just for showing up and putting their name on a SAT exam. I remember it was widely rumored { don't know for certain } that trained Chimps could score in the high 200's low 300's on an SAT exam. All they needed to do was check off a box { for multiple choice }. THE Lowest score one can get on an SAT is 200 { Math } and 200 {Verbal}. getting every single question { multiple choice } wrong.
Wow, a compliment for a change. Thanks Luke - I'm feeling a bit shell-shocked after coming under such unexpected hostility on what is supposed to be a humorous thread. Incidentally you're probably correct - I am a published author in my modest way.
I said I was joking - I'd have thought you've read enough of my posts to realise I'm not a rude individual - and apologised, but there's obviously 'a mismatch' between us therefore something similar is bound to happen again: I don't wish to offend you a second time (albeit unintentionally the first, as I'm pleased you now realise) so I'll still give you a wide berth rather than risk it (even for a biscuit!)
Eh ... you're welcome. On a related light note, to discuss of IQ on a political forum offers occasions to wonder about something: for example, in Italy we actually wonder if the candidates to become Prime Minister, Governors of the Regions or Mayors are selected on the base of the result of an IQ test. What we suspect is that the lowest results have selected!
There's something you need to realize....regardless of how many of your posts are read (or anyone's), they are just words, which can be taken in an entirely different way than you had intended b/c they are simply words being read. The reader doesn't have the benefit of hearing the 'speaker's' tone of voice, which would reveal humor (or not) in the words and there's no body language to see, which is also important......that's why on forums, there's the little smiley, etc thingys to use, to indicate the way the words should be taken by the reader. But, come on! Seriously, there's nothing 'funny' about the words 'you're 'stupid looking' whether you typed it or said it in person....those are hurtful, stinging words and the kind of words where you'd very likely get another guy's fist connected to your jaw if you had said it to him. Anyway, not saying this to upset you, just to enlighten you about the big difference b/t the printed word vs an in-person conversation........
I scored 120 but probably could have done better if I'd had more time to look at the number patterns. Anyway I wondered how that compared and found this list of average IQs by country. It appears everyone on this thread is smarter than average, which should come as no surprise to each of us
I also got 138. When I was formally tested I had over 130, but don't know the exact number. I should have done better, but I had no idea about a few of the series.
It's really quite precious to know that at a Message Board the words of one of History's greatest Saints { St. Thomas Acquinas } woulda ... coulda ... shoulda merit being purged.Based on being " off Topic ". I wonder how mush the saint heard that excuse in his day. If only I had used the words of someone like Ambrose Bierce. Whose nickname was " Bitter Bierce " and motto " Nothing Matters ". Obviously ... mush matters at a message board. I.Q. or no.
Apparently the test wasn't timed. If it had been, I probably would have scored about 105. I do have one kid that tested out at 160, but I always thought that was because of my spouse....