Why you'll go to hell

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by it's just me, Aug 11, 2016.

  1. trevorw2539

    trevorw2539 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 15, 2013
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    You know for a fact that Mary wrote a book, that many of the other apostles wrote books? Books in and out of the Canon are recorded as being written by certain people, but we know now they weren't. Nag Hammadi scrolls provide much interesting reading, and much Gnostic teaching. I doubt very much that books are always by those recorded.
  2. RBP8994

    RBP8994 New Member

    Jul 26, 2016
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    I'm sorry, you need to do a little more research. Compare Paul's style in the Nag Hammabi and say Romans in the greek, same style. The fundamentalist and Catholics go nuts over the Nag Hammabi scrolls, and if you pay close attentions they will shed light on some of the problematic issues theologically dependent on where you are coming from. To my way of thinking and research the rejections by many main stream orthodox isn't much different the the rejection of Luther by the old pope. I personally believed the Gnostic thinking has a lot to offer, problem was the Catholics murdered them. Those scrolls give us a better understanding of Christs teachings. Now let me ask you a question, do you have the original manuscripts, how do you know what the Catholic church omitted? They had over three hundred documents, why don't they make them available instead of hiding them in the archives in Rome. When you debunk something with nothing to support your statement you are doing the same thing the atheist that post unsupported challenges. God didn't write the bible on stone tablets, humans wrote it then fought for fifteen hundred years over what should and shouldn't be in the bible, then good old King James through out the books he didn't think was needed. Humans put the cannon together, and humans make mistakes and the Christian community needs to come to grips with it. Most professors today won't challenge bible accuracy because they would be looking for a job if they work for one of the main stream Christian colleges, at least in the secular you can without being stoned.
  3. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Uneducated people believe Saul/Paul actually had any authority.
    There is no evidence to present.
    He never met Jesus.

    What evidence is there Saul/Paul had any authority at all? Except what he gave himself and fooled others.

    Please present evidence Paul had any authority to speak on behalf of Jesus.
    Or is it your uneducated and foolish opinion he does?

    And notice, I didn't sneak a reply and eliminate your name so you received a notice.
    Why do you reply and do so, so that no one knows you do? You can't stand an honest debate?
  4. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Paul was the first person to preach and write about Jesus. Jesus was a figment of Paul's addled mind that he created to sell his religion of resurrection.
  5. RBP8994

    RBP8994 New Member

    Jul 26, 2016
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    This is a very good question, and that is why the Armenian Christians rejected Paul, most people don't realize that. Paul was a educated Jew until he had an encounter with Christ. That encounter changed his direction and purpose in life. Paul was obviously empowered by the Holy Spirit and his life and ministry proved that. So what are your issues with his teachings?

    Not physically, but on the road to Damascus he had an encounter with him.

    So explain what you mean by fooled others? Again, please explain specific issues where you feel he overstepped or preached a false gospel.

    If you carry your logic to conclusion then no preacher has authority to teach what Christ taught. Paul only taught what he believed was the gospel presented to him and it is completely consistent with what Jesus and the disciples taught.
  6. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    No, no image at all. If IT exists, I am not so arrogant as to think that this brain, or any brain could ever create an accurate image of something that supposedly created the universe. But think of it like this. Try to imagine the nothingness that existed right before the big bang. It was not matter, nor space, nor time. The human brain cannot imagine it, nor comprehend it.. The same goes for what the universe, consisting of time, space, matter is expanding into.

    Of course man wants to create images, and he has come up with some very imaginative images of this thing man has called god. But all of them are false. For the human brain is not capable of ever creating an image of what is outside of space, time matter. Anything you can imagine, is of time, space, matter. But go ahead and create any image you want. Just do not try to say you know you are right.

    You might do better by negation. That is, saying what god is not. And by knowing what it is not, you might get closer to what it is. Without ever actually knowing. All you can know, is what it is not. Better than nothing I guess. LOL

    I personally like not knowing. Not having an image. It keeps down what I also personally do not like. Ego arrogance. People making claims, that they know, when in reality, they really do not know (*)(*)(*)(*). We should just accept the fact, that some things are unknowable and go on with our lives. It yields something rare these days..humility. Some people, see that as a weakness. I see it as intelligence.
  7. PosterBoy

    PosterBoy New Member

    Aug 10, 2016
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    God is our loving Father in Heaven. He is perfect, omnipotent, omniscient, just, benevolent, merciful, and ruler of the universe. We, all of us, are his children created in His image. We look like him, he looks like us. He has a body that is similar to ours but perfected, immortal, and glorified. Since we are his children, and He is our Father, He knows and loves each of us individually. He gives us commandments and laws to follow so we can be happy, but he also allows us to choose not to follow the commandments. This is called Moral Agency, or the ability to choose between right and wrong. If we choose to not follow his commandments and laws, he allows the natural consequences to take their course. One way our Heavenly Father showed his love for us is allowing his firstborn son to atone for all peoples' misdeeds. Jesus Christ was not forced into this decision, he volunteered. Heavenly Father has a plan for all of us. He wants us to come and live with Him when our time on Earth is over. However, the only way he can allow that, is if we follow the laws and commandments he has given us. They are designed to help us be like Him. That is His purpose, to help us become like Him and then bring us to live where and how He does. If we do not, He is bound by the laws just as we are, and can't bring us to live with Him. Don't worry though, no one on Earth is going to hell. Heavenly Father in His mercy has created places for all his children to go. There are two other places besides where he lives where people can go to. One is for people who were good people, and lived good lives, but didn't believe in Heavenly Father. It is not as nice as where God lives, but it is much more beautiful than the Earth we live on. The second place is for people who were not good in this life and delighted in murder, thieving, lying, and committing all manner of other sins and refused to change their ways. Even this group will go to a place that is better than where we live now. This is the God I believe in. I welcome questions for more in depth answers, but I will probably not respond until tomorrow. :)
  8. maat

    maat Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 18, 2010
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    Is this your own made up afterlives or do you have hard evidence to support this assertion?
  9. RBP8994

    RBP8994 New Member

    Jul 26, 2016
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    I'm assuming he is deriving some of his statement based on near death experiences. The evidence surrounding these experiences speak of a God of love and compassion. If one chooses to study or research these experience that are well documented you will learn that the ones that have had memorable encounter never return as atheist. Many had flat line EEG's or the neocortex was non functioning, meaning nobody is home. One of the skeptics beliefs were that is was a dying brain theory, I think that has been pretty well disproved with cases of flat line EEG's. The other thing is the constancy of certain aspects of these experiences is remarkable. These accounts have come from atheist, Christians, Muslims, children and from all walks of life and educational backgrounds. Also this isn't just a few people that have had these experiences, it hundreds of confirmed cases and thousands unconfirmed.
  10. PosterBoy

    PosterBoy New Member

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Do I need evidence to state a belief? If you don't think there is a God that is fine with me, I won't force the idea on you. For me a belief in God goes beyond just the physical evidence, or lack thereof. If you mean scriptural proof because you do believe in God, I could give you a list of scriptural references if you want. I am not here to debate the existence or non-existence of God, because that always goes no where. I am just sharing my beliefs so take it as you please. Let me know if you want those scriptural references. :)
  11. it's just me

    it's just me Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    I was comparing you to the Pharisees.
  12. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Jesus and his Apostles and Paul were all Pharisees. Christians and muslims are Pharisees.

    Acts 23:8 (CEV) = "8 The Sadducees do not believe in angels or spirits or that the dead will rise to life. But the Pharisees believe in all of these,"
  13. Pipette8

    Pipette8 Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I don't think it is a matter of just or unjust. Rather I think it is a matter of how 'godly' or creative we are. God's first actions were creating--the heavens, the oceans, the animals, and finally humans. One of the main differences between humans and animals is that humans have the capacity to create. The more creative, the less we live like animals, and the more godly we become. Unfortunately, our creativity seems to be running out. Just a theory I have.
  14. maat

    maat Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 18, 2010
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    I'm just asking. Your belief is harmless and would be nice if true. Yet, I've not found it to be based in scriptures. Doesn't really matter and don't worry to provide scriptures. I've concluded that the bible is fiction. I hope you are right and if so, hopefully the biblical God is not the monster the bible portrays.
  15. PosterBoy

    PosterBoy New Member

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Okay, but I do have to tell you, my beliefs are not just based on the Bible. I also study 'The Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ', 'Doctrine and Covenants', and 'The Pearl of Great Price'. If you ever want to read them. Like I said, I don't think the realm of religion resides in hard facts as science defines them. Sorry if I came across as defensive in my last post, that was not my intention. :)
  16. RBP8994

    RBP8994 New Member

    Jul 26, 2016
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    I like this response, it is honest and open. I would really like to know what brought you to the conclusion that the bible is fiction? The bible is really history, prophesy, and the law, it actually is defined a little differently within the Christian universities. You can't take what man has done and blame God, that would be like saying what Hitler did makes all Germans evil. Do you believe God started all the wars we have had, or was it man. Do you believe genocide was only done evil people, better check American history then, we massacred the Indians, in Vietnam we destroyed complete villages. Do you think God is telling these terrorist to blow themselves up and kill innocent people. Some gullible idiot thinks he's going to get seventy two virgins by doing so, that has nothing to do with God.

    God has given us free will, that free will is responsible for all the good and evil in this world, not God. Study near death experiences and you will be introduced to a loving and compassionate God that loves you.
  17. RBP8994

    RBP8994 New Member

    Jul 26, 2016
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    So why do you think the Sadducee's believed that? Remember when they asked Jesus about the blind man? Well they believed in reincarnation and couldn't comprehend life in the spirit, fact is many believers today can't comprehend it.

    To say all Christians and Muslims are Pharisees based on their spiritual beliefs is showing a lack of knowledge of who the Pharisees were.
  18. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck even if it looks like an elephant.

    Christians and muslims believe in Pharisee religious beliefs. Therefore they are Pharisees even if they call themselves bats.
  19. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Sure you were. Here is the quote from your post:

    " The one thing they didn't prepare me for was how disrespectful people were going to be. Yes, I know, men are sinful by nature, but I really couldn't make myself believe that people would put forth false doctrine then call ME the impostor when I tried to explain.

    Well, they did the same thing to Christ, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. "
  20. trevorw2539

    trevorw2539 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 15, 2013
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    ? Christians believe Jesus was God's Son. The Pharisees and Muslims certainly don't. Pharisees and Muslims restrict the food they eat. Christians don't. There is a Christian 'armageddon' which is different to Islams 'armageddon' and both are different to the Jewish 'armageddon'. There are a multitude of differences.
  21. anomaly

    anomaly Active Member

    Aug 10, 2013
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    And if this god in these books gave a rat's ass about us little homo sapiens on this planet it would have by now pointed out the false crap and made clear the correct crap... but it hasn't and isn't likely to!

    Therefore the intelligent homo sapiens acknowledge these gods aren't real...

    and the easily fooled claim "who can know the mind of god"
  22. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    They all believe in angels, ghosts, demons, invisible deities, resurrections, Judgment Day, heaven and hell.
  23. RBP8994

    RBP8994 New Member

    Jul 26, 2016
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    Your lack of biblical knowledge is showing. If you had associated the Phariess's with Christians they would have stoned you, they didn't believe Christ is the messiah.
  24. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Educated? Where? Who verifies?
    Who said he had an encounter with Jesus. Only Saul. No one else saw or heard. It is only the persecutors word that you take.

    Verified how? Not one single person seen or heard anything. It could've been satan for all anyone knows. Saul the persecutor could made up the whole story. He certainly contradicts Jesus' teachings.

    They all take his word at face value.
    Has Jesus or God ever said Saul the persecutor is now Paul my disciple?

    No preacher or teacher is writing what Jesus said people should do. None are speaking as if they are Jesus or God themselves.
    They are only teaching what is already written.
  25. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Then there is no real reason to ask you anything.
    You can make it up as you go along.
    There's no credibility in that. We'd just be asking about your fantasy.

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