Will God welcome Gays into the Kingdom of Heaven

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Robodoon, Sep 16, 2011.

  1. junobet

    junobet New Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    I understand your reasoning, but I don't share it.

    In the very same book of Leviticus it's clearly condemned to wear „clothing woven of two kinds of material“ (Leviticus 19:19 ). Yet I can't imagine that there are very many Christians who feel guilty about wearing a dress like the one I'm wearing at the moment (a mixture between wool and polyacryl).
    On the other hand most Christians wouldn't support polygamy even though the Old Testament clearly doesn't have a problem with it. And even though Leviticus 18:18 forbids to take your wifes sister as a second wife, the bible does not seem to see a problem with that when it tells us how Jacob took Rachel as a second wife while already being married to her sister Leah.

    So maybe it's not that easy to use the Old Testament rules as an unerring guide on how to lead our lifes in a way that's pleasing to the Lord.
    When Jesus was asked which is the greatest commandment in the law, he replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:37-40)
    While this is also not an easy manual on how to lead our lifes, its broader take is much more applicable on ethical questions that face us these days in a society that hasn't that much in common any more with the tribal people who wrote the OT thousands of years ago.
    And the command to love my neighbour as myself, brings me to the conclusion not to condemn anybody for their sexual orientation as long as its lived in mutual consent. My best friend didn't choose to become a lesbian, she just was never interested in boys. Her relationship with her long-time girlfriend is just as loving and caring as the one I have with my husband. So how could I respect their relationship less than I want mine to be respected? Why should God be more interested in the combination of sexual organs a couple has than in the love that they feel for each other?

    It's thinking along these lines that has brought my church to allow the blessing of homosexual relationships while leaving it open to its priests whether they personally want to do so or not. One of our parish priests does it, the other doesn't, but none of them would ever preach that homosexuals will go to hell.
  2. Hjalmar Thorsson

    Hjalmar Thorsson Banned

    Aug 11, 2011
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    What are you doing here? Are you telling me that you've already watched all 6 episodes and all 40+ hours of extras???
  3. janpor

    janpor Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2008
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    It's self-evident that God will welcome gays, after all -- he created us this way.
    Gwendoline and (deleted member) like this.
  4. NoPartyAffiliation

    NoPartyAffiliation New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    Nah this is wrong. There is no hell. There is no death. The concept that God gets angry, jealous or whatever is ludicrous. The idea that a supreme Being that permeates the entire universe, is concerned about a sexual preference that has been present in both people and animals since the beginning of time, well uh yeah.... you betcha! Ridiculous.
  5. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    The Bible says all kinds of stuff that Christians don't follow or believe in.

    The only deception is Christian folk pretending that they follow the Bible.
  6. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Allah is the God of Abraham .. Ishmael's dad.

    Perhaps back in the day folks worshiped a moon God .. Hebrew folk worshiped all kinds of Gods as well back in the day.

    Islam traces its roots back to Ishmael .. and worship the God of Ishmael's father Abraham.
  7. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Dont forget the parts about selling ones daughter into slavery, and killing women and children, and keeping the women of conquored people as sex slaves.

    Did any of the patriarchs "not" have more than one wife ?

    Good times back in the day ! And Christians criticize Muslim folk for having more than one wife

    Go Mitt Go .... perhaps he will restore the proper Biblical customs once again and show Christians the true path !
  8. jedimiller

    jedimiller Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    hahaha, Actually on friday I just went around getting all the exclusives..the best buy shirt, the FYE poster, the Target lithographs and I picked up the 3 versions. I haven't watched any of it, because I need a whole day off. I'm thinking friday or saturday.
  9. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Nah, it's your God that is small... you don't even realise that you spend time here pissing on the poor... which is the antithesis of what God wants from you.

    Don't weep for me, I know the meaning of being decent to those who fall into difficulty, who may fall by the wayside and need our help.
    Paris and (deleted member) like this.
  10. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Universal health care IS a good measuring stick. Shows people up for their selfishness, ill regard of other human beings... it is a very apt baromenter of how utterly selfish and mean-spirited people are.

    God's not stupid... that kind of selfish regard doesn't get past God.

    Pearly gates shut. Shame, that.
  11. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    God won't let them in. God is astute.
  12. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Politics? Nah, it's about human regard... the lousy regard we see on this forum that some humans have for others. Transparent, very telling on them. Not decent people. Pearly gates shut.

    People with their hearts and humanity sucked out don't go to heaven no matter how many times they go to church, no matter how many times they display a religious avatar on a political forum... Nup nup nup.
  13. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    kind of like, nature did not create lies

    people did

    The concept of angels are lies

    nature did not 'create' the concept of gay or homosexual, even as homosexual acts occur, the proof of it being 'NO GOOD" is the 'life' does not procreate

    naturally going extinct, eventually.

    kind of like 'angels' will perish and the liars who tell others too
  14. FreeWare

    FreeWare Active Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    Amazing that humans and homosexuality can still both exist. How is it possible?! To make matters worse, it even seems that homosexuality is thriving best where humans are most successful in terms of eliminating health risks. With the homosexuality equals extinction optics on it should be other way around, shouldn't it?

    Hmm, could it be that there may be other factors to survival than procreation?
  15. junobet

    junobet New Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    No offense meant: I share your disgust. And it's not as if I never basked in fantasies about people, whose attitudes, opinions and/or religious convictions I find absolutely repulsive, being roasted in hellfire. Reading some of the nastier posts in this forum I certainly find it hard to resist that temptation. The problem is that as soon as we give in to it, we increase the chances of our own feet getting hot.
    That we shouldn't judge others holds true for everybody, even those whose judgement is probably right.
    Gwendoline and (deleted member) like this.
  16. junobet

    junobet New Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    Wow. There have been homosexuals around since time immemorial and they still haven't died out! How long do you think it will take?

    Sorry, but to excuse one's own homophobia with nature is equally feeble as excusing it with religion.
  17. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    homosexuality in mankind is of choice.

    But if your dog dont procreate and just doinks the same sex, he/she will no longer have 'its' bloodline surviving.

    If human beings can comprehend that procreation is there life moving into the next generation, then homosexual preference will just be for the fun of sex, not the lives of the living.

    i tink you be the phobia of homosexual choice...............

    i dont need a religion to understand nature and life itself
  18. junobet

    junobet New Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    My homosexual friends tend to disagree with that notion, and I reckon they should know.

    Yet, in each generation there are animals who'll engage in homosexual behaviour.

    And to regard surviving bloodlines as the only reason for having sex is - ehem - a bit Pope-like.
  19. BleedingHeadKen

    BleedingHeadKen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 17, 2008
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    The kingdom of heaven is within you. You are welcome to enter it any time.
  20. TheHat

    TheHat Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2008
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    You can't say "No".

    You have no power to judge the soul's of men. That is God's domain and his alone.

    A gay man, a murderer, a rapist, a child molester: who goes to hell and who goes to heaven?

    Answer: you don't know. No matter how terrible the sin, final judgement rests with God, and God alone. No mortal man can lay such a claim. And any man that does is stepping on the toes of God.
    Gwendoline and (deleted member) like this.
  21. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    they do know; they choose to agree

    and them blood lines go extinct.........

    It is like stating that a cleft palet is good because it shows up.

    life is the reason you breath

    sex is to procreate

    i love sex, with or without making a baby but the fact is, the parts did not evolve just for the fun.

    that's the part you are forgetting; the nature of sex

    Love has nothing to do with sex!

    ie... you can love anyone you like, you can doink anyone you like.... but lying about facts is not going to be your best choice.
  22. junobet

    junobet New Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    My husband chose to agree to have sex with me yesterday. He does however not recall to have chosen to agree to be sexually attracted to women. It just happened to him at some point in puberty.

    Interested to hear that you seem to have different experiences. So at what point in your life did you consciously choose your sexual orientation?

    So does the blood line of very many heterosexual people who never have children. Where's the problem? Do you think that one day there'll be so many homosexual people that we'll solve the problem of over-population without having to resort to abstinence or contraception? Unlikely.

    The difference being that a cleft palate is a medical condition that when left untreated causes breathing-, eating-, and speech-problems, whereas homosexuality is not a medical condition and homosexuals can lead a happy life as long as society lets them be:


    Turn that around and it will also be true.

    The nature of sex?
    Yesterday I felt the urgent desire to have sexual intercourse even though according to Knaus–Ogino it was pretty much unlikely that at that point of my menstrual circle I'd receive a child. And older women past their menopause and their partners still crave sex.
    Pretty stupid of nature to let us waste energy that we might as well have invested into something more useful at that point, don't you think? Or is it possible that nature has intended sex for more than just procreating?

    For some people it hasn't, I'm more of the old-fashioned romantic kind.

    Do you think love is a natural or a social phenomenon? And could it be that social needs are somewhat linked to natural ones and vice versa?

    So why do you keep lying about the fact that homosexuality is a natural/normal phenomenon that occurs here and there?

    Why is it of any importance to you in the first place? Personally I couldn't care less what other people use their sexual organs for as long as everybody concerned consents. And if a couple is happily in love, I'm happy for them, no matter what the respective partners look like between their legs.

    I find it somewhat weird that somebody who displays such fervent atheism has ideas about homosexuality that are clearly derived from bigoted religious doctrines that - thank God - my Church has already said good-bye to.
  23. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    when i realized what the parts do.

    truth is in giving each a chance at reality before belief.

    In contrast the idiots are kind of like a preacher teaching children how to lie; even to themselves.

    what's the lispe? I call that a speech problem that some over exhuberant gays love to flaunt and i bet that hemoroid problem is a medical condition that could be avoided, if left alone!

    i love sex all the time................ what's your point?

    I never said same sex is the end of all, i said it aint normal. Just like oral sex aint going to make a baby, but i perhaps would have a hard time living without it.

    I dont condemn sex, even if you like it with dogs, chickens and gerbals.

    but the fact is, it aint what sex is for no matter what you like.

    Heck, some men want sex with multiple women but after having that a few times over, that even gets to be old.

    Sex aint what love is about. Just as love aint about sex.

    the problem with the homosexual argument is idiots continue to dilude the debate with garbage.

    same sex intercourse is just for fun............. and when talking about god (mother nature itself) then it is against nature (sex is for procreation).

    reality is reality and if the idiots want to lie to themselves, then having this discussion in a religious section is perfect.

    But as soon as the oxymoron of combining the word homosexual (same sex) and marriage (lineage protection) together, then it is political rather than just about nature (god itself).

    ps..... we all live within nature; heaven as we sit....................

    Will nature have queer sexual actions in heaven? Sure, but it aint doing good for life (living longer into the next generations).

    The facts are standing!

    Learn them, comprehend them and then share them but as soon as you lie about them; go 'f' yourself!
  24. Bow To The Robots

    Bow To The Robots Banned at Members Request

    Jun 17, 2009
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    Depends on if he wants it decorated tastefully or not.
  25. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    What gives us the right to answer this question?

    This is between homosexuals and God. Our thoughts have no influence in what God decides to do.

    What's worse, a person who commits many sins daily, or a homosexual who other than his/her sexuality is a good Christian/Muslim/Jew?

    In the end, God will decide their fate but for us to judge is stupid. How many homosexuals effect any of your lives negatively - or at all for that matter? As long as they don't cause any trouble for you, you should show the same respect. That's the way I see it.

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