Watermelon drink and Skittles do not make drugs. Again, what drives you is obvious. - - - Updated - - - Frothy scum???? Now that's deep.
Last I checked Chuck Norris isn't a 17yr old and he is an expert in martial arts. How about you, aren't you the same age as Chuck Norris and unless he is 104 he is not twice my age.
He means kill every black teenager. Come on now, who are you kidding you would cry if they shut down Stormfront. So they should just start killing folks. So do you think they should kill those who commit white collar crimes also. - - - Updated - - - LOL, yep I said the same thing, but don't forget "thug" does also.
Some people think it's because he's Black, like a lot of other preferences and special treatment Blacks get (highly unfair to Whites). Maybe more on this will come out in the trial, due to start in a few days. Will be good to follow it closely and start a few OPs on it. I know I'm going to. Should be interesting to see if the Travonites around here show up in those threads as much as in the Zimmerman ones. Hey Trayvonites, you're invited. http://beforeitsnews.com/scandals/2...-the-reverse-trayvon-martin-case-2431666.html http://www.examiner.com/list/revers...r-cordell-jude-set-for-aug-14?cid=db_articles
Are you still this ignorant of the facts? He didn't testify, he gave sworn statements to the police and it is pefectly clear why he was walking back across the T. The fight started AT the T not further south. Wrong he was walking back across the T waiting for the police to call to say where they were and where to meet him.
Because that is the last place he saw Martin run off too DUH. When the NEN dispatcher said "we don't need you doing that" Martin had been out of sight for several minutes and the girl friend testified. - - - Updated - - - No, that implies he was trying to capture him, what is your evidence he was trying to capture him? He was trying to observe him and report to the NEN dispatcher what he did and where he ran off to as he was requested to do.
That is the evidentary version of events. Refute with the evidence. The girl friends statement was he ran back to the apartment where he was staying. Refute her. - - - Updated - - - What blood? - - - Updated - - - But not a murderer.
So you missed the trial and never read the discovery evidence yet come here to debate the issue................how absurd. - - - Updated - - - How about filling in the blank so your statement has some credibility.
It is what the preponderance of the evidence supports, what evidence do you have Zimmerman attacked Martin and why would someone who had already called for the police to get there as quickly as possible and was awaiting their at any second arrival attack? Which gives no support to your claim he was the attacker. He was the person calling for the police to get there as quickly as possible. Martin never called the police or even his parents. So what? We had some car breakins in my neighborhood and were asked to be on the look out because the "always got away", never gave me a desire to attack anyone. They do nothing of the sort. His actions were perfectly reasonable for someone whom had been asked to let the NEN dispatcher know what the person did and where they were running off towards. The only inventions going of are on your side of this equation.
Left-wing, race-baiting blacks and whites are responsible for this tragedy. For years these demagogues have been attacking "whites" as being racists, violent towards blacks, and as being at fault for all of the ills faced by black citizens. They've demonized white people in the minds of many blacks. Those blacks who've been brainwashed by such bigotry seem to feel that whites are always to blame, whereas blacks are always innocent in interracial violence. As always, these leftists are liars! When one looks at the universe of violence that occurs just between blacks and whites, blacks are responsible for 87% of the total. In other words, out of every 100 cases of interracial violence, the violence is perpetrated 87 times by blacks against whites. This statistic is all the more despicable considering that blacks represent only 14% of the combined black-white population. The statistic is an average of the most recent 13 years for which data is available, 1996-2008. All we hear about from leftists and their media lap dogs are claims of white racism. It's a LIE, and it's time we start calling them on it! The Zimmerman-Martin case is a prime example of leftist bigotry. Martin could have easily gone home, for he had plenty of time to do so. He decided, however, that no white man had a right to ask him what he was doing. Instead of going home, Martin decided to teach the uppity, "creepy white cracker" a lesson. Martin attacked Zimmerman, and Zimmerman had every right to defend himself from that violent attack. Instead, the demagogues of the left attack Zimmerman for not allowing himself to be beaten to death by a racist, black "kid" who thinks it's open-season on whites. Martin was a self-centered, bigoted, and violent person who'd been brainwashed to believe that whites are racists, and that he had every right to be violent towards them. Instead of blaming Zimmerman for defending himself, leftist should look in their mirrors if they want to see the real criminals!!!! Martin is not the victim in this case, he's the criminal, and the result of leftist lies and race-baiting!
http://www.colorofcrime.com/colorofcrime1999.pdf Major Findings There is more black-on-white than black-on-black violent crime. Of the approximately 1,700,000 interracial crimes of violence involving blacks and whites, 90 percent are committed by blacks against whites. Blacks are therefore up to 250 times more likely to do criminal violence to whites than the reverse. Blacks commit violent crimes at four to eight times the white rate. Hispanics commit violent crimes at approximately three times the white rate, and Asians at one half to three quarters the white rate. Blacks are twice as likely as whites to commit hate crimes. Hispanics are a hate crime victim category but not a perpetrator category. Hispanic offenders are classified as whites, which inflates the white offense rate and gives the impression that Hispanics commit no hate crimes. Blacks are as much more dangerous than whites as men are more dangerous than women.
WOW!!! As I suspected, the source of your link: New Century Foundation From 1994 to 1999 its activities received considerable funding by the Pioneer Fund, and has been described as a white supremacist group, which its founder, Jared Taylor, denies, calling it white separatist. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Century_Foundation
^^^ Try THIS reference then! The US Government doesn't make it easy to get such statistics. They're hidden as percentages in the Bureau of Justice Statistics Table 42. In order to derive data related just to black-white crime, one must separate each years black-white "offender" data and the black-white "victim" data, and then multiply each years crime totals by the percentages shown for both. I performed all of the math needed to get to the actual numbers. Visit the Bureau of Justice Statistics website where you can access Table 42. IF you can find Table 42, you can see the actual US Government reports. You won't see much that's meaningful after 2008. What a surprise, huh? Wasn't that the year Obozo was elected? The 87% statistic excludes only one of the crimes on Table 42, that crime being Robbery. Included in the calculation are "Crimes of Violence", "Rape/Sexual Assault", and "Assault". The total for those crimes during 1996-2008 is 15,869,972. The black-on-white number of that total is 13,728,242. Call it 86.5% if it makes you feel better! Below is the reference posted on their 1996 Table. Bureau of Justice Statistics filename: cv9642.csv Table 42: Percent distribution of single-offender victimizations, based on race of victims, by type of crime and perceived race of offender data source: National Criminal Victimization Survey, 1996 NCJ 174445 produced by: Cathy Maston authors: Patsy Klaus and Cathy Maston refer questions to: askbjs@ojp.usdoj.gov 202-307-0765 date of version: 06/30/00
So blood doesn't smear in the rain. I guess that means it doesn't get on your hands either and explains why you needed a microscope to find it on Zimmerman's clothes. Somebody should bottle this rainwater up, you could make a fortune since rainwater washes blood out of clothing.
87% of race on race crime is a senseless comment as I've stated. Apparently there are no stats to support such a ludicrous claim. >>>MOD EDIT Flamebait Removed<<<
You weren't one of the jurors. Nobody has to prove jack to you. Zimmerman = free. Martin = worm food. One point for the good guys! YAY!!!!!!