Zimms "Don't pass the smell test" #1...the bloody head.

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by Alfalfa, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. Alfalfa

    Alfalfa Banned

    Feb 27, 2013
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    I have no idea what you're talking about, the number you cite don't come up anywhere in the table you provided. In fact, they say just the opposite.

    In 2008 crimes of violence whites were victims of other whites 67.4% and by blacks 15.4%. Blacks were victims of whites 15.9% and by other blacks 64.7%.

    For assault whites were victims of other whites 68.8% and by blacks 13.8%, for black victims it's 62.9% by other blacks and 19.1 by whites.
  2. JPRD

    JPRD New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    I mentioned that the US Government doesn't make it easy to understand these data. I'll explain how the calculations need to be performed, and you'll understand. Remember that this analysis isn't concerned with white-on-white or black-on-black crime. It's concerned only with crime that involves one race as the victim, and another race as the offender.

    The numbers you posted above are correct. However, to get to the interracial black-white statistics, the percentages must be applied to the proper racial group.

    When you look at the 2008 data, you'll see that there were 2,788,600 cases in which whites were the victims of "Crimes of Violence". 15.4% of those whites were the victims of black offenders. 15.4% of 2,788,600 is 429,444.

    In 2008, there were 570,555 total cases in which blacks were the victims of "Crimes of Violence". 15.9% of those blacks were the victims of white offenders. 15.9% of 570,555 is 90,717.

    The total of those two bold numbers is 520,162, and it's this number that represents ALL of the "Crimes of Violence" that involved BOTH blacks and whites as either victims or offenders. You must then divide the black-on-white number of 429,444 by 520,162, and you discover that blacks committed 82.6% of all such interracial crimes.

    The numbers you posted for "Assaults" are also correct. They must be treated the same as those for "Crimes of Violence" in order to get to the interracial black-white statistics.

    When you look at the 2008 data, you'll see that there were 2,472,630 cases in which whites were the victims of "Assault". 13.8% of those whites were the victims of black offenders. 13.8% of 2,472,630 is 341,223.

    In 2008, there were 438,750 total cases in which blacks were the victims of "Assault". 19.1% of those blacks were the victims of white offenders. 19.1% of 438,750 is 83,801.

    The total of those two bold numbers is 425,024, and it's this number that represents ALL of the "Assaults" that involved BOTH blacks and whites as either victims or offenders. You must then divide the black-on-white number of 341,223 by 425,024, and you discover that blacks committed 80.3% of all such interracial crimes.

    Make sense to you now?
  3. JPRD

    JPRD New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    You didn't post the 2008 statistics for "Rape/Sexual Assault", but those statistics are even more telling about black-white interracial crime. There were 117,640 cases in which whites were the victims of "Rape/Sexual Assault". Of that total, 16.4% were the victims of blacks. 16.4% of 117,640 is 19,243.

    In the same year, there were 46,580 cases of "Rape/Sexual Assault" in which blacks were the victims. ZERO% of those cases involved white offenders. Blacks were responsible for 100% of back-white interracial "Rape/Sexual Assaults".

    The claims that whites are violent towards blacks are damnable LIES!
  4. Alfalfa

    Alfalfa Banned

    Feb 27, 2013
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    You're a very bad statistician. I have offered the raw numbers from the USDP link you provided. You are doing somersaults, adding this, subtracting that, to errantly make the data prove something you already believe...and it's a fail.

    The fact is whites (which include caucasians and hispanics) comprise 65-70% of the population. Normal crime distribution would estimate they would then be 65-70% of crime victims. But according to the numbers I posted and coming from the USDJ report link you provided, blacks commit violent crimes against whites at a rate of only around 15% of all crimes committed by blacks.

    Based on this one could easily conclude that in fact blacks DO NOT target whites but disproportionately target members of their own racial community.
  5. Alfalfa

    Alfalfa Banned

    Feb 27, 2013
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    Seriously? There are a lot of zeros on that table and the only explanation can be that data was still being collated. Why I don't know but to take a zero at face value shows how compromised you are. Under "robbery-attempted to take property-with injury" it also shows zero for white on white and white on black. There are about a dozen unexplained zeros on that page.

    As for the rape/sexual assault numbers, whites were the victims of other whites in 75% of cases (above normal by 5%) with black perps at 16.4%...again slightly above black demographic numbers. Black on black SA is also at 75% which only proves rapists and sexual assaulters have a tendency to hunt in their own racial group.
  6. JPRD

    JPRD New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    No, lefty, among other things, I'm a professional statistician!! What is it you don't understand about adding, multiplying, and dividing numbers and percentages?? There was NO subtracting involved. I offered the raw numbers too, but unlike you lefties, I'm smart enough to know what to do with raw numbers to determine what they mean!

    Whites DO represent a much higher percentage of victims than blacks do. Try your best to understand this, because it's not difficult. The base numbers in each category are the numbers of VICTIMS. White VICTIMS and Black VICTIMS are both listed, and I gave you those numbers. There are far more white VICTIMS than Black VICTIMS, There are far more White OFFENDERS than Black OFFENDERS. The difference is that Whites are the VICTIMS of Black OFFENDERS far more often than Blacks are the VICTIMS of White OFFENDERS!

    You honestly have no clue what you're saying, do you? Of course Blacks target Blacks more often than they target whites. Look at the other side of the equation! Whites target Whites damned near ALL of the time. The statistics for "Rape/Sexual Assault" are most representative of that fact. Virtually ALL of White Offenders targeted White Victims, whereas Blacks targeted Whites almost as often as they targeted those of their own race.

    If you honestly believe I'm wrong, then I challenge you to use the same data and show everyone here that Whites are more violent towards Blacks than Blacks are towards Whites. I did exactly that. If you're incapable of doing that, then you're all mouth and NO substance!
  7. JPRD

    JPRD New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    I addressed all of your other errors in my previous posts. Let's address the zeros now, shall we? The zeros clearly state that they may represent some cases, but the cases totaled less than 10 occurrences in each year, and thus a percentage approaching even 1% couldn't be calculated. Additionally, these data are the OFFICIAL US Government numbers, the best available we're told. There were zeros on the 1996 Table too. If there were better numbers available, lefty, don't you think that 13 years is enough time for the Government to correct any mistakes?? You don't like the answers, so you attack the person who gave you the answers. That's the typical leftist tactic, for FACTS always show that lefties are WRONG! Prove I'm wrong, or go back to your lefty buddies and praise one another for being so wise. You're WAY out of your league on this one!
  8. Alfalfa

    Alfalfa Banned

    Feb 27, 2013
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    For god's sake, here is that stat from the report YOU OFFERED.

    As you can see victims of violent crime fall within statistical anomaly of their representation in the general demographic pool. Whites (caucasians/hispanics) are 65-70% of the population, blacks 12-13%. Therefore one would expect whites to be victims in 65-70% of crime, blacks in 12-13%. Of course, the incidence of any black crime is going to be skewed up because blacks represent a higher % of people living in ghettos and barrios. It's that way in any country of the world. The people who live in them disproportionately commit more crime.

    Statistician? Let me guess...insurance actuarial...heheh.

    For anyone who wants to verify these numbers, here is the REAL link...


    We're looking at table 42.
  9. Alfalfa

    Alfalfa Banned

    Feb 27, 2013
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    Mark Twain - "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."

    Once you start "manipulating" statistics numbers, you can make them say anything you want. Best to keep it simple.
  10. Alfalfa

    Alfalfa Banned

    Feb 27, 2013
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    Oh my god, LOOK AT ALL THE ZEROS IN OTHER AREAS! Obviously, there was some problem with the data. I don't know why they haven't been updated but i'll assume it is a union job.
  11. JPRD

    JPRD New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    I can't believe that you still don't understand this. I'm beginning to suspect that you don't want to understand it. PLEASE try to follow the logic this time. I never said that Blacks commit crimes more often than Whites do. Each race commits crimes about proportionately to their populations. However, the point was and IS that when Blacks commit crimes, they commit them FAR more often against Whites than Whites commit crimes against Blacks. The analysis only concentrated on Black-on-White and White-on-Black crimes, NOT on total crime.

    The ONLY numbers that are relevant are (1) How many total victims were White? (2) Of those White victims, how many were victims of Blacks? (3) How many total victims were Black? (4) Of those Black victims, how many were the victims of Whites? Then ADD the answer to question (2) to the answer to question (4), and you have (5) the total number of crimes having either a Black victim and White offender OR a White victim and a Black offender. Divide (2) by (5) and you get the percentage of that crime in which the victim was White and the offender was Black. Divide (4) by (5), and you get the percentage of that crime in which the victim was Black and the offender was White.

    This isn't brain surgery, it's very easy mathematics.

    WRONG again, lefty! Try Industrial Engineering, Operations Research, Project Management, Mathematical Modeling, and Financial Analysis. You're WAY out of your league on a mathematical exercise that an intelligent 8th-grader could handle.
  12. Alfalfa

    Alfalfa Banned

    Feb 27, 2013
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    You seem to have a lot of time on your hands...
  13. JPRD

    JPRD New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    I'm retired after 45 years of hard work. What's your excuse for having so much time on your hands? :wink:

    The good thing about having time is that I can challenge leftist lies when I see them, and put together the data to PROVE they're wrong. Given a leftist's ability to cloud issues with meaningless, irrelevant, and unsubstantiated claims, it's good that someone has time to call them on their lies.

    Having said that, I'm always hopeful that lefties, especially the indoctrinated younger ones, will have the character to recognize and admit when they're wrong. I don't like arguing with those who don't care about the truth, but if it's not done, lies will rule. I hope you understand the analysis now, and see that what I claimed is true IS true. If so, I'll be very surprised.... but very impressed with your honesty.
  14. Alfalfa

    Alfalfa Banned

    Feb 27, 2013
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    I'm independently wealthy.

    Look, I don't think anyone is going to disagree that there is a greater per capita incidence of crime in the black community then white. Of the 3,359,000 acts of violence committed against blacks and whites 61% was done by whites, 23% by blacks. If blacks target whites more it isn't nec because they're white it's because they have more money, jewelry and big screen TV's than blacks.

    You and others are trying to make out that there is some kind of new race war going on by blacks, I don't know, maybe it's wishful thinking on your part. The fact is for the entirety of human history the poor have always targeted their richer citizens and neighbors for theft and the fact that in America it is blacks that mostly occupy ghettos and barrios and whites who live in the suburbs and wealthy areas cannot have escaped your attention.

    Unless you're purposely ignoring it.
  15. JPRD

    JPRD New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    That's funny, but I'm doubting you. If you were independently wealthy, you wouldn't be so quick to recommend that others have a Right to take your money. :wink:

    Your statements don't hold water. There are separate records kept for "Robbery", including robberies with violence and without violence. As you might expect, Blacks commit those crimes against Whites FAR more often and Whites against Blacks. I purposefully excluded those records from my analysis because of the left-wing "Conservative-Wealth" argument. Your argument that wealth has anything to do with this violence is a bad one. Is White wealth the reason that 100% of Black-White interracial Rapes/Sexual Assaults were committed by Blacks against Whites???? They raped those White folks because of wealth? BAD argument!

    You're accusing us Conservatives of "Wishful Thinking" that there's a race war going on??? That's your accusation against those of us who tell the truth?? Unbelievable, but that's typical of the progressive left!! When the facts are against you, accuse Conservatives of racism and wanting a race war. The statistics I provided here are FACTS, directly derived from official US Government records. Because I've been such an uppity White man, the left accuses me of wanting a race war, simply because I told the truth.

    I can't speak for others, only for myself. There IS an indisputable war by a section of the Black community that's directed against Whites solely because of skin color! The hatred behind that targeting lies in the laps of left-wing, race-baiting demagogues!! These leftist slime-bags continually spout claims of racism toward White citizens while absolving Blacks of blame for anything. These left-wing demagogues are no less vile than Julius Streicher of Nazi Germany who blamed Jews for all of the problems facing ethnic Germans. The American left blames Whites as a race for every problem within the Black community. They tell Blacks that their failures are the fault of Whites, not the failure of themselves. THAT is the real issue here, and it's time to recognize it.

    I will never ignore lies and distortions...., ever! If there's any "Wishful Thinking" going on here, it's by the left.... hoping that their lying accusations of "racism" against Whites will make us back down like meek sheep. Don't hold your breath!
  16. mikezila

    mikezila New Member

    May 30, 2009
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    what were you expecting on a rain coat that has been out in the rain? you trayvoners are worse than 9/11 truthers and birthers combined. :no:
  17. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    You seem to be under the impression that there are equal numbers of whites as there are of blacks and make no distinction between white and hispanic.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Hmm so what about all the white men raping black women?
  18. Alfalfa

    Alfalfa Banned

    Feb 27, 2013
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    What about it?
  19. superbadbrutha

    superbadbrutha Banned

    Feb 10, 2006
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    I am not the smartest guy on the web, but I have been a few bar fights during my military days.

    Now if blood is running down the back of my head where would it end up?
  20. mikezila

    mikezila New Member

    May 30, 2009
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    down your neck and back, if you're standing. the blood on the jacket is exactly where it should be if Zimmerman's account is even slightly accurate.
  21. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    You seem to be under the impression that there are equal numbers of whites as there are of blacks and make no distinction between white and hispanic.

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    Hmm so what about all the white men raping black women?

    I asked you, what about the claims of how blacks are so threatened by whites?

    - - - Updated - - -

    What was the testimony?
  22. JPRD

    JPRD New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    Poor Zimmerman made the mistake of being born with a light skin color. Had he been a black man, the leftist demagogues would be hailing him as a hero for defending himself against a violent white man. The facts about racial violence are quite different!

    Jesse Jackson paid lip service to the recent wave of black violence against whites. After saying that all violence was bad, Jackson specifically decried black violence against other blacks. What's that, Jesse? You think blacks should spend more effort being violent against whites???? Blacks are doing a great job of that already! Between 1996 and 2008, blacks committed 92% of all black/white interracial rapes/sexual assaults, 87% of all black/white interracial crimes of violence, and 85% of all black/white interracial assault!

    As usual, the Leftist-Democrat claims about rampant black-on-black violence are..... LIES! Between 1996 and 2008, blacks committed violent crimes against other blacks 51% of the time. In other words, when black offenders committed violence, they chose other blacks as victims 51% of the time. It sounds like blacks are equal-opportunity offenders when it comes to violence.

    If Jesse Jackson is really concerned that folks of one skin color are being too violent against others of the same skin color, he should be addressing White on White violence!!! Between 1996 and 2008, whites committed violent crimes against other whites 97% of the time. One might conclude that whites hate whites??? That's right, racist white people chose black victims 3% of the time! Whites are such racists, aren't they?

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