And show what a complete and utter idiot he is! 1) they don’t know what they are shooting at 2) what goes up has to come down 3) you really want to piss off the little green men?
Common sense says they will turn out to be what past UFO sightings have been - either the planet Venus or weather balloons
I've seen a UFO with my own eyes in 1990. One of the big equilateral black triangles that simply hovered there for about 15 seconds before accelerating away so quickly that it would have instantly crushed anyone inside it. it was gone in a split second. We do not have anything that can do that today, let alone 34 years ago. you can poo-poo it if you want, but I know what I saw, and I know it wasn't of this world. My grandfather saw it too, and he was absolutely mystified. I'm sure many of these "drones" being spotted are just regular aircraft. But a **** ton of them are not. Something is happening here. Either the government is doing the greatest coverup operation of all time and losing control of it, or there is something greater at work.
How can you be certain that your figures are not actually rounded off to 20% that but that one of them might be 21.7%?
Do they still say they don't know what the drones are? I'm surprised this isn't front page news and getting more attention than it is. It could be spies, etc. It seems few care.
I'm mostly convinced that the drones and the orbs are two separate things. The drones are our gov't/military exploring the orbs. That's why they aren't telling us much yet. As bizarre as it seems to say, I'm thinking the orbs are non human intelligence.
I'm kinda wondering if some of these drones are being built and operated by hobbyists - regular people.
Considering drones have been used across Ukraine largely for surveillance and targeting, perhaps people should take this more seriously. It's about time for Congress to get rid of geriatric Joe and get someone marginally functional at the helm.
Not really. My brother is no billionaire. He was a school teacher, retired now. He built a small, one person aircraft from a kit around 20 years ago. How do we know what technology is being used? Has one been brought down and really inspected? Why would a drone have to have the millions of dollars of tech that an Air Force drone has? Couldn't one be put together for much much less?
Because we're talking about hundreds of drones across the country, that can remain in the air for many hours and are the size of cars. This isn't a couple of drones.
It seems that most people are assuming nefarious activity. My question: If it was some other country spying on us, or our own US government, wouldn't they rather turn the lights off and fly ultra-quiet drones that would escape detection? It seems strange that someone with ulterior motives would abide by FAA regulations and keep the flashing lights on. Also, if they didn't care about being detected, why not fly during the day, when it would be much easier to actually take images of important stuff? My feeling: This is vastly overblown, as some sort of craze that makes everyone notice activity in the air (maybe even just regular aircraft) that they haven't paid attention to before this has gotten a lot of publicity. Human psychology is a strange science.
I don't think it is bizarre at all. I think non human intelligence is trying to force the government to disclose what they know by increasing visibility in very populated areas. I think the government is desperately trying to put their own drones up, so they can point at those drones and say "see, it's just drones, nothing to see here." But the government's narrative is falling apart. NHI is winning the disclosure battle. It is all just too public at this point.
Yeah, but are they really the size of cars? Against a dark sky, people can misjudge its actual altitude. So if some drone hobbyist built a drone 10 feet long, powered by batteries, and instead of realizing that it is only 100 feet in the air, the observer thinks it is 1000 feet in the air, their perception of its size is going to much bigger than it really is. I am reminded that in criminal cases, witness testimony is often unreliable because we humans tend to perceive things differently and often incorrectly. And some animals are blessed with outstanding night vision. Humans are not, adding to that unreliability of what we think we see in the dark. Here's an ad for a drone that looks a lot like a military drone. It's $249. It says its wingspan is 2060 mm which is 6.75 feet. It has a flight time of 45 minutes to an hour. Now if you misjudge its altitude in the dark, you could easily think it is the size of a Chevy Suburban when it really isn't.
Why, of course not! They only are the biggest cable network news source on the planet! Your voice from headquarters, MSNBC, why, Maddow is telling everyone no one knows what it is, but don't be scared, it aint nuthin! Immediate reaction from the three remaining MSNBC viewers was predictable; Maddow's mother commented "isn't she just the prettiest thing?" The janitor from California said "soon as I find my remote I'm switching to CNN". The third viewer, a Starbucks Barista from New York City said "did you want whipping creme with that?"
Oh no. Fractals people! Fractals! Civilized races across the galaxy have matter transformation units which allow us to travel just about any distance in the blink of an eye. Why, Xcebia is over 1,000 light years from earth but I make the trip back and forth in about .0003 seconds. Really. Learn fractals and the secrets of the universe are yours!
Forgot to give you the link.