Our imaginations wouldn't run wild if Biden would tell us what's going on. Or Butti or Mayorkas for that matter.
A lot of these drones are flying in groups, turn their lights off when approached, and in the case of a NJ sheriff, fly out to the Atlantic when they're done flying over land. Maybe there's a good reason for this but no one is talking.
Concern about a dirty bomb might not be so high were it not for Christmas being a prime day for Habib and Abdul to do their dirty work after crossing the border with Biden's OK.
I didn't get the sense from the article that this was lot of material or that it a particularly dangerous form, but, I'm sure we don't want any loose radioactive material. Clearly Bribed Joe and Kackles are lying to us. They do know what is going on, and a search like that is one potential explanation.
This is not over a bomb or radioactive material. Too many are forgetting this is not isolated to NJ, they have just reported it more, received most attention, maybe have a higher concentration of the drones, etc. This is not reported is many states across the country. The gov't/military 100% knows but isn't saying. Why?
Really? Someone forgot to tell the white water guides down in the Grand Canyon, and the boaters on Lake Powell and lake Mead. <iframe width="937" height="276" src="" title="Grand Canyon, USA by drone [4K Royalty Free Footage]" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="654" height="368" src="" title="Grand Canyon, USA - by drone [4K]" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
You're giving Biden and Harris waaaaay too much credit. I'd love to see either one of them attempt to explain what's going on.
I believe one can get special permission, but it involves an application. Probably not something a regular tourist wants to go through, or would get permission for. My understanding is that the rangers are onto this, and anyone caught flying drones gets into trouble. I don't know what the punishment would be, probably a fine?
Well, if you're a guide in the canyon, neither you or your company are going to risk getting caught with a drone. Those permits are incredibly valuable and no company will risk even a suggestion that they're going to lose them. The private boaters now, they would consider it their GOD GIVEN RIGHT to fly a drone in the canyon to, you know, document their adventure. The problem is, getting the thing on the river. When you launch a grand canyon trip you do it at Lee's Ferry. And the rangers there will look into every box, every bag, every cooler to make sure you have all the required stuff for your trip. Right down to your capacity to collect and keep crumbs that fall off your dinner table. Seriously. It would be hard to hide a drone, even disassembled, to say nothing of the control box. But then, those private boaters would think of it as more of a challenge. So yeah, drones have been and will continue to be in the canyon. Same with both lakes. No way to keep drones off of the lakes. Of course, you'd be at risk flying the things, those rangers are sneaky, always looking for evidence of drinking and littering and foul behavior. A drone would be like a red flag to a bull.
They won't tell us because they like effing with their own citizens. That is the best explanation I can come with it. If these were enemy drones they would have been shot down.
Aaaannnnd, Trump’s co president (Elon) has a rather large fortune tied up in China - think he will have to pay tariffs? Talking about that - why no complaints about Elon getting Billions from your government?
Four colored lights is more likely an airplane, not a damn drone. Second, the internet is exclusively focused on NJ, a high air traffic volume area with La Guardia, JFK, Trenton, and other airports in the area. Third, Venus is in the sky and can have various shades of color depending on WHAT TIME of the day/night it is and we call this scintillation due to Earth's atmosphere changes. This is accomplished by your camera and the focus points on the images you are using. So yes, Venus may be very susceptible to different refractions, aka colors, depending on various factors in the sky and the technology being used to obtain those images. It is very simple, for a high school grad who took astronomy. https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/colors-scintillating-venus-mar-2017-photos/ https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/colors-scintillating-venus-mar-2017-photos/
except there are strings attached to that money, and it is flowing through the Banks in South Korea. That money is used for humanitarian purposes only. Remember, this was money that belonged to Iran when the SHAH was in power, then we "seized" the assets here in the US, and then we transferred the assets to South Korea for purely humanitarian purposes. That is where the money is at currently, in South Korean banks, not US banks sitting there counting as both an asset and as a liability to that bank. It is much ado about nothing and does not indicate any "mothership" whatever the hell that is, or drones in NJ. The $90 billion in oil sales is something that we cannot stop. It is "illicit" but there are actors, try Russia and China, who is buying the damn oil and paying them in their own currency equivalent to USD 90 billion. There is nothing we can do and nothing Trump, Biden, or anyone else in the Administration can do. The three americans who were killed were in Israel/Gaza, and Netanyahu is as much as at fault as anyone else. And all because of the political scheme of "my party is better than your party" argument. Geez.
Even if the Biden Administration told you the truth, you guys would not believe in it one ****ing second. So, its really a moot point, isn't it?
My conclusion is a variety of things. The intial drone sightings over military installations in mid-November was probably a red team exercise as a black ops project. The other sightings vary from misidentification to kids who are pranksters. This issue is not the drones, the real issue is the regulations, or lack thereof, with the FAA on drones in general. Drones are everywhere, and they are quite common, even at night. So with lights and all the bells and whistles, while being seen from a distance that can be distorted at night to an untrained eye, then yes it is those combinations of misidentification and pranksters. Some of those pranksters are the ones on the internet trying to tell you it is a drone when in fact it is not. That was seen on Fox News with a certain congressperson where you can clearly see the SWA logo and the lights on the damn 737.
You've missed the point if all you can talk about is the drones. I think most are realizing the drones are ours, it's what they're looking for and it's the gov't/military, not some kids pranksters with a million dollars worth of drones. The drones are up there for a reason. Check out this video taken from a plane yesterday. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comme...=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button