The thing about Venus is it stays relatively motionless in the night sky. The orbs, from what little I've read, are said to me able to move around.
Do you ever read your own links? Iran’s new carrier — the Shahid Bagheri — is a converted shipping container
So what? They paid to do the research on how to convert a container ship, actually did it and filled it full of drones. Do you think that was all free?
Their economy floats around half a trillion. I'm sure they can afford to slap some paint on a container ship and fly a few drones (cheapest aerial option) from it. Does this not smack of cobbled together to you?
Well however much it cost we are confident a chunk of the money came from the BILLIONS brandon sent their way.
Funny how he had all of these billions and billions of dollars to give foreign Nations but could barely be bothered to help the hurricane victims in the Carolinas and elsewhere. This administration has been a disgrace and a betrayal
All of this speculation is fun, but we don't have enough information. When government officials admit in one breath that a) they don't know where these drones are coming from, who is operating them, or why, and b) they are nothing to worry about, it screams bullshit.
Ward Carroll, a former F14 fighter pilot has an interesting take. He thinks this is a "red team" exercise determine capabilities of response times at various military installations when it was first reported in mid-November over a military installation. The rest may be misinformation on the internet misidentifying drones when in fact they are something else. For instance, when Fox was showing an alleged drone sighting while talking to a NJ GOP congressman, it was a 737 SWA flight, at least Ward Carrol, says. Drones are everywhere and can be relatively cheap to purchase. the rules for drones have not been updated since the early 2000s and are on par with an airline pilots flying a 747. So, it may be a combination of factors from internet hysteria on any "possible drone" sighting to a black ops operation that the government does not want us to know about. I also think certain politicians are using this to expunge fear unnecessarily to keep the population off balance as well with the "Iran" threat. Iran is an issue definitely in the ME, but not here. it makes no logical sense and we would know through our Satellite imagery if that was the case.
Excuse me if I'm wrong but wouldn't space ships have the technology to tap into GoogleEarth? I can and I'm in central Africa.
I don't buy any of that. They aren't balloons. Balloons don't fly sideways except by wind. Venus is uninhabitable. Since they haven't shot one down I can only say it is because it is part of their equipment. Since they won't tell us what they are then I can suggest that it is because it is part of their equipment. Nothing else makes sense.
I haven’t been paying any attention to this. So this AM I did some googling. Most of the articles I pulled up, what is being called drones is really just lights in the sky. Government officials state they don’t know what these are although they called them manned vehicles or drones. I don’t know what to think. But I’ll begin keeping a closer eye on these so called drones.
That's the goal of fear-mongering, - to play with peoples emotions. People are flying drones. So what? Besides most are probably airplanes. Maybe, but here is SE Florida we see drones quite often, and fortunately people are not opening fire. And then again, - why would they? That seems most logical explanation. Illegal aliens flying on backs of drones is the least logical explanation.
You really bought the lolly!! Google trump interests in China remembering that he paid more taxes there than he did in the USA
And a vast majority will be sightings of the planet Venus! One official did the math on the three lights and worked out it was Orion’s Belt! Some of this comes down to “get off the flipping computer and go outside at night!