Yes, I'm sure people just noticed Venus in the sky and that's what this is all about. The white house, military, and pentagon didn't know about Venus and that's why they have made statements about it. That's what thousands of reportings from not only the US, but across the globe. It's all just Venus. U serious?
It is the atmosphere - there will be wind! Higher up sudden gusts and crosswinds! Venus is known as “the evening star” because it is the first and brightest light at dusk. BTW thank- you for demonstrating why people are getting confused
Are you serious that no one investigating this has suggested that it is a large number of idiots misreading what they see in the sky? It is nicer than suggesting Americans are being suckered in by hysteria And this is hardly the first time this has happened - report from 2013
More people are looking to the sky because of this, so obviously there will be many misidentified things such as regular airplanes and even Venus, but to suggest this is all over Venus is ridiculous. You think airports were shutdown over Venus? Yes, you probably do.
Is the entire world this clueless? None of you are even close. Nor are the media and Congressmen. If you haven't figured it out yet then you are one of the clueless.
If you take your boat out of Haulover Inlet (which can get extremely rough) in South Florida, you'll be surrounded by drones which video tape you with hopes you run in to trouble, or someone falls off the boat.
Day and night. Yes, people take their boats out at night. Besides, drones have lights, like the ones in NJ which are fully illuminated which can only mean they are not trying to avoid detection. IMO, many of the sightings are airplanes and some are drones operated by a bunch of kids, maybe potheads, who think it's funny to troll people like that. No one fears the drones at Haulover inlet, knowing it's just bunch of people video taping the boats. It's annoying though. I have had drones fly only few feet from my boat.
Venus doesn't have 4 colored flashing lights hovering and moving at low altitude. There is only one venus. The drones have been seen by the dozen. Thank your demonstrating why it makes little sense to opine on something someone has never seen.
Drones are a dime a dozen. They can cost as little as $59 and as much as $26k. you can put go pro cameras on these mostly, or your iPhone or smartphone and take pictures. But the point is that civilians do have the ability to get these types of drones if they are willing to spend the money from small drones, mid-size drones, and large drones. The issue with nighttime is that nighttime can be misinterpreted by the eyes on whether it is closer than what it appears or farther, depending one one's eyesight issues. But these are not coming from Iran. It makes no logical sense, especially in a state called New Jersey. It is another example of the internet taking something and trying to make it into something else that does not exist.
Please tell us.... you think...... people put drone up at Haulover inlet in the middle of the night to catch boats going out of the inlet..... is that what you are saying?..... as the sightings are at night in NJ.
It's not the drones I'm curious about, it's what the drones are looking for. This isn't isolated to NJ but is now being reported in almost every state. Lots of clear videos of strange orbs, and now videos of the drones approaching those orbs.
So you're conclusion is pranksters have high dollar drones in the air at night across the country and even in other countries? The military 100% knows what's going on, but will not tell us.
Utilities Turn to Drones to Maximize Limited Resources Interesting article on how utilities use drone. Besides those uses, some utilities are also using drones for security, either flying continuously over critical infrastructure or flying in response to alarms that the perimeter has been compromised.
What makes you think they are looking for something that wouldn't be easier to find by car or by foot? Orbs.......LOL PS, The Iranian "mothership" was located thousands of miles from US, but stands as an example how people's imagination takes over when the media feeds them the right stimuli.
What we need is this: A laser-based drone zapper with high success rate. Joking aside: I've recently become interested in purchasing a drone for photography. Then, I figured out that you aren't allowed to fly drones in most places that are actually worth taking pictures of, in other words, all national parks, national monuments and most state parks. Therefore, I gave up on the idea. It's probably better that way, national parks already are overcrowded, and the idea of many drones hovering above scenic overlooks at any time taking photos is very off putting.
Vast majority of drones are toys, so.....yea, they fly them around aimlessly. If they are looking for something, you'd think they fly during daytime, not to mention it would be much easier to find things on the ground using cars. If they were trying to avoid detection, why do they fly with all lights on?
That's all part of the discussion, none of us have answers to any of this. We don't know and neither do you.
New Jersey Receives Report Radioactive Medical Device "Lost In Transit" "The shipping container arrived at its destination damaged and empty..." That may be the case. 'If these really are Defense Department drones doing radiation sniffing for possible dirty bombs, one could understand why they wouldn’t want to admit that & panic people. But at this point, the lack of disclosure is damaging public trust. Time to come clean.'
Well say, speaking of "bought the lolly!" First, Yes, brandon has quite intentionally, kept money flowing to Iran. A sworn enemy of the United States. Biden Keeps the Billions Flowing to Iran - WSJ Days After Trump's Victory, Biden-Harris Admin Granted Iran $10 Billion in Sanctions Relief, Congressional Notice Shows Biden’s $90 Billion Bailout to Tehran Biden continues Iran’s access to $10 billion just weeks after its proxy killed three American soldiers Second, the issue isn't Trump so your whataboutism fails, but the claim that Trump paid more taxes in China than in the US is pure propaganda. Just the Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment taxes on his 22,000 employees would be well over $22 MILLION. But you keep drinking that Kool-Aid and refusing to do your own independent thinking.
LOL! 1.5 mCi is the equivalent of 1.5 mg of radium, a miniscule amount. It's a dosage that is often exceeded in typical radioisotope body imaging for medical purposes. I don't believe this could be detected by a drone flying 100 m above. But, zerohedge has their audience....