"Ahmadinejad: Iran is determined to eradicate Zionism"

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Slyhunter, Aug 26, 2011.

  1. Chuckyy

    Chuckyy Banned

    Sep 7, 2011
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    Details doesnt matter,Rockafeller,Rothschild,they are jewish families.

    Bush being a jew or not does not really matter.While their country was in war with nazi germany,they were busy with counting their money.The point is how they made a fortune out of it.

    If you believe WTC 7 collapsed because of a terror attack,you are naive.Because it collapsed with controlled demolition and Silverstein himself gave the command.
  2. zulu1

    zulu1 Banned

    Jul 23, 2011
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    The Ideological Kinship of Nazism and Radical Zionism is explained by the American historian, Lenni Brenner, in his book 'Zionism in the Age of Dictators.

    In the book, Brenner, who characterizes himself as an anti-Zionist Jew, reveals the history of Herzl's alliance with ant-semites. As Brenner has emphasized, the ties between these Zionists in question and the anti-Semitic racists were forged in the early years of the Zionist movement. For instance, Max Nordau, Herzl's partner in the Zionist movement, granted an interview to Edouard Drumont, the famous French anti-Semite, on December 21, 1903. The conversation between the Jewish racist and the French chauvinist was published in Drumont's anti-Semitic newspaper, La Libre Parole, including Nordau's statement that Zionism was not a question of religion but exclusively of race, and that on this point, there was no one with whom he was in greater agreement than M. Drumont.

    An important theme in Brenner's book is the ideological similarity between the German racists and the radical Zionists. The blood-and-soil fetishism that was rapidly spreading among the German intelligentsia before the World War I was absolutely mirrored in racist Zionist positions. According to this ideology, the German race had its own blood (Blut), and had to live on its own soil (Boden). Jews, being not of German blood, could never be a part of the German Volk or have the right to dwell on German soil. As Brenner emphasizes, racist Zionists quite genuinely supported all the arguments of the Blut und Boden racists. In the radical Zionists' opinion, too, Jews were not a part of the German people and therefore, should not mix with the German blood. Best for the Jews was to return to their own soil: Palestine.

    There is no question that by sharing the German racists' theories, these Zionists approved of anti-Semitism. Because Jews were not of the German people, German racists had the right to isolate and expel them, too. According to the radical Zionists' position, Jews themselves were to blame for anti-Semitism, by insisting on living in foreign lands and trying to mix with alien races. It was the assimilated Jews, not the anti-Semites, who were at fault. Chaim Greenberg, the radical Zionist editor of the Zionist organ Jewish Frontier, would characterize this mentality as follows: "To be a good Zionist one must be somewhat of an anti-Semite."

    (Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of Dictators: A Reappraisal, Chicago, 1983, p. 25).

    Brenner states:

    If one believes in the validity of racial exclusiveness, it is difficult to object to anyone else's racism. If one believes further that it is impossible for any people to be healthy except in their own homeland, then one cannot object to anyone else excluding "aliens" from their territory.


    Francis R. Nicosia, a professor of history at St. Michael's College (Vermont), also stresses the ideological relationship between radical Zionists and Nazis in his book The Third Reich and the Palestine Question. According to Nicosia, the radical Zionists were ideologically close not only to the Nazis, but also to their nineteenth century racist predecessors, including Arthur de Gobineau. In 1902, Die Welt, a Zionist newspaper published by the WZO, endorsed Gobineau's theories on racial degeneration and on the desirability of maintaining racial purity, noting that Gobineau had admired the Jews' racial purity. In the years prior to the World War I, some influential Zionists zealously defended the theories of racist philosophers such as Elias Auerbach, Ignaz Zollschan, Arthur Gobineau, and Houston Stewart Chamberlain.

    Francis Nicosia, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1985, p. 18.

    Happy to educate.
  3. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    It is also fact that most Ashkenazim Jews (and that is 90% of today Jews) have nothing to do with Semites.

    Their ancestors were Khazars and Slavs that converted to Judaism after the 8th century AD.

    The term "Anti-Semitism" does not make any sense, because most Zionists are non-Semitic Semite-Haters, they hate the native Semites of Palestine (speak Arab Muslims and Christians).

    Ergo: Anti-Zionism has nothing to do with the hate against Semites (speak Anti-Semitism).

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