... except for the atheist, himself, of course... The atheist lives inside his own World View, because he actually believes it represents Reality as far as he is concerned. If his World View is dead wrong, then he lives inside of what is a Fantasy, one he has personally constructed and accepts. And, by definition, he is insane because he does not live in Reality. All other people are doing the same thing, of course. Abraham Maslow, who was the first president of the American Humanist Society, had worked out a psychological system which studies sane o[peole instead of mentally ill people. He determined that 15 characteristics of Actualization define sanity. He noted that less than 1% of the population is actually sane. Hence, he was saying whether one is religious or not, 99% of the people live in some Fantasy of their own making.
Then why do we experience Fear which is a state -f-mind that allows us to make a move, to think and decide whether to either fight or flee? And this moment on time also allows us to be conscious of the Realities facing us. Time allows us to gain understanding about this "other thing," i,e. Reality, which contains us. Our decisions as to what we ought do can become every complex. New ideas develop into behaviors which were never otherwise predictable. And new ideas create beneficial situations by utilizing Reality to our advantage. The truth dies set us free from behaving Action/reaction.
1) Christians (once) understood that Truth is the door for man, by which man can enter the one and singular Reality which is our master and God. During the 1000 years of just one church of Universal Christianity, experienced during the Age of Monasticism, Christians forgot the meaning of Christ as Truth. Christians came to erroneously say Christ is Love, and love saves us all. Christ is Truth which is available to us. God, or Reality, is the love we receive from Reality which presents us with everything we need to survive. 2) Jews do not define the term they use for God, because they say the meaning is ineffable for them. They claim they can not explain the idea of "God," whatever it might be, so it is some concept locked inside themselves and never said. 3) Muslims have a 100 descriptions of what Allah can do or be. But Allah never defines Himself, beyond the noting His attributes. In comparison to Christians, Muslims error in repeating the idea the God is one, without a son. Muslims ignore that the grace of Reality is that, a son called Truth exists and tell us all about Reality.
Yes, people who love Truth must hate lies and liars. This is because they challenge others to accept the insanity of Fantasy Worlds. Christians and Jews and Muslims believe we must love Reality and place it before all other "gods." It is the first commandment, and Reality is jealous of Fantasy Worlds and destroys them.
All those now fallen societies which sold people the idea of sexual promiscuity hurts no one, lied. The end came when either revolution by the bastards inside, or invasion by patriarchies from neighboring nations defeated them.
Mao killed the long ruling leaders and supporters of a feminized society, where the Dowagers held all the money and power over the people. This what ALWAYS happens when the women manage to gain control by trading sexual favors for what they want instead of money. Power is what is in the end, a Matriarchy. Mao may have been a "Christian" is the sense that hecorrectly saw that a ch==Cghinese matriarchy had a hand on the throat of the Chinese eople.
Not sure what you're talking about. Not sure why you are an atheist when you cannot provide evidence for your own claims. Dunno why you're here arguing with Christians considering you don't believe in any of this. LOL. Like joining the Nick Jr. message forums for kids and arguing about the existence of the Tooth Fairy. Seriously. Why waste your time?
It was a simple question....I guess you just didn't have a good answer. No one has to prove a negative. If I said there were pink elephants dancing in my back yard and you didn't believe me it would be up to me to prove it. And, ya, arguing about whether there's a god or not IS like arguing about the tooth fairy who I assume you believe in since no one can prove it doesn't exist. I still don't know why you are so afraid of atheists.
what claims do atheists make, please? specifically. oh yeah .... NONE. why do you even bother? and yes, it's very LOL worthy when atheists speak up isn't it. of course, YOU'D never do that. if you woke up tomorrow in a society which was almost universally pitted against your Christianity - to the point of affecting your career, your education, and even your relationships with friends and family. and worse, prevented you from marrying the person you love because this 'terrible place' insisted only same sex marriages were legal and tolerable. worse still, some teachers at your kids school were so brainwashed that they couldn't abide by the laws in place, and kept trying to indoctrinate your kids into their cult. I'm sure you'd consider it an entirely lightweight matter, and just laugh it off. protesting peacefully would be extremely silly, right? as silly as joining Nick Jr message forums, or arguing about the Tooth Fairy. Why would you waste your time?
the hubris borne of 1700 years of unquestioned primacy means they're entirely unprepared for challenges. they simply never expected this, so never bothered to build an earthquake rated structure. that's not just ordinary hubris, that's vain hubris.
Moon god? Lol, that is another Western myth. As to the crescent symbol, it is an Ottoman invention. - - - Updated - - - One must still make the intention. The intention is pivotal.
Sad. You don't even realize you're making a claim. Why are you here? What's the purpose of arguing with Christians if you have no claims of your own? Are you here because you want Christians to convince you?
what claim is that, please? I hope you don't mean the nonexistence of gods, because you'd be engaging in a falsehood if you did. I, and many atheists, don't claim any such thing. I'm here to debate the religious, obviously. In this case I appear to have won ..... if retreat is considered concession
Do you believe in Truth? Does Truth exist? Are you looking for Truth here, or will lies be OK if they are in your opinion, useful? Or, do you you believe that Truth should be the light into the future of what you should say after this discussion?
But if I said there was no brain in your head, wouldn't I need some explanation? You don't just believe what I'm saying simply because I say something isn't there.
Why don't you believe in the hyper-intelligent firecracker that created the universe? I mean honestly for you to just walk around all arrogant, not believing in the hyper intelligent firecracker that obviously created the universe is absurd. What it really means is you just hate the hyper intelligent firecracker, you hate everything about it. I can't just believe you when you tell me the hyper intelligent firecracker isn't there so I will need you to prove to me that it doesn't exist. Have fun with that, I mean come on they call it the big bang for a reason, all the evidence is right in front of you all the time. Ever seen a firecracker explode in super slow motion? Remind you of anything? Like maybe the universe expanding away from the explosion, burning hot embers (stars duh) eventually burning out? You deny this because you have religious faith in your belief in the non-existence of the hyper intelligent firecracker and the fact that you can't prove it doesn't exist is a pretty good indication that it probably does.
The claim is that God doesn't exist. If you were saying, "Hey, I don't believe you, so give me evidence to convince me." that would make you agnostic.