I respect your opinion. However, did you read the link in the opening post "China has an intractable demographic problem" ?
One can calculate how many working Americans per aging Americans, and how that ratio is changing over time. Here, we experience this issue as "how to solve SS funding", and other such questions. China faces this problem more seriously than we do, in part because they haven't embraced our solution to decreasing procreation - immigration.
Correct .. they are short women .. which is fine .. and does not change the fact that the planets population is too high .. and continues to increase 2050 supposed to be 10 Billion.. God needs to send some kind of nasty plague that kills 90% .. thin out the herd. We are destroying the planet .. and I am not talking about CO2/"Warming".
World wide procreation rate is decreasing. In fact, our procreation rate is below the replacement rate. What's the plan for taking care of those who can't work - the aged, those needing healthcare, etc.? So far, we backstop with immigration and increase taxes (or debt). Be careful what you wish for.
I call BS ... last I checked we were on track to 10 Billion by 2050 World population projected to reach 9.8 billion in 2050, and 11.2 billion in 2100 https://www.un.org/en/desa/world-po...2050, and,Nations report being launched today. So your wrong .. but so what .. even if we were not growing still .. at present population we have too many .. on a path to desruction of the Oceans .. as I have been telling you for years ... "Not in my back Yard - Dump it in the Ocean" evironmental Policy .. Did you not see the latest monster movie ? ... Called "The Blob" 5000 mile long monster hitting the florida coast. Whats that Will ? and why are you asking me about a plan for taking care of aged HC and so on ??? what does that have to do with slowing population .. OHHH .. you are saying with less folks entering the workforce .. wont be able to take care of the old. Spare me William .. don't care .. matters not to the equation .. we will figure it out somehow . need to save the Ocean at the moment.. and were you paying attention .. already answered your question in previous conversations .. Take from the Rich ... gonna need to be doing that anyway .. 10 Trillion a year for 10 years will do the trick .. 100 Trillion from the .OOOOOOOOO1% is around half .. but worry not .. they get to keep the other half .. which is still more money than God. What is pyrophoric loopty hoo .. is running around going aahhhhh ... ahhhh .. we can't save the oceans because we are unsure whats happening to the elderly.. Every couple can still have ~2.5 Children .. to stop population growth .. not like there are no new people entering the workforce .. but nevermind .. this is down a dumb rabbit-hole enough .. .. and that child allowance .. should really be dropped to 1 .. but --- think with 100 Trillion over 10 years .. I could do it .. manage to keep 8 Billion people afloat .. and save the Oceans at the same time .. and deal with the CO2 issue -- even though we have more time for that one .. 2 horses racing to th abyss .. the Ocean horse is running much faster .. and much closer to the finish line .. arguably .. already there .. have fun with next years blob... Wasssup with that Will .. where is this crazy Blob coming from .. and why .. and and will we survive !!!
Population growth rate is SLOWING, not stopping. It will attain the size you mention. However, everything points to the slowing continuing, with the total world population beginning to shrink some years in the future. There is no indication that the procreation rate will start rising again. Our own procreation rate is BELOW the replacement rate of 2.1 children per couple. We're still increasing in population, but one significant reason for that is immigration. China is responding to what is a serious problem for them. With a declining procreation rate, they face the problem that for every thousand Chinese passing into retirement, there are fewer Chinese to support them. Attempting to raise procreation rate is something that a number of nations have tried (for similar reasons), but without success. China might also try to encourage more immigration, but they are pretty xenophobic. And, I don't believe their program of trying to repatriate Chinese Americans has made any difference.
Then why did you say population growth has already stopped and was decreasing ? Possibly you do not realize it .. but that is what you say above .. procreation rate decreasing to below replacement rate means the population is decreasing . .which means Population growth has already stopped. you then double down on nonsense moving the goalpost from world to "Our" - meaning first world nations What part of World Population is increasing .. on track to 9.8 Billion by 2050 ..are you still trying to debate ? with inane fallacy -- in an effort to deflect from the fact that we need population growth to end -- that there are already too many people on the planet - Increasing Will .. Population increasing .. not decreasing .. UP . not Down .. still above replacement rate . not below - please let us not have this conversation again ..
?? I'm pointing out that the world procreation rate is slowing. Thus world population is not growing at a decreasing rate, and while it looks sure to pass the 10 billion point, it is also headed for decline. As for China, our situation in America is an example of similar problems that we face. And, we know more about the USA than China. So, we're a good example. Remember that the economics of a shrinking population (even just a shrinking growth rate) present serious problems.