Representing the enormously varied opinions of America on this topic isn't easy. However, polls do consistently show that Americans are in favor of abortion being legal all or most of the time.
This reminds me of an old thread: No one has the right to force a woman to do something she doesn't want to do There are many hypocrisies on the Left when talking about being "pro choice".
All our rights have exceptions based on such legitimate concerns as public safety. That OP does not even attempt to address the issues.
There are always "reasons". The authorities are afraid of the economic effects it will have on their society's future. Currently the Chi-coms are citing "women's health concerns" as a reason why women shouldn't get abortions. I'd say that's kind of a form of "safety", isn't it? How about "womb safety"? Can we make the womb a killing-free safety zone?
No, there isn' you have been informed many many times "Pro-Choice" is in reference to abortion...NOT in reference to every damn thing they do in their lives... HERE"S a BIG HYPOCRISY: Anti-Choicers claiming abortion is murder but saying they don't mind murder if the fetus is the product of rape...
It's kind of funny that within the lifespan of this online political forum (about 12 years), China has gone from forcing abortion, to banning it.
Well, the Communism is kind of like a religion. (both as an ideology and mentality. it might be more appropriate to refer to it as "totalitarian collectivism". at least with pro-lifers they're trying to save the life of an individual unborn human; with the chinese communists it's all about the supposed public good)
China is a lot like Republicans it seems, they want the government to decide for women, the government's choice The right wants a big daddy government to tell them what to do and decide for them
Yes, some people are in denial that taking away women's rights IS Big and BIGGER government....but it is..
HOWEVER: Anti-Choicers claiming abortion is murder but saying they don't mind murder if the fetus is the product of rape ...
It sounds like you are bringing up a separate issue that is off topic. Do you want to start a separate thread to discuss that other issue, FoxHastings? Otherwise, it's not really fair to try to bring that up here, since it would lead to a long tangential discussion that you know would derail the discussion in this thread off topic. Face it, you can't win, so you just try to constantly change the topic.
Your old "Let's throw lots of mud in a thread and hope something sticks, despite whatever the specific issue the topic was discussing" You bringing up conservative's (alleged) inconsistency on rape came totally out of left field. (although reading back through the discussion, I suppose all this started with Green Man)
In this case, the right wing absolutely does want government to control women's healthcare for reasons that clearly having nothing to do with safety or efficacy. In fact, the decision by the Texas judge made it illegal for doctors to use the drug in question to cause abortions when women's healthcare requires that. The judge, demanded that doctors use more dangerous and invasive methods to care for women.
This is horrible - The world is already over-populated .. a whole lot of that overpopulation in china.. they need less .. not more people .. as the world needs less .. not more people ..china should not be encouraging folks to have more babies.