I KNEW I wouldn't get an answer to : So if the father says abort, you think the woman should abort??? You quoted the question, why can't you answer it ?
Nor will the courts and taxpayers like that "downside".......taxpayers do NOT want to take up the slack of deadbeat dads Once it is born it is NOT her body, it is a kid that needs support....
You didn't ask me that question but I asked you this one If they choose not to be a father should they have to support the baby if the mother doesn't kill it?
No the English language, you don't get to rewrite it because it doesn't support the pro-abortion position. End of chat.
I KNEW I wouldn't get an answer to : So if the father says abort, you think the woman should abort??? You quoted the question, why can't you answer it ?
Well said and agreed. Not to mention that many unwanted kids grow up on single parent homes or poor homes. An unwanted baby traps a single woman into a low income existence, a factor that is distorted by the increasing number of single mothers who choose to have a baby. The bottom line here is that those most likely to have unwanted babies are the least capable of providing for them. Intelligent, educated and sane people take precautions against pregnancy until they want a child, even if that precaution is Plan B. Low IQ, ill educated and mentally ill people, as previously discussed, are ill-equipped to both take precautions against pregnancy or caring for the baby after it is born. The anti-abortion crowd doesn't care and, after the baby is born, is the first to bitch and whine about those on welfare. In short, the anti-abortion crowd is the strongest force to turn the movie "Idiocracy" into reality. http://time.com/4327424/idiocracy/
You didn't ASK ME, but I ASKED YOU a question please answer as you demand of THOSE you ask questions If they choose not to be a father should they have to support the baby if the mother doesn't kill it?
Post # 918...… .I never brought up the subject of child support and it has nothing to do with the topic
Try again. You apparently forgot to read the question I asked before you answered a question I didn't ask. Would you like me to repost it?
The answer to your question is in the comment I keep repeating. How are you not getting this? My lord...you need to sleep one off?
I'll give e you benefit of the doubt and assume I was unclear and not that you were afraid to answer... One more time. Do you think a man should stop an adult woman of sound mind from having consentual sex? Yes or no?
Already answered that. Use your critical thinking skills. You can do it. Or maybe you can’t. Either way I don’t give a rats a$$.
WTF kind of question is that ???? WHERE would such a sick idea come from....a man stopping a woman from having sex???WTF? BTW, YOU NEVER asked that question before!!! ...and it has NOTHING to do with PP or abortion....
FoxHastings said: ↑ WTF kind of question is that ???? WHERE would such a sick idea come from....a man stopping a woman from having sex???WTF? BTW, YOU NEVER asked that question before!!! ...and it has NOTHING to do with PP or abortion Well, I'm talking to you and YOU can't answer those inconvenient questions Hey, if a father has a "say"' in a woman's pregnancy and SAYS she should abort, should she ??? The Big Question no Anti can EVER answer
Any human can be taught to use contraceptives. Its not a matter of intelligence, its a matter of will. Its not 'stupid' people having unwanted children, its undisciplined people having unwanted children. Discipline is taught/learned, not inherited. The 'dumbasses living in trailers or government housing' never had the opportunity to learn discipline, which makes it unlikely that they would attain education or teach either to their children in turn. Its a loop of lack of discipline. Any eugenics agenda targeting this 'class' of people would be doing so from an intellectually compromised position, and would be no less apt to being hijacked for evil as was the eugenics agenda targeting Blacks in early US history or that targeting Jews in Nazi Germany. We could breed out or abort every 'trailer-trash' in the nation and poor parenting combined with lack of opportunity would eventually lead to more. Eugenics is the wrong answer.