Seriously? Dude, we have ****ing morons who can't read or do math. Sure, you can teach them to put a condom on a banana, but do you really think these rocket scientists understand the consequences if they don't? They're exactly the same type of dumbasses who think "It can't happen to me", who think they can't catch STDs or don't need an HIV shot or, get this, are morbidly obese. Sure, you think it's not a matter of intelligence, but the 71% of Americans who are unfit to serve are exactly the problem we are discussing. Someone who is unfit to serve as a private in the Army is just the type of ****ing dumbass who won't use a condom or take any other precautions to prevent both pregnancy and STDs. It's these idiots who are deadbeat dads and welfare moms. The military depends on a constant flow of volunteers every year. According to 2017 Pentagon data, 71 percent of young Americans between 17 and 24 are ineligible to serve in the United States military. Put another way: Over 24 million of the 34 million people of that age group cannot join the armed forces—even if they wanted to. This is an alarming situation that threatens the country’s fundamental national security. If only 29 percent of the nation’s young adults are qualified to serve, and if this trend continues, it is inevitable that the U.S. military will suffer from a lack of manpower. A manpower shortage in the United States Armed Forces directly compromises national security.
But seriously - suspend your disbelief for a moment - don't you think that laws would be different if men were the child bearers?
Laws change when they adversely affect a majority of voters. It's one thing to scream "Repeal Obamacare!" but another when that repeal affects the healthcare costs of a majority of American voters. The solution on the abortion question isn't screaming at Republicans but having more women vote.
Sorry to ruin your big "gotcha" but that's easy. No. A mother should always protect her child even if the father, who also should protect his child, refused to be a man and protect his child. BTW.. I never said a father should be able to kill his child.
If men bore children women would be the dominant sex... But leave that aside... Maybe. How's that relevant? If it's right, it's right. If it's wrong, it's wrong.
Good luck with teaching that I am tired of the seemingly never ending "I am better than you" slut shaming posts blaming people for basically being people
Actually I think the root cause is a very efficient disinformation campaign that has focussed on three main myths A) People (read women primarily) are too lazy to be bothered with contraception and would prefer to rely on abortion. With that goes the abstinence " i am better than thou" blame game B) all abortions are late term because women basically could not be arsed having a baby C) That legislation actually will do anything about stopping abortion
Why do you think unwanted pregnancies are so much more prevalent now than 50 years ago? 50 years ago: Abortion was illegal in most places. There was little to no sex education. WIC, welfare, food stamps, and other government aids were much-much less. So what's your opinion?
Why is it that anti choices do so little research before posting? I suppose facts get in the way of a good rant
Don’t get upset with me because you lack critical thinking skills. No one is perfect. I’m sure there are other things you are good at. Coloring maybe?
Sorry to burst your big bubble. 1. I asked why unwanted pregnancies are higher than 50 years ago. 2. Your chart doesn't go back that far. But your stat about abortion reducing in number is worth notice.
Surely abortions are mostly for UNWANTED PREGNANCIES I note however you have not validated your own claim
Not sure. Just tired of the blame game when the stats on contraceptive failure are clear Even with a 99% success rate for a contraceptive one woman out of a hundred every year will get pregnant
USA is one of the few countries in the developed world where abstinence is taught and where ther is no goverment sponsored contraception