Good Grief, a 7 year old transgender with transgender "dad"

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by sec, Sep 16, 2011.

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  1. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Oh geez! I really should go to bed instead of reading this ... jaw dropping stuff.....

    NO, Mak, a 7 yr old girl is NOT old enuf to make such a decision of that magnitude.......

    And no one should 'assume' that all 'experts' are always right B/C THEY'rE NOT!
  2. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Ok ....{groan} you gave me some food for tho't here.... maybe - I'll ponder over it when I get my ass to bed....... I woke up when I started reading the other posts........
  3. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    if the real dad or grandparents have not intervened by then, arrest them all for child endagerment and get the kid some help

    what thenn?????? It means the kid has been failed by any closely related adults
  4. Indymom

    Indymom Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Clearly half of you don't have kids. My daughter spoke a 12 word sentance at 18 months. I remember because my elderly father keeps telling the story over and over. She said "I scratched my arm because I had a mesquito bite on it." An 18 month old can understand the difference between a boy and a girl.

    Now, with that said, I think this parent probably didn't realize the child was picking up conversations that I believe had to occur with others about what undoubtedly is the most important thing in a transgender's life. While this parent is convinced the child came up with it on their own...he is fooling himself if he doesn't think he could have influenced it. I don't really think its any of my business what ideology the parent teaches the child. As long as they are fed, clean, etc...and aren't abusive, it is a parents job to teach the child their beliefs.

    I AM highly concerned, however, how this affects others at the school. Until a child goes through a gender change (which I would hope would be against the law until age 18 ), then they need to use the appropriate bathroom. If a school would like to allow that child to use the teacher's restroom, fine. But, I would be livid if a boy walked into my daughter's bathroom just because he had a gender identity problem. I also would be livid if anyone hazed or beat up a child with gender identity problem (parent influenced or not).

    I think the school officials should offer the child the teachers lounge, and keep a stronger eye on the bullying. But, in no way would let them go into the other community bathroom.
  5. Indymom

    Indymom Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Old enough to voice statement, likely parent influenced...not even close to old enough to DECIDE.
  6. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    you must understand from where the comment arises and the motivation.

    Makk will defend all things LGBT despite how wrong they are. THe "dad" states that the "girl" wanted to be a boy since she/he was 18 months and "dad" found a whack job with a degree to support him.

    How anyone could refuse to understand that a little kid being raised by a "transgender" would want to emulate their parent absolutely escapes me.

    As i raised earlier in the thread, my grandchild pretends to be a dog as she emulates our dogs.. Should we surgically implant a tail onto her?
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  7. Indymom

    Indymom Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I hear you (and have gone round and round with Mak), but I don't doubt the kid probably made the statement, and was trying to point out it is almost irrelevant. Maybe the parent got from it what they wanted justify their own life choices. Who knows. I do agree that the child is not old enough to make life-altering decisions at 7, or 13 for that matter.

    To be clear, I don't think child services should be called. Parents have the right to teach their ideology to their kids, and work with the school in the safety and education of their child. I do absolutley draw the line at surgery, though. And infringing on the mental stability of the other children to walk into a bathroom and run into the opposite gender.
  8. Indymom

    Indymom Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    BTW, I don't value the expert opinion to push on the public. I WOULD value it in helping this child deal with either an over-bearing parent, a confusing situation, or deal with genuine feelings that kid has. I value their use to help the CHILD, not to inform the PUBLIC. Shame on the parent for making public, what should be kept private. What goes on between a child patient and a psychologist needs to stay with the parent, or perhaps only the school counselor and/or principal. It should not have been voiced to the public for the use of ammunition. JMO!
  9. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    It is just the 18 month olds mother that couldn't.

    I do take issue with the idea that they understand the difference between males and females other than parts. They have difficulty using the correct tense linguistically... just think about that... they cannot keep straight in their heads which is which when it comes to grammar... but the distinctive differences between us, natural and socially constructed, at 1 year old... is sort of silly imo.

    I do not call BS on your 12 word sentence... but I bet some will. However, you should be aware that that is abnormally early to have a vocabulary that could put that sentence together, and the grammar skills to do it. Very unusual.
    VERY unusual. Especially polysyllabic words like mosquito.
  10. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    as someone who is all for personal freedom and liberty, I also support that. But, this needs to be looked at more clearly.

    let's look at nature. There are males and females and nature makes it so the male piece enters into the female piece. When you look at the LGBT realm, obviously the bodies are what they are so it's in the mind that they are different aka a mental state or condition. Now that does not mean that it's a bad thing mind you, just that it's not physical. With homosexuals, something makes them want to engage in sex with same sex partners. When I want warm apple crisp I am in a mental state that nothing else will suffice.

    So, in this case, we obviously have an individual(parent)who thinks different than what nature intended. Since the child was born a girl, how do we know that her mental state was not altered by the parent? the parent is going against natures will. Nature created a girl.

    This is not about raising your child to be responsible vs depending on the govt. This isn't about believing in Allah vs Jesus. This is about did the parent mess with the most basic of things.
  11. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    but that is the agenda that does that. A child is simply a pawn to be used.
  12. CMF

    CMF New Member

    Sep 19, 2011
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    Doesn't matter what an 18 month old can pronounce. A female parrot can pronounce it too. Doesn't mean he wants to be a boy.

    Because it is easier to see in dark, fog, etc. Red disperses at a slower rate in light than any other color. That is why they use it on stop lights.. danger signs, tail lights, etc.

    Again.. what are your qualifications to give the opinions you have? Being gay doesn't count. Have you ever worked with LG/B kids? Have you ever spent time with kids whose parent tried to convince they were gay? Have you ever dealt with the "I think I am gay" aftermath of boys who were molested by adult men? Have you dealt with boys who were fathers at 14 and 15 because gay moms wanted babies with their new gfs and the quickest way to make it happen was to have their sons get their gf pregnant?

    Have you?

    Seriously. Where do you get the support for your opinions other than from websites you apparently have all day every day to read and a strong sense of personal offense toward anything you see as in any way intolerant of ANYTHING remotely related to LGBTQ issues?

    Yes.. I work with these kids and have worked with these kids for going on 18 years (good grief has it really been that long?) both with kids as perpetrators and victims of crimes of all kids including but not limited to sex offenses. I started out in a caseworker capacity and moved from there to live-in pseudo-mom 24/7 for 6 and a half years in a cottage of 12 young men at a time. I began working with juvenile perps in treatment after that and have been doing this in various capacities for some 11 years. I have been front-line staff, treatment team supervisor, group therapist, crisis intervention specialist, and am now serving in the capacity of treatment team management, trainer, advanced group counseling facilitator, and Indian Chief.

    I could line out all the letters behind my name but this is the internet.. so could all of you and none of it means anything other than we all know what letters would impress other people. No one can prove it and anyone who is actually a professional won't spend time trying to prove credentials to strangers on the internet. None of it matters here.

    What matters is that the kid in question has been psychologically and emotionally damaged for the sake of a mother meeting her own distorted emotional needs. We as a society are willing to admit this is a problem when it manifests as mom over-protecting the child, being too permissive with the child, trying to be their child's “best friend” rather than being a parent, being flirtatious with their son's friends, etc... but when it comes to things like this.. things that approach the boundaries of “political correctness”... we proceed with caution and many times we refuse to intervene at all when it comes to the welfare of the child. We ignore the effects on the child in favor of appearing “tolerant”.

    Where do we draw the line? When does tolerance become acceptance of child abuse? When a woman who thinks she is a man.. says “my 18 month old daughter is really a boy trapped in a girls body”.. why does she still have custody of that child 6 years later? Why is this even an issue? If even ONE doctor had done their job as a mandated reporter... that woman.. (yes she is a woman) would have lost that child years ago... but no one cared to intervene in the best interest of the child. It;s more important to try to make this transgender woman feel “normal”.

    News flash.. transgender women aren't NORMAL. Yes it is a mental condition. It is a psychological condition. Being a woman and thinking you are a man is a psychological issue. Being a human and thinking you are a dolphin is a psychological issue. Being either male or female and thinking you are some unknown gender underneath it all is a psychological issue. You don't allow a child to be warped and distorted for the sake of this person's “parental rights”.

    On a side note.. pedophilia is not genetic. It is a sexual perversion.. not a genetic disorder. It is an environmental issue.. not a medical issue. It is born of a desire to have total power and control over one's victim.. while also having the low self-esteem and fear of rejection that keeps the perpetrator from attempting to engage with adults. Kids are weak. Kids are frail. Their tiny physiques help pedos feel strong and powerful instead of being the weak minded scum they are. Kids are easily manipulated. They are easy targets. They tend to want to please adults and they are easily groomed to be complicit with the contact.

    They do not “love children.. just in a physical way” as NAMBLA asserts... NAMBLA.. hows that for a rights movement? Did you know they used to be affiliated with the LGB movement? A group whose purpose for existing is to fight for the “rights” of adult perverts to molest children... under the guise of “a child's right to choose what to do with his or her body”.. sound familiar? Sound at all like people who want children to be able to choose their sexuality?.. Who think a 18 month old girl “knows” she is supposed to have a penis and someday have sex with women?

    Yes.. pedos can help it. They can stop it. They just choose not to. Active pedos are very selfish... very bad people who choose to be very very bad people for their own arousal and gratification.

    Don't ever doubt it.
    sec and (deleted member) like this.
  13. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    you said much more eloquently what i've been saying. It is the whole tolerance aspect which is hurting this child. Also, you dared to use the darkest and most vile word of all, "normal".

    People forget that "normal" is not an evil word and those who practice LGBT are not normal. What has been done to this child is not normal and in this instance, the child should have been placed into protection with another family member

    reps given
  14. William P. Homans

    William P. Homans New Member

    Sep 16, 2011
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    I was reading the newspaper at 3 (shocked the bleep out of my mother when I brought the paper to her and asked her what a Rebel was. I had seen the word in an advertisement, and pronounced the word "REE-bel"). I was creating plenty of full sentences and concepts by then. Wrote my first poem at 4. I was, as Indymom says, VERY unusual!

    But that doesn't mean I was ready to decide what sex I ought to be. I keep wondering where the real dad is during this entire extended thread. Someone said he was mentioned somewhere in this thread. Well, not in the last 200 posts, that I could find. Can anyone pull that info back up for us? He ought to be found and held to account, or grow some cojones, step up and take some responsibility in this case.

    WPH from MS :cool:

  15. texmaster

    texmaster Banned

    May 16, 2011
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    Star wars had a newspaper?

    I looked and couldn't find it. But considering the woman I'm guessing artificial insemination.
  16. Indymom

    Indymom Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I think we are on the same page. Yes, the parent probably had a strong influence on this child's way of most do.
  17. CMF

    CMF New Member

    Sep 19, 2011
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    I don't believe lesbians, bisexuals, and gays are "abnormal" as it occurs in every species of animal. What you won't find in any other species... is animals chewing off their own genitals in disgust over their gender. Transgenders and queers? yep. Abnormal and psychologically screwed up.

    As much as LGB may be hi8storically socially abnormal.. it is not naturally abnormal and IMO shouldn't be treated any different than anyone else. My opinions on someone's private willful and natural behavior shouldn't dictate their rights as a human in this country. In short.. it's none of my business. If the exercising of their rights doesn't somehow limit my rights.. I don't get an official opinion on it... and neither should the government.

    If they can raise straight kids without pressuring them to pretend they are gay.. good on them. If straight people can raise gay kids without pressuring them to pretend they are straight.. good on them. Adopt. If, in either case, your agenda takes precedence over the emotional welfare of the child.. you don't deserve the right to occupy the same space as a child IMO.
  18. Indymom

    Indymom Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Usual or unusual, I'm not going to doubt this kid said it because kids say the darnest things. We judge given the info given to us. I would NEVER say that an 18 mo knows if they are "in the right body or not" and fully understand gender....not even a 7 yo.
  19. Indymom

    Indymom Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Yes, a liberal way of thinking...its for their own good.
  20. TheHat

    TheHat Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2008
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    Exactly. No 18 month old kid is capable to make such a decision without a Pareto constantly talking about it in the home. For an 18 month old to be that concerned means the creature parent was constantly hounding on it. There is no way an 18 month old comes to that conclusion alone or is even considering such a thing. The kid hasn't even been walking a full year yet but somehow understands the dynamics of sex? People need to pull their heads out off sir asses on this one.

    As a man with 6 kids, I have frequented the 18 month old age 5 times with a 13 month on her way there and I can tell ya right now, sex isn't even on the radar b/c wife and I don't walk around the house flaming like a transgender idiot like the creature in this story.

    This 18 month old kid was in an environment where the parent is a freak, so it's no wonder the kid absorbed, like a sponge, that which was around him on a daily basis.
  21. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Bingo, what 2 consenting adults want to do in the privacy of their bedroom is nobody's business including the govt.

    It is when they feel compelled to make it a public issue is when the line is crossed. It's a personal thing and must remain personal.

    With respect to normal and abnormal. I've been around that horn here before and it's not normal for people to jump from buildings. It is normal for people to blow on hot liquid prior to drinking it. It is normal for a woman to have sex with a man. It's not normal for a woman to have sex with another woman.

    I don't see evil in the word at all but it is a word which gets a terrible knee-jerk reaction from the LGBT crowd.
  22. Indymom

    Indymom Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I was with you until you brought the point that this child should be taken away from this parent. Also, to bring in pedophilia...??? I understand you worked with these families, and I applaud it. But, you don't know this particular case, and ripping kids out of families and throwing them in foster care because you disagree with an ideology is not something I can support.

    I don't doubt your stories or your experience, but it should be a heavy burden to prove mental abuse to take kids away from their parents. The minute this parent makes an appointment with a sugeon to change the gender, then, I can support calling child services.
  23. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    hmmm, it's a fine line here. What is abuse? All that is known from the story which is one sided by the way, is that the child is a girl but wants to use the boys restrooms and maybe in middle school also use the boys showers.

    We can also gleen from the story that the child knew that she was a boy at 18 months. We also know that the mother is a transgender who believes herself to be a male. So, has the other and her behavior psychologically damaged this child ? Is she the influence behind this child thinking she isn't what she is.

    I'm sorry but this is a topic that nobody wants to touch with a 10 foot pole. Political correctness has unintended consequences and the child in the story is a result of it. What do you do? The LGBT movement has the media behind them. Who would dare to come forth and say that this child has suffered from emotional abuse?

    Nobody will never know if this child would be as confused if she were raised by a heterosexual couple. I tend not to believe in coincidences and to have a mom who is transgender and thinks she's man, and has a child who at 18 months said she is transgender is not a coincidence. Those thoughts were placed there either directly or via her environment.
  24. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    Again... not calling BS... it is just exceptional... and people get huffy when their exceptional children aren't as exceptional as other exceptional children... and everyone's children are exceptional... so I was expecting someone to call BS. I was mildly stoking the fire, though I have no problem believing it.
  25. Indymom

    Indymom Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Quick question:

    Why would anyone with gender identity be uncomfortable using the bathroom if they are used to that type body? They look at the "wrong body" every day, so why would using the opposite gender bathroom fix this? You'd think they would just be uncomfortable in their own skin and which bathroom they use would not solve a thing.

    Just asking...
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