Herman Cain Believes That If You're NOT Rich Then It's YOUR FAULT!

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by gregdavidson, Oct 10, 2011.

  1. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    You are babbling brainwashed nonsense. WHO the rich are is a constantly changing roster. Well less than 10% of the total rich were born rich. More than 90% of today's rich BECAME rich by their own efforts. And many of them were the Flower Children and anti-War protestors of years ago.
    You allow yourself to be swindled by anti-American subversives. The USA is still, even with a down economy, the best nation, richest, most caring, most giving nation that has ever existed. Take away the rich and not one of the previous adjectives would be possible.

    10 or 15 years from now, WHO the rich are will again have changed by up to 50%

    Those that LACK the ability or DRIVE to become rich may whine, protest, cry, and gripe all they want. There is NO SYSTEM, NO LAW that will EVER allow them to become rich. If it is not inside them, it won't happen, no matter what. FAIR is that each of us HAS an equal opportunity. It will NEVER be possible for each of us to have equal ability.

    All I see from protestors is jealous lazy parasites wanting everything for nothing.
  2. gregdavidson

    gregdavidson New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    You've been misled by ignorant people. You have my pity!
  3. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    I'm over 70 years old, the retired son of a bartender in a blue collar union supporting bar. We lived upstairs. We never had a new car or even a new TV. There was not a cent for me to go to college. Pappy made enough money to clothe us and feed us, that was it. I worked in a foundry as a youngster. I belonged to the union same as everyone else in the area. We lived in a pure union mill town. When I came out of the foundry at the end of every shift, both me and the brothers looked, and acted, identical. Skin, hair, clothes, shoes, all shiny, sooty black. Not brown, absolute black. White eyes and teeth from everybody, like a giant Minstrel Show coming out of the mill. What I learned in there was that I WOULD NOT spend my life in there. I went to college by working 2 jobs while carrying a full load. My country siad it needed me so I volunteered to go to Vietnam. Twice, ended up in the hospital both times. Didn't have to go back for a third and didn't volunteer as I had started to feel like a target. I hit the million dollar mark in my mid to late 30's. Didn't stay there and had to do it again.

    So I'm not talking about anything I've been told by some loon. I've lived it.
    I've done fairly well for myself and my family. But life happens to us all and it will never be fair. Along they way, my first wife, a beautiful, funny, smart sexy woman went from great health to dead in 2 years time. And my oldest son was killed by a penniless multi repeat offending drunk driver. Should I wallow in misery, or go on with my life? I couldn't see any other answer but to go on. Now I'm married to another woman even funnier and smarter and more loving than the first wife. I didn't think that would ever be possible but it happened. My surviving son started his own business with only advice, not money, from me, the way he wanted to do it. Today he is a millionaire. The poor economy makes it so he has to work his buns off, but he's still doing well.

    Its real simple

    Been There, Done That. Save your loser BS.
  4. jhffmn

    jhffmn New Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Some people are angry at corporate America while drinking a coke, playing on their iphones, while wearing nike sneakers and rendered immune to all sorts of diseases from vaccines.

    However, not everyone is an idiot.
  5. gregdavidson

    gregdavidson New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    No disrespect but you have absolutely NO IDEA what you're talking about. The Democrats are not "envious' of the rich. At least most aren't. I support the Democrats because I believe their ideology makes sense. You have to regulate the economy in order to make it run more efficiently. And due to cheap overseas labor, we need that more then ever. Look at my signature. Do you see a problem there? Basically what we're doing is letting money slip out of our economy so we can BORROW it back. Republicans think it's okay for our wealth to go overseas. But they COMPLAIN when the Democrats want to get some of our wealth back. You need to learn the TRUTH about what you're supporting. Not propaganda.
  6. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    The ignorant incompetent incumbent idiot b.o. wants to increase taxes on our MOST productive people AND increase taxes on business. Our corporate taxes are already the highest in the world. The Federal rate matches the highest and individual State corporate rates put us above every other nation on the globe. IS that business regulation? You as the CEO [and I have been the CEO] what do you do if you cannot make money HERE? You go elsewhere. It is your CEO responsibility to do so. Many jobs go overseas, some stay here. The ONLY other choice is to go out of business. How many jobs does that create. I have recommended that we stop corporate taxes period and allow all the offshore money to return tax free. We get NO benefit from that money now. If we had NO corporate tax or even very low [but the next bunch of stupid politicians would increase taxes] that might even encourage some FOREIGN CORPORATIONS to come HERE.

    Personal income taxes. While the subversive swine b.o. preaches class warfare and is dividing this nation to the point of civil war, the truth is this.

    Under the HIGHER Clinton tax rates, the top 25% of income paid 82% of our income taxes and the bottom 50% of income paid 4.91%. Under the LOWER Bush tax rates, the top 25% of income earners paid 86% of out total income taxes and the lowest 51% paid 2.7% of our income taxes. The rich are paying 5% more and the lower incomes, not the poor, are paying 45% less.

    Business regulations!!!!!!!!!!! This is not just business, but are you aware that since 1950 and before,our local, city, state and federal govts have passed 30,000 regulations and laws per year? That's over 1.8 million laws in less than my lifetime. And the b.o. administration has 4000 new BUSINESS regulations ready to impose. Dodd/ Frank fills 4 regular size file drawers. One set of new regs when all that was needed was to reinstate Glass-Stegal.
    obamacare, over 2700 pages with references that must be looked up amounting to another 100,000 pages. There is not a person in the nation that is an expert on obamacare. Probably not one that knows what it actually says.

    I am quite familiar with the number of regulations businesses had to follow . And since I've retired. There are thousands MORE, not less.

    Try this on for size and propaganda
    The last 4 years of Republican control of Congress, they ran up deficits of $1.141 TRILLION dollars. The last 4 years of Democrat control of Congress, the Democrats ran up deficits of $4.465 TRILLION dollars.
    But of course there is the revenue to consider. The total revenue taken in by the Democrats while they ran up deficits 4 times more than the Republicans was actually $86 billion MORE than the Republicans brought in.

    So with more revenue your wonderful Democrats [which I ONCE was] ran up deficits 4 TIMES more or $3,324 TRILLION actual dollars.

    What is the source of my "propaganda?" The US Treasury.

    I posted before, if govt spending is the answer. WHY hasn't $4,465. TRILLION in OVERSPENDING the last 4 years, solved, the problem?

    Read this:


    That is the report that obama's own appointed fiscal commission gave him last Dec. He appointed every person on this commission, no one pressured him to put on or leave anyone off HIS commission. Their report is excellent and obvious. But it clashes with b'o.'s ideology so he's ignored it. He demands bi-partisan cooperation but refuses to mention a plan that would get bi-partisan cooperation, and the plan is from his commission.

    That is why I'm against Dems and b.o. They have NO interest in this nation. Their only interest is in their prolonged power over the incredibly stupid.
  7. gregdavidson

    gregdavidson New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    A typical "wannabe" Republican. Unless you're a rich "greedy" person, you have no business believing in what you believe in. It's not going to benefit you and it's not going to benefit the economy. You need to look at the SOURCE of the problem which is our trade deficit. Why do you think Senate Republicans supported the most recent legislation which is to slap trade sanctions against China? What would make a Republican step over party lines? It must be something that's REALLY IMPORTANT.
  8. gregdavidson

    gregdavidson New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    And another point I should make is that our "overseas" job problem didn't start until the early 90s. What worked prior to that WON'T work now.
  9. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Their entire political ideology is based on the politics of envy. Just listen to their leader speak.

    No you don't you get out of the way. Look what has happened ever since the Democrats believed they could run the housing market and then the health market and then the financial market..........fail.

    Then make it cheaper to do business here. Make it cheaper hire people here. Make the US business and manufacturing friendly again.

    No, Republicans think people have the freedom to do with THEIR money as they see fit, why do you believe you have the right to tell them what they can or can't do with it?

    OUR wealth????? OUR? Since when it yours? If you have wealth invested overseas no one is forcing you to keep it there. Bring it back. Where do you get off telling others what they should do with THEIR money?

    Oh that is rich coming from you.
  10. gregdavidson

    gregdavidson New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    The IGNORANCE here is phenomenal! I'm speechless.
  11. homerjay_s

    homerjay_s New Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    That seems more like the corporate media driven propaganda about the movement vs. what I have observed, which is a reaction to the marriage of government and big business.
  12. gregdavidson

    gregdavidson New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Look at my signature. How do we fix that problem? You don't know! How about we quit taxing corporations so they can send MORE jobs and money overseas. You can't compete with cheap overseas labor no matter what you do! Your ideology is screwed up. This is why Obama is going to win the same way that Bush won in 2004.
  13. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Your inability to provide any rebuttal or prove ignorance does not leave the rest of us speechless, it was expected.

    You can't refute a thing I stated.
  14. gregdavidson

    gregdavidson New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    I know exactly what you're saying. You're saying that wealthy business people should be allowed to ruin this country because they got their FIRST. You also believe that the environment that allowed those people to become wealthy shouldn't be sustained for other entrepreneurs that come after.

    Why do we regulate how much fish a commercial fisherman can catch in a season? Answer that question and you'll know what I'm talking about.
  15. homerjay_s

    homerjay_s New Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    The Democrats are no different than the Republicans. They are two sides of the same big government for big business oligarchy, pretending at being opposed to each other to maintain their status as the ruling parties through a revolving door that always goes back to one party or the other. We aren't going to get anything but what we've already gotten by supporting either the Republicans or Democrats.
  16. wangy

    wangy Newly Registered

    Oct 17, 2011
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    That's a pretty complex issue. The reason why republicans want to cut regulation and lower taxes on businesses is to attempt to make it cheaper and easier to have manufacturing jobs in America. I don't see how making it more expensive to operate in America will increase the number of jobs there.

    Most unskilled laborers overseas do not enjoy the protections, benefits, and high pay rates of unskilled laborers in America, which is obviously why it is cheaper to employ them.

    An American is born into much better circumstances and has many more opportunities than let’s say, a poor Chinese worker. Yet the unskilled uneducated Chinaman can perform the same tasks that the American worker can. Yet the American is paid more, has a higher standard of living, and more benefits. Is this "fair"?

    If the American is equally as talented and skilled as some poor 3rd world laborer, then it is his fault entirely. The difference is most of the American workers think they are entitled to more. They are not.
  17. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    No you don't thus you try to put words in my mouth. Go back and read what I actually wrote and try again.
  18. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Half truths and sewage.. you (*)(*)(*)(*) well know that the only big companies that pay a 35% tax rate are companies that is full of retards..

    You want us to go the way of Ireland?.. they are doing great.. they have all the top corporations in the world headquatered there.. they have like a 12.5% corporate tax rate... working out great for them so far.

    Pointing to Obama's failed policies dont make your partisan hack policies any less of a failure.. I didnt see you howling in disbelief while Obama continued the Bush tax cuts made during a war...while in the midst of 2 wars.. its ok to promote corporate welfare and socialism ... a trade policy that stifles small business.. a tax code that stifles small business and heaps handouts to corporations able to exploit offshoring... wonder what kind of self serving tools are behind that mentality... and even more relevant.. why do the simpleminded support this failed practice and point to another failed policy to defend a current failed policy.
  19. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    Your signature is a display of naive childishness.
    Other nations are supportive of their local industries for they money they can bring INTO the nation. The US govt looks at our industry as a source of easy money. Other nations support, we undermine, and then look surprised.

    Presently our politicians are complaining to and threatening China for keeping their money at artificially low values. That helps their industries and hurts imports. Our politicians threaten China with high tariffs. That is a silly, hollow threat. They can just as easily raise their tariffs on our goods, checkmate. Instead, why can't our politicians work with and support our industries. Tariffs won't do anything. But we DO have the most attractive nation to live in on the planet. Eliminate corporate taxes [the consumer pays them in higher prices anyway] and there is just that much LESS reasons for American companies to look offshore. AND it is a noticeable draw for foreign companies to come here. And we don't need to tax foreign companies that come here, we can just enjoy the taxes generated by the workers they EMPLOY here. How does China or any nation fight that? They can eliminate corporate taxes too, but they still won't be the USA.

    But as long as our asinine politicians want to portray our own industries as Great Satan's, what other results is even possible other than them leaving in wholesale numbers.
    Govt CANNOT create jobs but they certainly can run them off.
  20. BleedingHeadKen

    BleedingHeadKen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 17, 2008
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    That wasn't the gist of your argument. You stated that a "billion dollars is leaking out of the economy every day". If that's the case, then the purchasing power of the remaining dollars must be higher. That would be good for consumers, not bad.
  21. gregdavidson

    gregdavidson New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Are you saying that if more money leaks out of our economy, the dollar becomes more valuable? Actually, it's the opposite. When more money leaks out of our economy, we have to borrow some of that money back to maintain the status quo. That weakens the US dollar which makes imports more expensive. An increase in import prices forces companies to bring their prices up. That's another reason why we need to lessen our reliance on imports and produce more in the U.S.
  22. A-5

    A-5 New Member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    Whose fault is it? Aren't working hard and having the right attitude the keys to success? Just look at Andrew Carnegie. He was born in Scotland in a WEAVER'S HUT and became one of the richest men in history. He worked in a cotton mill for 1.20 a WEEK at one point.
  23. BleedingHeadKen

    BleedingHeadKen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 17, 2008
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    Why does the status quo need to be maintained? Money isn't wealth, so it's not like anything is being lost when it allegedly "leaks" out of the economy.

    What happens, then, when the capital account surplus drops as will happen when the trade deficit is reduced? Jobs will be lost, that's what. High paying jobs that provide goods and services to those from whom we import manufactured goods.

    The fatal flaw in your whole argument that money "leaks" out of the economy, aside from the fact that money is not wealth, is that those countries which sell us goods in return for green slips of paper don't take those slips of paper out of charity. They invest them back into the US. If they couldn't invest them back into the US, they wouldn't take them and they wouldn't give us their goods. You decry the trade deficit, but ignore the basic fact that for every deficit, there is a surplus and that surplus is of huge benefit to people in the US.
  24. L337SIMBA

    L337SIMBA New Member

    Jul 3, 2008
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    What I took from his statement (whether the OP paraphrased him correctly is another debate) is this: if you're not rich or successful don't blame others. YOU are the person to be blamed. Your life. Your actions. Your consequences. Don't go around blaming others and playing the victim card expecting to feed off other people like a parasite feeds on its host.

    edit: Oh yeah, and uh, "Hermy" Cain is probably the GOPs best shot at beating Barrack. It's intuitive and makes sense - and even recent polls prove it. Sure he's a tad crazy but he makes reasonable arguments (most of the time) and to me at least will be seen as much more likeable to independents and minorities. That's the big thing for me in the upcoming election - who can deal with the minorities the best (mexicans + blacks especially).
  25. gregdavidson

    gregdavidson New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    16% sales tax. Goodbye Herman Cain!

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