you mention laws please provide a law where it is enforced differently if you engage in homosexual relations it's not capital offenses it's not speeding, or jaywalking it's not assault it's not burglary or possession of drugs
Sexual orientation is plastic. For most people it evolves over their lifetime and changes to adapt to their particuliar situation. Ever hear the phrase "lesbian until graduation". They CHOOSE to be lesbian before graduation and they CHOOSE to be heterosexual after graduation.
Stop with the idiotic, bigotry-infused lunacy! I tell you now/again... I'm not going to tolerate it one iota. People who express the kinds of things you do in this world, only ADD to all of the serious problems which exist. Well, you let them figure that out when they come to it. And you don't know (and surely cannot prove) that it is "most" or even understand what you are talking about. That certainly isn't evident in the words you've posted in this forum. You'd best stick with what credible science has found, and cease the foolish claims you make here, that are no more laudable than a 20 year old pooping his/her pants in public. Vaguely so. Yet, I know that doesn't offer a serious or all-encompassing explanation of what homosexual people in this world experience/endure. You're making a bunch of noise that most people don't even need to hear. Whatever. That explains some fraction of what exceptional people experience sexually; I'm talking about something else altogether. Homosexuality overall, is more vast and profound than what you're trying to relate above.
Fascinating, the rage such a simple assertion provokes. Dont worry, you seem to have a much too tight a grasp on your sexuality for it ever to change. I dont deny that people can be born with varying levels of hormones that strongly influences their sexuality, but it does not dictate them. Society, culture, religion and law probably has a stronger influence on ones "orientation" than hormones do.
Ha-Ha dixon! It isn't just one "simple assertion" with what you are saying. People who want to know can search fro your posts, and see what I mean. And I typically don't "rage", but if that's that way it seems to you here... so be it. Again, it's not like wearing clothing. So, I hope that YOU know what your sexuality is all about; or is your hold on it so lose, that you switch sides... on any breeze that catches you? You do NOT know what you are talking about, dixon. And anyone who reads your words, needs to sanitize their mind with a good 5-hour Google session, ending with what the APA (or perhaps WebMD) says about human sexuality. Many things inform who/what we are as human beings; those things you list above, do not determine a person's sexual-orientation (though they do affect the lives of many individuals and communities, regardless of sexual-orientation).
Sooooo then why do you quote a single, 3 word sentence of mine, and post your comments as a response to those three words, when in fact its a response to some other posts? And there is nothing in your WEB MD or APA links that really contradicts anything I have said.
I'm just curious but if I walk up to a woman and grope her crotch I will be arrested for sexual assault. Why should a man who gropes another man's crotch be arrested for sexual assault? Why should the victim have to politely say, "Oh, golly, I don't swing that way." One sure way to reduce homophobia is to quit classifying everyone who disagrees with any point made by a gay person as a homophobe. It's rather like everyone who didn't vote for the socialist is a racist.
dixon, I'm responding to your words and the meaning of them to me. If you cannot abide or fathom what I'm up to here... then stop participating (or ignore every thing I say)... your 'choice'.
No, that won't do it. People who are homophobic, aren't necessarily going to change, just because homosexual people put up with dehumanizing BS that so many hateful people would rather spew with no risk of repercussions. How about this: People can be a "homophobic" as they want, as long as they don't put it in MY face.
So why does the idea that someones sexual "orientation" can change over time send you into a rage? Maybe your personal situation is different, but what makes you so sure it is the same for everybody else? Most gay people I know, used to not be gay.
Couldnt come up with a rational argument in response, could you? And what would it matter if it was my own assesment or someone elses?
to equate voting with sexual preference is incorrect. voting, at least in a democracy, is a choice. sexual preference is not, the evidence shows that is it hardwired into the brain either in utero or in early childhood - and then manifests itself in puberty.
it is undeniable that a person who wishes to badly enough can change their sexual contacts and can simulate a life of a different orientation other than their natural orientation. but the essential orientation identity remains the same, they are just living a lie which is unfair to their sexual partner, and their children - if they have any. most men and women who remain closeted lead unhappy, unfulfilled lives. (the characters Ennis and Jack in the film "Brokeback Mtn" show this type of sad life, lead apart from each other in unhappy marriages to women)
I wasn't equating sexual preference with voting. I don't even understand how you could have come up with that. I was equating whining and scapegoating with whining and scapegoating. I don't have sex the way you want I'm a homophobe and if I don't vote the way you want I'm a racist. Apples and apples. The last time I was called a homophobe was when a man was bemoaning the fact that the law prohibited him, a mature man, from having sex with a young man. I said a 75-year old man wasn't mature. He was well past his "sell by" date and a 13-year old wasn't a "young man". His response was that I was a homophobe and if he wanted sex with a young woman I'd be good with that. No, I wouldn't. But, if you don't agree, the only possible explanation is homophobia. And, if you don't vote for the socialist, the only possible explanation is racism. See, apples to apples.
I genuinely don't care how you have sex. You obviously think that your comparison is fair, and I suspect it is rooted in a conception that sexuality is choice driven. Your anecdote is just that, an anecdote.
And you're suspicions are baseless and pointless. It's rather obvious you're itching to scream homophobe. For the record, I believe many homosexuals do not make a choice. They are the way they are just as I'm the way I am.
That you do not or cannot understand what I related, indicates the very problem I addressed. Don't worry, I WILL keep working at it; if I don't touch YOU in some manner, perhaps someone else will eventually understand.
I don't know where you live, but it cannot be in the United States, because in every jurisdiction in this country grabbing a man's crotch (when he doesn't want it grabbed) is just as criminal as groping a woman's crotch or grabbing her breasts. Wherever did you get the absurd notion that gay rights could mean the freedom to physically grope someone? Equality means just that. If a woman gropes a man or if a man gropes another man criminal charges are appropriate. If a man gropes a woman or a woman gropes another woman again criminal charge apply. I believe what you might fear is sexual proposition. Heterosexual men apparently feel that it is perfectly acceptable (and certainly not criminal) to "hit on" any woman to whom they are sexually attracted and in less subtle men outright propositioning them for sex (which in some jurisdiction can be criminal). While they may feel it is acceptable for them with women, they have all sorts of uncomfortable and hostile feelings about a gay man doing the same to them. That, however, is what equality is. If a straight man can "hit on" a hot woman, gay men should be able to "hit on" a hot guy; fair is fair. In both cases they may be turned down or accepted. That's when, "Oh, golly, I don't swing that way" becomes the appropriate thing to say if your a straight guy turning down a gay guy.
I am so relieved to hear what you "believe" I fear. You also seem quite comfortable saying how heterosexual men "apparently" feel. Does that make you a heterophobe? You don't have a clue to how I "feel" and you obviously have no interest in how I "feel". It's so much more fun for you to build up a straw man you can fight with. I've only been propositioned by a gay man once and it didn't "frighten" me. There was nothing remotely frightening about it. He wasn't threatening. He didn't touch me inappropriately. He was obviously propositioning me and I told him I wasn't interested. I was hitchhiking and when he started to stop the car I said I would still like a lift if he was heading south so we continued down the highway. He didn't seem particularly "frightened" either. I'm old enough now the chances of another male hitting on me are zero but if one did what my response would be would really depend on how he decided it was appropriate to "hit" on me. But, for the record, he doesn't get to dictate my response. Neither do you.
I am so relieved to hear what you "believe" I fear. You also seem quite comfortable saying how heterosexual men "apparently" feel. Does that make you a heterophobe? You don't have a clue to how I "feel" and you obviously have no interest in how I "feel". It's so much more fun for you to build up a straw man you can fight with. I've only been propositioned by a gay man once and it didn't "frighten" me. There was nothing remotely frightening about it. He wasn't threatening. He didn't touch me inappropriately. He was obviously propositioning me and I told him I wasn't interested. I was hitchhiking and when he started to stop the car I said I would still like a lift if he was heading south so we continued down the highway. He didn't seem particularly "frightened" either. I'm old enough now the chances of another male hitting on me are zero but if one did what my response would be would really depend on how he decided it was appropriate to "hit" on me. But, for the record, he doesn't get to dictate my response. Neither do you.
Is this what you meant by the "hetero side" that you think I'm supposed to respect? I do not find your position on this respectable. Purposely conflating homosexuality with child molestation gets you ignored. i won't be responding to your disrespectful posts hereafter.