Obama gives himself control of all communication systems in America.

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Jack Napier, Jul 10, 2012.

  1. Tezelian_Imperialist

    Tezelian_Imperialist Banned

    Jul 7, 2012
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    If you've done nothing wrong, you've got nothing to hide, so what's the problem?

    I live in the UK as well and personally don't care if the government had 500 cameras on me and tapped my phone because I've done nothing wrong.

    The ironic part is if there was a terrorist attack liberals, etc would be barking for more security... well the only way to find out who is a terrorist suspect and who isn't is to spy and tap phones... In addition to all that we can say what we want to say on the Internet and nobody can do anything about it so please... It's not like your phone conversation is going to change the whole world.
  2. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Right, if we are going to run with this line, esp after seven posts, I am getting a paracetemol - with the diameter of a bin lid.
  3. septimine

    septimine New Member

    Feb 18, 2012
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    Actually, that makes no sense. The thing is that the government doesn't need to "take over" a communications device for emergencies. The government has better communications than the civilians do. They have satilites in orbit right now dedicated to the US military. Why do they need to hijack NBC's signals? It's like saying that you need to take my walkie talkies when you have a cell phone. The only reason that a guy with a cell phone would care about a kid's walkie talkies is that he doesn't want the kids to be able to communicate.

    You really think that the government would be helpless without verizon's cell towers? They have much better equipment, and it's better protected.
  4. Tezelian_Imperialist

    Tezelian_Imperialist Banned

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Bring it on, reply to my post above, line by line, see what alternatives and solutions you offer.

    In simple, if you've done nothing wrong, you've got nothing to hide.
  5. dudeman

    dudeman New Member

    Apr 16, 2006
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    Robert Mugabe/Adolph Hitler is running the United States. It is amazing how the charisma blinds the masses. Luckily, I've only planned for 50 years in this life (7 more years of torture). I'm sure Jack will defend his favorite black man and claim there was a Jewish conspiracy forcing him to sign the executive order.
  6. AestheticBrah

    AestheticBrah New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    One of the most disgusting comments I've ever read on this forum. I am amazed. But I'll refrain from letting you know what I really think of you. Lets focus on the deranged formation of text I have quoted.

    It is just mind boggling. The yellow, soft, jelly, apathetic, apologist nature of it all.

    having read this utter drivel, I threw up a little in my mouth, just a little though, basically what you just said is "I'm going to curl into a hopeless fetal position and forcibly be struck dead! by my masters". Like I said, the jellyfish nature of the asylum is showing it's face, and it's scary...

    "I have nothing to hide...so I don't care what my government does to me"

    I'll try not to fume with anger here because I understand that the closer one gets to a loony, raving madhouse, the more they can expect to see 360° of absurdity. The absurdity is there as a warning, saying "Don't come any closer, for this is a psychotic enigma"

    But let me address this further...

    Surely, by your logic, you MUST therefore be in support of 24/7 monitoring, surveillance and constant shouldering WITHIN your own house, no? since you have nothing to hide...

    By your demented, warped logic - you would be okay with a group of military police, cameras and secret service WATCHING you all day everyday as you go about your activities, monitoring you every time you go to the toilet, watching you in the shower, no?

    You must be happy with cameras wired all over your house, inside your toilet, shower, bedroom etc.

    Taking your degenerated, morbidly yellow logic to it's ultimate conclusion, you'd be okay with the secret police watching you, even as you go to sleep with your wife every night, for after all, you've done no wrong and you have nothing to hide? right?

    Listen, it's called human dignity, I don't know if you know this, but YOU have RIGHTS. Just because you haven't done anything wrong doesn't mean a group of murderers and liars should be watching your every move. You say the world is in need of a revolution, but look at your comment..."Kudos to the powers behind Obama"...that literally translates to "I am supporting evil"

    Indeed, it is sickening.
  7. Dispondent

    Dispondent Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 5, 2009
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    There is only one, the people finally waking up and rising up...
  8. Tezelian_Imperialist

    Tezelian_Imperialist Banned

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Please don't exaggerate like a drama queen, no government is planning to send secret agents into our homes unless we're planning a terrorist attack. In addition our houses aren't planted with government issued cameras spying on our families so what the hell are you talking about?

    Yes I support evil as you define it and I don't even label myself as a human being... Like I said earlier... Billions of people have lived and died and only a handful are remembered... Why?

    Have you heard of the quote "evil wins when good men do nothing"

    So, if you're a good person, what have you done against evil? Do you have the guts, honor or dignity to stand up against the powers that be? No, just like I thought, so please don't talk to me what good and evil is, I have a good heart but there is no way in hell I'll side with people or hypocrites.

    I support the powers that be because if I was one of them I would think to myself "6 billion people on the planet, over half of them know we exist and still they can't do anything against us...

    The powers that be put you people to sleep with entertainment, media, TV, sports, etc.... and you're here slandering ME, look at yourself.

    And yes, the world does need a revolution but a revolution can't happen with hypocrites like you.... We need violent honourable people, not humanists, liberals or religous insecure people like you thinking that they're a part of something big by posting on an internet forum and pretending they care.. I've just lost all hope and trust for 'humanity'! Give them there American idol or X faactor and they will shut up.
  9. AestheticBrah

    AestheticBrah New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    What am I talking about? I'm sorry, I was under the impression you could read.

    Hello? I didn't say those things were going on, if you could comprehend English, you'd see I said, by following your disfigured logic to it's final conclusion. You SHOULD be in favor of those things. I simply took your terrible excuse and brought up far reaching implications which you should theoretically accept, under your yellow logic.

    You support evil?

    You don't consider yourself a human being?

    Folks, this is the asylum spilling out unto the streets! It's here for us all to see and wonder in amazement. What sort of abomination do you consider yourself to be then?

    You don't know diddly squat about what i'm doing to combat the system, refrain from talking about what you have not an iota of a clue about, son.
  10. squidward

    squidward Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    i hear the distant sound of wheezing.
  11. squidward

    squidward Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    Stick your head between your quivering legs and keep your fears to yourself.
  12. squidward

    squidward Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    amazing how the "lefties" now cling to the neocon bogeyman.
  13. Tezelian_Imperialist

    Tezelian_Imperialist Banned

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Why would the government put cameras in our homes and tap our phones if we've done nothing wrong in the first place? Whole idea of doing this is to prevent terrorists from doing things. Don't you get it! If you;re not a suspect you won't be tapped, the only people that will be tapped are terrorists... A revolution can't be done on a phone as well... During the french revolution only % of the population were engaged so this has nothing to do with the powers of be controlling people!

    Ironic, before 9/11 there was a lower rate of phone tappings, surveillance, security, etc and because of that thousands died in 9/11, same with 7/7 bombings in London, so with your yellow logic we should allow terrorists to freely communicate and bomb every single city in expense of human "rights"?

    London has the most cameras but most cameras are in public areas not houses, etc.. What's wrong with that lol?

    I am my own god, I label myself as a Turkist nationalist Neo Fascist.

    What are you doing then? Ahh you scared the government is watching you.. Well let me tell you this, I've said many stuff on the net, stuff you couldn;t dreamed of saying directed at governemnts, important peoples, making videos, etc and I can tell you one thing nothing has happened to me so man up!
  14. NAB

    NAB Active Member

    Oct 6, 2009
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    FEMA is clearly preparing for another violation of Godwin's Law.
  15. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Not really.

    It is actuallly quite a simple formula, once you know the basics.

    It was first explained, in an almost scientific and matter of fact way, by French social psychologist, Gustav Le Bon - A Study Of The Popular Mind.

    Once you understand the principles behind that, Hitler did, Mussolini did, then you understand how easy it is, in many different forms and ways, to do precisely what you mention.

    Indeed, you need only look at how Americans, and, even worse maybe, the Japanese, are idoltarors...to Paris Hilton, or Lady Ga Ga, or some other BS nonsense, about how many women Tiger freaking Woods has put a hole in one into, this month, or how Brangelina are doing, or what garbage they obsess over.

    It is my view, that the more one becomes disconnected with the world outside, the more one knows that there is something wrong, the more they will descend...into a bloated, gluttoness, ill informed, low attention span, baying and vile mass. Denial. Submission. Entertainment.

    Then to herd them around is really easy.
  16. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    And is that what you are then, is it?


    Yet 'honourable'?

    No evidence of any honour, so far, do you mind giving us examples?

    And, perhaps a message to high command ... if you are advocating violence, against person or state, command may wish to not let enemy agents know that command is thinking that way.

  17. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    If you mean me, while I am sure, with your programming, it makes it easier to reduce everything down to lefties and libruls, might I just suggest to you that there is no 'neo con bogeyman'.

    Neo Conservatism is real, does exist, and has been pervasive in the US politic for some time.

    The Godfather(sic) of it was a man called Leo Strauss.

    Traditionally, Neo Conservatives have drawn a lot of support from America's Zionist Jews.

    All of this can be evidenced, all of that is fact.
  18. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Oh wow, it's like an alien landing, we have never had one of you.

    We have loads of Jews.

    And some non Jewish Zionists, who are also Christian.

    And we have a few Muslims.

    We may even have a white supremacist, a classical Italian fascist, and a whole plethora of others.

    But never one of you.

    So...Turkist nationalist Neo Fascist, eh? How's that all coming along then?

  19. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Prove it.

    Prove it, or your claim has no value.
  20. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    Great post! Sometimes you have to hit the nail, harder, again. Believe it, there are folks out there that really think it's ok for the gov (or whatever says it's the gov) to spy on them and everyone else, because it's ok to be spied upon, having done nothing wrong. This style of rhetoric is called a$$ covering. It is often accompanied with a small to extreme of dose Munchausism.
    They truly belive that because they won't believe in privacy, none should have it, that taking another's Right to privacy is fine by them. No matter where on this planet they live. They live among us. They'll be the first one's to turn their neighbors, friends and family in to the new gestapo, just to prove their loyalty to the State: survival athe the cost of loved ones. Didn't work out so well in 1935-45 Nazi Germany, The Age of Stalinism, Uncle Mao's Fantasy Kingdom, and Brother Jong from Korea. Many of the faithful followers of each dictator ended up in the short end of the stick soon after the government was seized from the people.
    To espouse such rhetoric is nonsense and only intended to CHA (Cover His A$$)
    Talk about spying http://idealab.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/07/maple-seed-drones-will-swarm-the-future.php . They admit to planning to use these over our soil. There can only be one reason, the same reason they are going to grab the airwaves and cyber-space. They are goiing to take over. Period. More and more poeple are taking a serious look around themselves and are wakiing up to the BS happening.
    If you were in control and wished to remain so, to what lengths would you go? Have you surrender MY Rights because you have no use for yours?? that'll be the day..........
  21. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Indeed, and v well written, may I say.

    Further, Orwell was almost prophetic at times, since never have works like 1984 and Animal Farm been more pertinent today, in so many ways.

    Take how the primary charachter in 1984 eventually grows ... to love 'Big Brother'.

    Or how the state even deploy kids....to report back on conversations of interest that their own parents may be having.

    Or how, in Animal Farm, the pigs use an old TV, as a fine tool to keep the mass distracted.

    I used to wonder how, if so many Jews and others were routinely rounded up, to be exectuted, as we are told, why, with nothing to lose, did they not resist more than they did?

    Even allowing for the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, even allowing for the NA clearly being powerful and harsh, it would strike me, that if as many as that are getting rounded up, with a view to being killed,then you may as well fight with your bare hands, and die, there and then, no?

    Or did they ALL think they were getting taken someplace else, for some other reason, and were, therefore, generally placated?

    Word must have got around how bad things were gradually getting, FFS, Hilter did not starting interning Jews on day one, things happened more gradual.

    Did they keep on ignoring THOSE warnings, perhaps early in the 30's, and not take heed sooner?

    Did they think it would just pass?

    Did they think that the some of the stories were the stuff of conspiracy theory?

    Did they make the error of believing the very state, that were seemingly being v harsh to them?

    I have SEEN footage of what I am told are Jews, being processed to be moved somewhere, to be interned, one would assume, and on almost every single occasion, their manner looks...well...not v distressed, and, on some occasions, almost relaxed.

    The footage will be real, I will presume, unless the History channel(which ain't great), has started faking footage, and in many instances, these Jews seem at ease.

  22. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    This fellow reminds me of Squealer from Animal Farm.............
  23. Tezelian_Imperialist

    Tezelian_Imperialist Banned

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Well in that case, I truly hope the government dismantles all cameras in public areas and terrorists start bombing nightclubs, shopping malls, etc, then lets see you people beg the government to bring back cameras and surveillance.

    Why doesn't your friend AestheticBrah prove he/she is a part of something big then I'll prove my contributions, the stuff I said were at other forums and personally I don't care if you don't believe me because I know in my heart I'm telling the truth, in fact I had to deactivate my main Facebook page....

    I like to think that but I can't really prove myself because there isn't any leader to the comparison and magnitude of Hitler, Genghis Khan, Hiorhito or Ataturk that I would fight and die for. But I do follow the 'way of the warrior', the Bushido code.

    How can you actually be a man that's anti-violence, how can you think revolution or change can be executed without violence and wars, that's why I rather support the powers that be, because when they want to destroy you, people like YOU on the other hand want to try and change laws and make revolutions with pens and paper! What the hell do you expect from humanists, liberals and lefties!

    The most screwed up thing about all this is that all of you who are anti powers that be are also anti violence, what an oxymoron! If you hate them so much go and fight against them before they change your precious laws!!!

    What are your rights? Eating, drinking and urinating every day and working like a slave for others! That's your freedom and rights and like I said before, those rights are not worth dying for so I would happily hand over people like you to the powers that be. We need to live in Plato's republic! Not big brother, american idol, x factor dumb entertainment culture.

    I swear on my life if any of you here watch any TV, entertainment or reality shows you're a bunch of hypocrites and all of you should look in the mirror! I've boycotted Coca cola, I don't watch TV or reality shows any more, I've boycotted and done many things hence I'm a man of honour unlike you fake people and I've had enough to the extent that I rather fight for the powers that be because I've lost hope with pathetic humanity which is littered with ignorant and ineffective people such as yourselves.

    Even after so many posts nobody has actually explained why putting so many cameras ON PUBLIC AREAS is bad.... When I've told them, if you've done nothing wrong, you've got nothing to hide.

    Just tell me this, hundreds of years ago during the French revolution only around 2 - 3% of the French population were directly engaged in the revolution... Without Internet or tele-communications how was it possible for them to carry out a revolution? My point is even if the powers that be tried to control the Internet or Tele-communications wouldn't actually prevent a revolution lol... But these days weak minded peoples need phones or the Internet to communicate with each other when all the evidence is out there proving the powers that be are screwing with us! So where is the revolution? If millions of people started pouring out on the streets, bombing banks, etc I would gladly join but that will never ever happen with people like you.

    P.S only 2 - 3% of the French population were directly involved in the revolution.. so only 2 - 3% changed history!
  24. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    .........ah, I get it now. You want to control part of the worlds population so that they can be forced to do whatever you want and you have let it be known that you would rule like
    Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Jong by spying on your enemies and ruling with fear. Your subjects would have no rights, except to die for you if they cannot or won't feed you.
    By the way, if no internet was needed, why are you on it?
    I also noticed that your real name , real address, and real telephone number are not listed on your profile. Why? Enjoying a bit of privacy?
    You may be right, this is not a forum for you.
  25. Tezelian_Imperialist

    Tezelian_Imperialist Banned

    Jul 7, 2012
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    To spread the word that people like you who think you're a part of something big are nothing more than a tiny grain of sand in a large container.

    The powers that be already control you and have done so since a very long time by using cards and tools such as religion, media and entertainment and there is absolutely nothing people like you can do to escape from a prison which you describe as freedom, liberty and justice. The truth always hurts. The more you bicker at an Internet forum, the more time you will give the powers of be to crush you even further...

    The powers that be give you the right of democracy, the right of silence of the lambs, for example, millions of people protested against the rise of tuition fees in London and the government still ignored them! When has a law ever changed because of a peaceful protest, never!

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