Obama gives himself control of all communication systems in America.

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Jack Napier, Jul 10, 2012.

  1. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Hey, AB, here is just more TOTAL TIN FOIL HAT STUFF.

    You know the latest banking scandal with Bob Diamond?

    Follow the paper trail...

    Marcus Agius...who happens to be the Group Chairman of Barclays, pretty much an 'enabler' if you will, is married to, and I am sure this is some air fairy coincidence...

    Katherine (born 1949), daughter of Edmund de Rothschild.
  2. AestheticBrah

    AestheticBrah New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Almost every major event in the world, can in one way or another (sometimes only loosely) be traced back to the Rothschild dynasty.

    Money is power, and these lot have an unthinkable amount, so imagine just how many strings they pull.

    I don't like to toot my own horn, but I know my history...and throughout history this family held whole nations on strings. They'd even go as far as wage war between nations, if the monarchs stepped out of line. Of course, they'd fund both sides of the war, make huge loans to both governments, either in the form of gold bullion (for gold backed currencies) or just bank credit. Thus sending both nations further into debt. And of course, increasing their control. While skimming the interest on all the war loans...

    When people realise that central banks of most nations are under their control, and they realise that this same family "fix" the price of gold every day at their NM Rothschild HQ in London, and then when you factor in the fact that a large number of gold financing today is done by the Rothschild's (in fact, their name is on most gold bullion traded today)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    If only people realised the extent to which our lives have been shaped by these people...and what does it tell you about Israel, when their Supreme court, their highest court of justice, is built by this family? for a fee that has never been disclosed. Full of masonic, Egyptian, symbolism...

    But I digress...
  3. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    I don't think the BOE is R'child owned now.

    Is it public now then? Gov owned, maybe?


    Still privately owned, with shareholders, but who they are is somewhat unclear.

    Some say that the Queen herself may be among them.

    I don't know now about the central banks in Germany and France, one would imagine that they are the same, privately owned, and by many of the same group of people.

    I remember reading recently that, in theory, if every single person bought one silver coin, that it would put JP Morgan Chase out of business.

    Naturally, it is not a feasible strategy, but it made a good point.

    What a strange society that is routinely fleeced, stolen from, manipulated, and even plunged into chaos, by these criminals, and yet, when they look for reasons, where do they look..?

    'It's immigrants'.

    'It's welfare people'.

    'It's public sector workers'


    Anyone BUT banks, esp banks that are Jewish Zionist banks.

    Libya had a true central bank.

    Wonder what it has now, wonder who has their fingeprints on it now?

    And was not Gadaffi going to launch the gold diner, least year? Do people really think that there are not those that would wish to kill him, even just for that?

    Didn't America's mate, Saddam once want to stop trading in dollars?

    How did that play out?

    Still mates?

    All coincidence, nothing to see here....
  4. Try_This

    Try_This Banned

    Mar 28, 2011
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    I understand your point.
    You hate Jews but calling them "international Bankers" is more poliically correct and in fact, people Don't now understand what you Really mean.

    Your copy of 'The Protocols' must be worn out.
    The above statement is certainly ignorant and assinine.
    Rothschilds play a minsiscule part in today's banking.

    PF is Stormfront II and getting worse by the week.
    But the owner did add 'like/dislike' while Rome burns.
    What a joke.
  5. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Yes and no. In Libya and Syria, a lot of the resistance is/was fueled by foreign money. There seems to be evidence of this with Egypt as well. I wouldn't necessarily credit social media sites as being the tool for successful revolutions.
  6. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    100% agree.

    Only I will go further.

    They are 100% the last thing that should be used.

    I can see the temptation.

    You can reach a lot of people, across the world,and fast.

    But unless you were to heavily code your messages, and there was almost no way of that code being tumbled, then one would be a fool to use these, to do anything more, than raise general awareness.

    I would also beware of shills like Alex Jones, who I know has a decent viewing audience, in the US.

    He is a total fake, there may be some truths in his content, but he is an actor, and you will NEVER EVER hear him say three words..

    1) Zionists

    2) Israel

    3) Jews

    Everyone else gets it.

    He even invents euphemisms.

    But I have never heard him say anything, or criticise that triad.

    He tries to rally the OWS people to go back to Wall Street, but I do not think he is any friend of the people at all, if you want my view, he wants to see OWS keep going to Wall St, because....I really think your police are now like some private entity, that protect the rights of corporations, bankers, and criminals, over citizens, and i really think that sometime VERY soon, you are going to see a scenario in the US, in which maybe dozens of citizens are wounded and shot dead...by US cops.
  7. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    I wouldn't necessarily consider Alex Jones to be a shill, but he's definitely a crackpot.
  8. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Okay, Alex Jones has gone on about, Masons, The RC Church, America doing 911 to itself, Illuminati, Bilderbergers, Bohemian Grove, etc, etc, etc.

    Yet....NEVER Zionism. Never Jews. And never Israel.

    And you still do not see him as a shill and misinformation agent?
  9. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    I don't generally make predictions. Let's just say I won't be surprised if it's less than 10 years.
  10. AestheticBrah

    AestheticBrah New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Come again?

    Nothing to do with 'The Protocols', merchant of BS.

    And there you expose your pure naivety and utter trash ignorance, I bet you watched a couple Youtube videos and now you think you know all about banking. LOL

    The Rothschild's were known to work through front companies and agents. Why do you think they'd be so stupid as to plaster their name publicly over the institution they:

    A.) Own
    B.) Largely control
    C.) Hugely invested in...

    You think when the Rothschilds were in control of the Bank of England, it was titled "Bank of England, owned by the Rothschild's"??
    The Rothschild's were worth $6 Billion in 1850. That's $6,000,000,000 back in 1850. If you understand the way they invest and their cunning financial ways you'd know they have grown that fortune even more. Keep in mind that $6 billion in 1850, would be worth well into the trillions today.
  11. squidward

    squidward Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    like believing Rupert Murdoch runs a "conservative" news channel. Complete misinformation.
  12. Try_This

    Try_This Banned

    Mar 28, 2011
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    So, bottom Line, You CANNOT Back your bigoted and ignorant statement that the Rothschilds still play a big part in world banking.
    "1850" would not qualify as "still".
  13. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    The Rothchild name appears as one of the major players with the Fed Reserve. Private owner
  14. AestheticBrah

    AestheticBrah New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    What is this nonsense?

    you clearly missed the bit about them using front companies, you also missed the bit about them purchasing shares in many financial institutes, thus spreading their influence and control. Rothschild's are one of the biggest mergers and acquisition advisers, they have structured and completed many of the investment, business and bank mergers you see all around you. You clearly have no idea about the Rothschilds Continuation Holdings AG, which is the parent holding company of NM Rothschild & Sons, Concordia B.V is the holding company that oversees and indirectly controls the Rothschilds Continuation Holdings AG. And to finish off the loop, Paris Orléans controls Concordia B.V. The French and British Rothschild family run Paris Orléans Holdings.

    It is next to impossible to find out just how many investments, controlled assets belong under the Paris Orléans Holdings. What you're looking at is a spider web of control, very hard to peer into. But what is know is, they still control a vast amount of investment banking worldwide, as well as central banks. The Federal Reserve central bank is a well know Rothschild institution. Setup by Paul Warburg (Rothschild financed), Kuhn, Loeb & Co (Rothschild agents), Senator Nelson Aldrich and many others, including JP Morgan (Rothschild affiliated). Even till today, the Fed remains under the control of a number of private banks - many of which are Rothschild controlled.

    If you knew your history you'd also know that in 1914 JP Morgan was propelled into a powerful American bank because they become the sole supplier and underwriter of war bonds for Great Britain. The Rothschild's have had a controlling interest in the Morgan bank, and one of its associate struck the deal with the bank of England. Guess who was in control of the Bank of England at that time? the Rothschild family. Essentially the picture being painted is, the Rothschild had a hand in the JP Morgan bank, the bank later merged with Chase Manhattan bank, owned by the Rockefeller family. Can you now SEE that in America, the JP Morgan Chase bank is part Rockefeller, part Rothschild institution?

    Yes I will agree, they do not control as much of US banking as is often said (apart from their interests in JP Morgan chase), but in Europe and Asia - the Rothschild remain the biggest players. They are the leading merger & acquisition advisers. But they certainly have a hand in American banking, whether you choose to admit it or not.

    Get this though, the Rothschilds also have a huge hand in the gold and diamond mining industry, but the incredibly smart part is their total control of the markets. The Rothschild have controlling interests in Werner, Beit & Co. A gold mining company (started in South Africa), but not only do they extract the gold, they also SET THE PRICE every day in their N M Rothschild & Sons London HQ. So they extract AND price gold. The Rothschild's have controlling stock in DeBeers, the diamond mining company.

    I really don't see how anyone can challenge what I'm saying, for some reason you think you know enough, but really you don't. Finance is a spider web, it's very hard to perform financial forensics to find out EVERYTHING that is being controlled. Things can be hidden quite easily in finance.
  15. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    I concur.

    Which is no time at all, really.

    I don't mind making 'predictions', as it goes.

    Indeed, if through history, more people had joined the dots, to make a picture, many terrible atrocities could have been avoided, before, like a volcano, they erupted in full.

    Evil simply dines out on complacency and a steadfast refusal, by man, to believe that such evil can possibly exist.

    Even when it can be shown, time and again, that it does - it's like they just forget.

    It's not only that they avoid dot joining, to make a future picture.

    They don't even look to the past.
  16. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    His entire empire is a propaganda/filth outlet.

    There was one saving grace here in my country, which I do not think would have happened in the US.

    His corporation were sweetening our Gov up, so that they would essentially endorse what would have been almost a media monopoly, by his group.

    People who understood the implications didn't want it.

    But it was being fast tracked through when....all of a suddden...as if by magic....something was to happen that not only stopped his bid dead in it's tracks, but caused him to have to close down the longest running Sunday tabloid in Britian. Something that led to arrests of his staff, and of police officers, as well.

    I take it you recall what that 'something' was?

    If, one week before that something broke, I had suggested it on here, the usual sneering mob would have said 'conspiracy theory'.

    Does anyone really think that this something just so happened to come to light, at a time when our Gov was about to sell our media even further into the gutter?

    Of course not. Someone, or some group of people...they exposed what was going on.

    I do not know who, perhaps we will never know who.

    But there is no doubt, that someone knew what was happening, and that someone waited until just the right moment..to obliterate Murdoch, in this instance.

    This proves two things.

    There are 100% people in my country, connected, who are evidently capable of hurting these usurpers.

    There are 100% people in my country who are well aware of what is going on, and are not going to have it.

  17. septimine

    septimine New Member

    Feb 18, 2012
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    Well, it always starts as an anti terror measure, or anti drug or anti "boogy man under the bed" which can vary by culture. Then more and more ordinary people end up either being counted among the boogymen or more groups become boogymen. Eventually, the cameras go in the law abiding citizen's home, under the assumption that they just might be a boogyman, know a boogyman, or have a relative's friend who knows a boogyman.

    Again, we have the same issue -- any person "might" be a terrorist. You might be building a bomb in the basement (well, if Brits have basements) so we better have someone spy on you. You can't prevent all potential crime without essentially needing to spy on everyone, as crime is usually not announced beforehand. You can make it harder to hit lots of people, you can have detectors at high value targets like sports stadiums, but even then you can't prevent everything without a police state. impossible. Either we live with the possibility of a truck bomb, or we learn to live under a state as fascist as the USSR or Mao's China.

    It's not that simple -- sure I'm not likely to be arrested today for having said something the government doesn't like, but that's today. Ten years from now, given the trend that government powers increase, it's going to end up with Brits learning to look over their shoulders before saying something the government doesn't like. it's how the thing starts -- no one who wants to steal power ever does so openly. They rarely say "I want a police state". They talk about protecting you, helping you, I want to record what happens so as to keep you safe. Until it's more about keeping the government.
  18. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Do, ahem, 'terrorists' usually send each other texts or e mails that go a bit like this then...

    Hi m8, how ru im gr8. did u get the dpltd uranim?

    PS. I get 1000 free txts a mnth now m8?.


    So they would be 'coded' messages then.


    Using other words to replace the BUZZ words, yes?

    I see.

    I cannot wait until the first hapless moron has the FBI surrounding them because they sent a text that went 'Hi m8 - got the sardines. Thnx'.

    Sardines could be the KEY WORD.

    What a joke.

    Scare you into thinking they NEED this, scare you into accepting anything.

  19. Til the Last Drop

    Til the Last Drop Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2010
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    Humans can be addicted to high tech gadgets, but are never truly reliant. It is always rougher going backwards, but never trickier. Kids used to play with sticks, and now they have video games. Remove the video games and their hearts won't stop while they all drop to their death. Nor will they have great tribulation figuring out how to play with sticks again. I'm not saying this to demean the importance of the OP, I'm just stating this fact as to not underestimate the animal that is human. We are a rugged species, even if it hides in plain sight.
  20. AestheticBrah

    AestheticBrah New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    :lol: Indeed.

    But for the government, run by Goldman Sachs, and other Jewish supremacist global bankers, it's much better that the obese, myopic, walking drones continue to be scared sh*tless of the big bad THURRISTS. When you see it from their point of view, the psychotic situation, all makes sense.

    But what can you do? when a mass of brainless, absent minded, walking ice picks are STILL deciding between Obama and Romney - which will be their new puppet ruler...HAHAHAHA

    Sooner or later, these people that call themselves Americans will soon realize that Al-Qaeda actually isn't hiding under their bed...but then, it may be too late, perhaps when they do realize that governments getting bigger and bigger is a BAD thing, they'll be staring down the gun of the USA Gestapo shock police.
  21. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Vid games have turned our kids brains to mush, they discourage human interaction, and are isolating, and addictive.

    Further, they are increasingly violent in nature, with overtly sexual overtones, and sometimes sadism.

    But when I spoke about 'going low tech', I meant by not relying on the mobile phone, since ALL networks could be disabled, at the flick of a switch.

    Which is why I suggested going low tech, so to speak, with something like this or this..


  22. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    You cut THEM loose.

    Don't waste your time.

    There is much to do here, and much that can be done.

    We can still observe and pass comment on external matters.

    However, we must now look to moving toward an internal cleansing of our own system.

  23. onalandline

    onalandline Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 9, 2008
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    Will Obama test this system with a nationwide campaign speech that infiltrates all forms of communication?
  24. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    I have no idea, but would doubt that is the intention of such.
  25. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I ain't the one who spent $1,600,000,000,000 on bringing Osama bin Laden back dead or alive and then doing neither because my legs were quivering. That musta been you righty hard guys, eh?

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