Obama gives himself control of all communication systems in America.

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Jack Napier, Jul 10, 2012.

  1. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    "I also noticed that your real name , real address, and real telephone number are not listed on your profile. Why? Enjoying a bit of privacy?
    You may be right, this is not a forum for you.
    hmmmm no response.....so you do enjoy your privacy, you just believe everyone else should bend to your will without sacrificing your own.
    The sense I get about your thread is that you want to rule the world and maintain anonimity and obscurity for yourself. How many dead bodies will it take for you to realize your ambitions? Hitler and Stalin murdered millions and still failed. How much is enough?
    By the way, this plan, how's it working for you?
  2. Tezelian_Imperialist

    Tezelian_Imperialist Banned

    Jul 7, 2012
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    What the hell are you talking about, you've ignored all the points I mentioned and are attacking me on a personal level now.

    I want to rule the world and give freedom to people that deserve it but before hand I want to exterminate all the ignorant people and entities including the powers that be and leave this world to good intellectual and enlightened people with a warrior code like the Bushido so in-case they're under threat by exterior powers, they will fight to the death.. I want to live in a perfect society but nothing can happen with people like you and the powers that be, you're all (*)(*)(*)(*) but who is of lesser evil? I'm having trouble figuring out.

    Put it this way, we all know the powers of be are behind Obama and every single democratic leader, so when Obama or Bush supports rebels getting rid of so called dictators like Gadaffi or Saddam, they do it for a reason, because a dictator is genuinely independent from the powers that be and takes no order from them so you clean them out and plant democracy and a puppet leader directed by the powers that be!

    The best thing you Americans can do is NOT vote in the upcoming general elections! That's how you can prove to the powers that be that you're not a part of their game! But another day will pass and millions of people will vote between (*)(*)(*)(*)(stool) and diarrhoea. What's the difference? nothing.

  3. Trinnity

    Trinnity Banned

    Feb 3, 2011
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    Obama is a wannabe dictator. Nothing would satisfy him more. Thank God for term limits. :omfg:
  4. AestheticBrah

    AestheticBrah New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Your posts make little sense. You obviously have little experience of reading my posts. If you know me, you'd know I can see through the maze, I can see "democracy" for what it is, I barely watch TV. I am not a sheep. I don't believe what Cameron or Obama tell me wholesale. I am not gullible and naive. I really do not know who you're referring to with your comments.

    I also have NEVER participated in a peaceful protest, they are pointless and nothing ever gets done. I have NEVER voted. I don't bother wasting my time picking between the blue horse or the red horse. It's a farce, and I get it. Okay!? understand? I'm not myopic.

    But at the same time, a violent revolution is not the right way to go with most people still asleep. Certainly here in England we can turn things around by getting people to see that it doesn't matter what party you vote for, they are one and the same. Then we can work toward financial reform. But then again, if you want a violent revolution, you're certainly going to get one in America. As things get worse, watch how the globalists will swoop for gun confiscation, it is then you will see a civil war in the USA. Who knows what will come of it...
  5. Tezelian_Imperialist

    Tezelian_Imperialist Banned

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Maybe I am debating with the wrong person because I think exactly like you, the only difference is I'm for violence.

    All revolutions have stepped through violence and I'm sure you know that reform or drastic change, what we want, cannot happen with peaceful acts and transactions. We need something similar to the London riots because the riots actually could have led us to an opportunity for change, however most of the people participating in the London riots were thugs looking for an excuse to empty out their anger by stealing, just replace them with people like me and you and you will have a different end product. Ah this world is screwed, there is nobody I can side with....

    I wish I was born into a militaristic neo-fascist society! If I had money or power like the scum Rothschild I swear on my life I would start my own so called "terrorist" organisation and the first thing I will do is start bombing banks. But then the people, the masses will side with the bankers when the banks have made our lives hell! How sad!

    Simple, if there are a billion ignorant people out there you exterminate the 1 billion ignorant people so the world is left for the remaining intellectual and enlightened people, but it's not that simple because both ways I'm screwed, if I try to exterminate ignorant people, more and more people including so called intellectual humanists and liberals will stand up against me, if I leave ignorant people they will breed more ignorant people and overthrow intellectual people... Or with leaning on the latter we will just roll into a limbo that carries on forever like now... Bankers or the powers that be have ruled us for hundreds of years and nothing has be done to stop them, because most of the people they rule are dumb or ! This game will carry on forever if we don't stand up and fight, but I'm one guy and what is one guy going to do.
  6. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    And there are LOTS of 'Boxers'....the authorities are always right, we must work harder, the authorities are always right...
  7. AestheticBrah

    AestheticBrah New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    At least we agree that on principle, we both understand we have been taken over by a foreign enemy. We have been conquered by a ruthless monolithic banking cartel. Anyone who doubts this doesn't understand basic history. for throughout history the money lenders have rules governments. Private central banks sprung up all over Europe throughout the 17th - 19th century. And America was the last major continent to fall...1913 the Federal Reserve enslaved america.

    Well..that is true to an extent, but peaceful means have worked before. Sure not to the same extent as violent revolution. The truth is your opinions are pretty out there, maybe that's why there's no one to side with. Extreme views don't attract worldwide support. We could collapse the voting facade though, I'd like to know your opinions on a campaign that will get the sheep to wake up to the slaughterhouse and realize that both parties are the same.

    Thus dropping the electoral number to such a tiny % that the government cannot realistically perform.

    Talk about extreme views
  8. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    So, you cannot back up your previously stated claims, and finish by telling us you deactivated Facebook.

    And you are hoping for people to die.


    Why are you not in Turkey, fighting for your own cause, whatever it is?
  9. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Why are you doing that, then?
  10. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    This is what I was wondering.

    He states that he is not even human.

    That he loves evil.

    And that he is a Turkish fascist, living in London.

    He doesn't waste time arguing on the internet.

    He has made vids and everything, which he cannot show.

    And that he has deactivated Facebook.

    He does have a point about traditional peaceful protests, in the old fashioned sense, but makes the error of presuming that I, and others, do not actually realise this.

    He actually seems to think I am suggesting people flock to the streets, with little flags that say 'Come On, This Is Jolly Unfair'.

    He seems not to realise the many times that I have said that such things are next to useless.

    He appears to believe that I, and everyone else, watches television, even though it is well known on here, that I threw mine out, years ago, for precisely the reasons that he cites, among others.

    Shame he doesn't actually get to know people better, before wishing that they commit suicide.
  11. Tezelian_Imperialist

    Tezelian_Imperialist Banned

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Well I'm happy other people like you are aware of the truth as well...

    You do have a point, extreme views don't attract the majority of people but always remember democracy isn't the right choice but the popular choices... People tend to go with common and popular things like followers and sheeps, they don't care about extreme views and always dismiss them as conspiracy theorist or stupid when they themselves sit at home and watch reality TV shows like drones and worship a god that controls them via fear. So a poor person who is devout and religious will want to remain poor, because as long as that poor person prays five times a day or goes church on Sunday, whatever happens to them on earth is a test and that when they die they will be rewarded paradise, so personally I don't care if the majority don't agree with me because the majority are dumb.

    ‎"Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day; give him a religion, and he’ll starve to death while praying for a fish."

    This is how the majority think, so no thanks to them following my ideas... but if I lived in the perfect society I wouldn't have been so extreme anyway because the fact that I don't belong to any group makes my ideas and opinions extreme only because my ideas are unique.... I'm not a follower basically, I am my own God and I make my own rules. I know what's right and wrong without reading the Quran or Bible.

    I'm not the typical Anatolian "Turkish" Muslim... I'm pagan and Turkic, there is a big difference. We are genetically and linguistically oriented Turks while the majority of Anatolian peoples of Turkey are only linguistically oriented 'Turks'. True Turks reside in central Asia while Turkey's so called Turks are nothing more than Turkified Arabs, Persians, Kurds, Greeks, Albanians, Georgians, Slavs or ancient Anatolian peoples like Trojans, etc. Now lets not change the subject.

    34,000 children die a day, do you care about them? No, because if you did you would've known how many children died a day until a fascist anti-humanist such as myself had to come along and inform you of your own humanist arts. Looking at your Avatar all you personally care about are them dirty pathetic backstabbing Palestinian scum who betrayed Ottoman Muslim Turks for Christians and gold, now look at them suffer like whipped dogs, good riddance and I hope all of them are exterminated.
  12. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Yes, that would be a great idea, in fact, it's funny, because before you joined and told me to die, I was saying this very same thing to Americans, who still seem to believe that both sides there....aren't on the SAME side. Which is NOT their side.

    It was like trying to get through to skulls that were utterly fortified.

    No matter WHAT I showed them, no, they were not having it, they wanted to go on believing that maybe, just maybe, one of these never ending shills is going to make a difference.

    And, what would you know, your 'idea' here, it was the very same one that I was proposing...before you joined and started flinging BS around, chum.

    I am also NOT American.
  13. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    You are missing the entire point.

    Obama is a SHILL, and your next President, if it is not Obama, will also be a shill.

    You cannot vote your way out of this plutocratic nightmare that you are being dragged down by.
  14. Tezelian_Imperialist

    Tezelian_Imperialist Banned

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I bet you called me Turkish because of my Avatar. Well the bow and arrow is the symbol of the "Turkestan legion", a Turkic regiment of Hitler's Nazi army...

    Many Turkic peoples from central Asian countries such as Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Eastern Turkestan (East of China) joined the Nazis as they were treated like animals by the Soviets.
  15. AestheticBrah

    AestheticBrah New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Tezelian_Imperialist it would have helped if you got to know us better. I just couldn't believe what I was reading...We were advocating the same message as you [apart from the killing of 1 billion people :eyepopping:]...and then you come on here and start spouting that we're deceived by TV, entertainment and have been brainwashed, then you start telling us we're advocating peaceful white flag waving in front of parliament...lol, like peaceful protest will deter a bunch of mass murders

    I don't believe governments should be watching every citizens because of an illogical fear of Al-Qaeda, which is a total farce. Just like communism was funded and propelled by internation banks, Lenin and Trotsky were funded by Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg to name a few, keep in mind Paul Warburg was instrumental in creating the federal reserve. It's international bankers that funded Stalin and Hitlers rise to power. Communism was used to stifle opposition and create an esoteric threat to the USA that will lead to the creation of the Industrial military complex. It's all a game to these people.

    Al-Qaeda is a FARCE! I don't know just how gullible people are in this world, but it's hilarious and sickening at the same time...you are FAR, FAR more likely to die falling from your stairs than from a terror attack...

    how much does the US government invest in protecting us from stairs?

    you are far more likely to die in a car accident, look at how much is spent in making that safer compared to how much has been spent on the war OF terror?

    It's a JOKE people, you've all been had.

    Al Qaeda leader dining at the Pentagon AFTER 9/11
    US administration agree to let Pakistan evacuate Al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters from Kunduz

    Okay? it's a fraud? do WE all get it now? Obama extending the ability to control your communication networks, and the UK putting more and more cameras everywhere is NOT for your protection from Al-Qaeda, okay, it's for bigger government, and tyranny. Let that sink into anyone who's still looking under tables and rocks for Al-Qaeda to jump out an give them the kiss of death.
  16. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Old fashioned protests of this type, they can be okay for relatively unimportant issues, or to maybe raise awareness. They have some use, but limited.

    Maybe once upon a time, such methods even had a degree of success.

    That day is not today.

    That day..is not now.

    People are living ...in the past.

    It's probably because the change was stealth, and no one really made a formal announcement.

    The news are not going to start with the lead story - And today on the news, the Gov announce that they are fooling us all, and that they days of your vote really meaning anything, or the days of your peaceful protests making a difference - are gone.

    It's like they are waiting for those that lie to them, to tell them they are being lied to.

    Much better to believe Glen Beck than Jack Napier.

    Mitt Romney must know more than AB.

    And so on..

    Anway, it is precisely because we cannot live in the past, the old ways, that a classical and violent revolt...is the worse of plans.

    For a start, if that is your stated starting position, who are you, in reality, going to get behind you?

    At best, and this would be with serious lobbying, a few hundred guys, that might spend their time fighting in the pub usually, or at football.

    And a few other rabble rousers.

    Everyone else will switch off, leaving the above group to be easily identified, isolated, and locked up, under existing laws.

    Even if you got 10,000 people of better quality, in this country, engaging in acts of violence, against Parliment or whatever, do you really think that 10,000 people, with beer bottles, and chairs, are any match for the layer after layer of police, army etc, that the state can easily use...to utterly crush them. And remember, at home, the people will cheer on the state, suggesting that those people are thugs, and should be treated even more harsh.

    This is NOT the past, the state are too well armed, too watchful, too many laws, and the people are just not really wired like they are, in other countries.

    You need to cripple the system, in ways that they cannot use to demonise and even kill people.

    That is not to say that those that want to do that, shouldn't, perhaps as part of an organised strategy, take up the legal right, to learn how to defend themselves, using an agreed method. My own pref would be Krav Maga, as it would be maybe the most effective, in any sort of real struggle.

    People must be able to fight this, from the neck up, but it does no harm to be able to fight it, from the neck down, as well.

    However, the intelligent thing to do is work within the law, to cripple the system, so that it can no longer actually function, or have any legal status.

  17. AestheticBrah

    AestheticBrah New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Couldn't have said it better myself, Jack.

    Destory the system from within, much like how THEY infiltrated and destroyed nations. Almost the same tactic, entirely different ambitions.

    You really think the founding fathers of America would be able to perform the same revolution today, here in Britain? not a chance. There were what? 2-5% that decided to revolt against the British...that's quite a small number. But they affected change, because they COULD back then.

    Today, such a violent uprising will be spun by the MSM, they will DEMONISE the public, misquote them, LIE and steal from them. The sweater wearing, yellow, apologist, apathetic, senseless eaters, will swallow the LIES hook line and sinker. They will turn the masses of unwashed, drone imbeciles who live for X Factor, Amazing Spiderman and dancing with the stars, AGAINST the revolution. The police and military will be swift, they will blow and shoot you all dead. Here in England, we're unarmed so any violent revolutionaries will be filled with so many bullets before Big Ben ticks 1:00 o'clock.

    We have to be peaceful but effective. However, with Americans armed, it could play out different in the states. I imagine once they come bursting down doors in the USA, ready to take their guns, if they don't wake up then and revolt, there's no hope. A violent revolution in the states has a MUCH greater chance of success only because the populace is armed to the teeth with even automatic weapons. But even then, they would likely crush an armed rise up in the states too!
  18. Tezelian_Imperialist

    Tezelian_Imperialist Banned

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Let's say the population of country (a) was 100 million and 80 million people of that country were aware of the powers that be and rioted against them, you really think the military would side with the government? Because statistically to fight against 80 million people will also mean to fight against your own family members and friends! Even in Syria's case many military personnel either resigned and fled to other countries such as Turkey or joined the rebel front!

    I can also give you a recent example of how violence made a revolution and how it worked. The Arab spring against Gadaffi or in Egypt against Mubarek.. Sadly these 'revolutions' were bad revolutions actually supported by the powers that be in order to get rid of so called dictators growing outside the boundaries the powers that be set for all democratic nations.

    Your way of fighting or changing the law or system hasn't worked for hundreds of years while violent revolutions always work.

    I personally think the real problem is that some people can't accept the inevitable.. casualties and deaths. Are you personally willing to fight or blow yourself up for a better society and system? That's why I follow the Bushido code! Before a revolution we need a different sort of society, one that will be willing to die for honour, cause and ideology!
  19. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    I don't care about what happens now, with the sheeple in the States.

    They have made their bed.

    They have gotten into their bed.

    They found a gluttoness, lying, sadistic, greedy, obese, stinking fat man pig in their bed.

    And they all got in, and nestled up to it.

    They cannot get enough of it's putrid breath, and it's rotting snout, pressing it's tongue into their mouth.

    As they enter the 'gates of hell' (fig), all there is left to do, is stand aside, as they vanish through the abyss.

    Here could be different.

    For a start, we do not really have people here that define themselves by their state, the way they do in the US or Israel.

    The US in fact, know what, let's not longer call it that, imo, it is an insult to many good Americans, it is an insult to the Founding Fathers, and it is an insult to the constutition, let us called it Zion 2 and Israel can be Zion 1.

    Notice how if someone wrote a critique of this British Gov, or the last one, or even many of the actions of the British Empire, most of us, who are British would be the first...to agree.

    Wrong is wrong in our eyes, because we just are not into this thing of defining ourselves by our state.

    That is what most Americans and Israeli's on here cannot do - free themselves that they are the state, and the state is them.

    I thought America were opponents of communism?

    There is certainly an argument that they almost define themselves by their state, as classical state communism would want.

    It's like communism in that respect, except that it's a plutocracy in another respect.
  20. AestheticBrah

    AestheticBrah New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Obviously in a country were 80% were awake and rioting, they cannot stop that. But you're talking about 80% being awake to the tyranny...that's not the case in the UK or in America. Much fewer people are awake than is necessary. I mean, if 80% of people in any country, riot against the government, they will overthrow said government - that is obvious.

    The question is how do you get those 80% to wake up to just how badly the powers that be are "passionately making sweet love" to them? that's the £64,000 question. Because if you really think 80% of the world is aware of this tyranny, you are badly mistaken, if you think 80% of Americans or Brits are aware you are again, horrifically mistaken. VAST majority of the world are utterly clueless about this tyranny.

    Secondly, the Arab spring is just the worst example, as you rightly pointed out, that was funded and backed by the elite power brokers, the money trust and powerful politics. The Libyan rebels were fighting with brand new US weapons, huge numbers of fighters were paid to overthrow Gaddafi and co. This is well know, the US administration through their gulf allies [Qatar, Saudi] funded and trained the militia, some of which are supposedly Al-Qaeda radicals, to dismantle and unrest the country. Just like Operation AJAX of 1953 in Iran, Guatemala 1954 CIA overthrow etc.

    Look at this - Syrian 1957 - CIA, MI6 overthrow plans, is there any doubt that Syria is just yet another globalist overthrow? No, not really,

    I admire the fact you want to fight for what is right, but you must understand in England a violent uprising is next to impossible at this current state, people are glued to the glowing box in the corner of their rooms indoctrinating them with propaganda, dancing with the stars, dancing on ice, X Factor, and American idol. But at least if we can infiltrate the system, WITHOUT useless public protest, and get people NOT to bother voting, that's a good first step.

    I guess a mass national riot here in the UK would be a workable tool to overthrow these criminals, the question is how do you get the population to riot in such a grand scale?

  21. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    I'm sorry, but I may as well ask - Let's say if I could change everything by standing on my head, what do you think elites could do then?

    It is...silly.

    For one thing, you will never, and I mean as next to never as you can go, getting 80% of able bodied people in Britain to do what you suggest.

    This is fantasy stuff.

    You make no allowance AT ALL for even the cultural difference, from nation to nation.

    Britain is not Tunisia or Egypt, or Somalia.

    What may work there, will not work here.

    What people flock to there, people will not flock to here.

    You have to adapt the methods, to suit the specific opponent, not stick rigidly to one method, that may work in a culture that is not our culture.

    I am afraid that we have a culture in which 80million are more likely to watch utter drop outs sleeping...on Big Brother reality show.

    Do you really think these cretins of mind, and soft of body, can oppose...anything?

    And even if you could get them to wander out into the street, and be 'violent', what really is it they would be fighting for?

    They don't even know.

    Because they are facking stupid.

    If you are going to have ANY chance of harnessing their support, which could be useful in some way, then you cannot just give them freedom to act as they wish. We would replace tyranny with..chaos and tyranny.

    To have a hope of waking these zombies up, you need to give them a simple message, plus an example, easy to understand 'Of how it is cheating them'.

    Then you need to find a way to keep repeating it.

    If only we could figure out how to put a live feed message on, through Eastenders...
  22. AestheticBrah

    AestheticBrah New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    I think we would have to start with somehow getting it through the skulls of the unwashed that both labour and the conservatives serve the same agenda. We all know the Lib dems are pretty much dead in the water anyway. But how do we get people to SEE that regardless of who gets in, everything stays the same?

    Secondly, we'll need to somehow simplify the message until it is like pap and custard, so that these imbeciles will be able to understand how a private banking cartel creates and OWNS all their money, and therefore continues to cheat, enslave and rip them off.

    Hopefully these walking tomatoes will use the information and make the decision to STOP partaking in the fraudulent system, causing it to fail.
  23. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Would you?

    I'm no conspiracy theorist. But I'm also not blind. Do I think the Obama admin has some evil plan afoot? No. Do I think this administration has signed into law acts that can be exploited for less than honorable intentions? You betcha. Instead putting the brakes on and rolling back the government's intrusion into privacy and treading on rights, it's apparently full steam ahead for Obama & Co., and it's exactly why I won't vote to return him to office for a second term.
  24. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Until the government decides to retroactively declare your previously innocent activities as something wrong, at which point it's too late to hide.

    Or decides that your activities appear suspicious, whether or not they are.
  25. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    You'd be hard pressed to find a country where the government doesn't effectively have control of all telecommunications during an emergency situation.

    The fact that this codifies said control is more redundant than disturbing.

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