So you all tell me, you're BORN gay right? And have no choice in life.. so, here's the question...Will you always be gay? or can you choose to become straight? Just wondering what you guys/girls think...
Interesting question, j. I know several people who married, had children, then came out. Not sure I've ever met anybody who did it the other way around?
one of my wife's friends left her husband and kids, went into a gay relationship for a couple years then reconciled with hubby and never looked back again. Hubby just says that she wasn't herself for a while but is glad she is back. This was almost 10 years ago. She simply states that she made a huge mistake. I don't know if that is going gay and then coming back or if she was just emotionally mixed up with hormones and everything, who knows?
That likely. People can choose many things; not ALL things. Most people will retain the sexual-orientation which manifests itself around their pre or early teen years. With human beings, there are always possible exceptions. One can choose to ACT or live as a 'straight' person; that will not actually cause them to BE heterosexual. Or is it that you don't think/believe million of people haven't tried to BE or BECOME 'heterosexual' over thousands of years? If you are 'straight'... I ask: When did you decide to be a 'heterosexual'?
Do we know (absolutely for a fact) that the woman wasn't bisexual? And yes, LOVE (relationships) can influence choices. It isn't that someone can switch off/on their sexual-orientation, but that relationships can and often do affect what people choose to do. After all, there has been MANY a gay man, who remained 'straight' in behavior, raised kids to being adults... then revealed their actual sexual-orientation after over 25 years of marriage. I've met many people like that myself, and heard of and read about more of them than that.
You mean like STR8MM4M as seen so often in internet chat rooms? Looking at AOL, one begins to wonder if there are ANY hetero men left.
Bitterness and discontent with one gender can cause some people (women mostly) to go play for the other team at least temporarily. I've turned more than one girl into an overnight lesbian after I broke her heart in my younger days. Last I heard, they were all back to dating men again.
I heard you could pray it away and be straight the rest of your life. Of course that is (*)(*)(*)(*) and does nto work. In my opinion, you are born wired one way, in the middle, or the other. Bisexuality is rare amongst men. While sexuality seems much more fluid amongst women. I have known several that have dabbled and been full blown bisexual. I don't think, one can opt to be permanently one way or another. I think you are dealt the hand you are born with and that is what you are. Conversion therapy is nothing more than a scam, in my fine opinion.
it's something that she isn't proud of doing leaving her husband and kids. It's not my business to pry and I'm not going to open old wounds with the husband. I don't know if they ever did a 3-some and won't ask. So, did she try gay and decided she didn't like it? Did she just need to find out that what she wanted was what she already had; who knows the answers.
I do not think most humans understand their sexuality, nor are willing to explore most of their fantasies. Also, I think that homosexuality is not just a genetic thing, but also an experience thing, extreme sexual abuse can do some very odd things in the minds of what would be normal humans.
Some abused people are changed due to their experiences. I had no fantasies about sex myself, I just found the male anatomy to be more interesting and enticing. I tried heterosexual activity a few times, but female anatomy didn't turn me on at all. Most homosexual people I've known, were not abused by anyone as a child or adult. And most of the pain/trouble I've watched them deal with... was as a result of this society mistreating, demonizing or dehumanizing them. There is no wonder in my mind, why many who are gay LEARN to be somewhat militant about who/what they are over time. You have to fight for many things in many ways; it's simply survival.
People can choose to become straight just like straight people can become other words, its impossible.
Ok then. What about apparently heterosexual men whom practise homosexuality in specific circumstances away from the company of females? Such as in prison.
Yep. I could have sex with a woman and even 'get-off'; but she wouldn't likely want to see the thoughts in my head as I was engaging in sex with her; she would not be flattered one bit. Makedde is spot-on. There are differences between the 'mechanics' of sex (that virtually anyone can perform), and there is the enjoyment/ecstasy and sharing of sexual relations with another person... which most people do not lie to themselves about. For most guys, all they need to enjoy the mechanics of sex, is another warm body or some orifice (and most people can use their own hand). But wanting another person, involves the desire for someone of a particular gender, and most people know that's one or the other (or perhaps BOTH).
Granny says no, dey don't have to be... ... dey can repent an' be not gay... ... an' Jesus will forgive `em.
let's ask Big Bob [ame=""]Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay, **** Meat Sandwich Scene - YouTube[/ame]
And you won't. This people hide the fact that they were homosexuals. If I am heterosexual I won't become homosexual(less if I am bisexual , that I am bisexual). An homosexual many times to avoid to be refused, they hide this and try to have normal lifes. Although they are unhappy and in the end they need to go out of the closet.
Jedi, if you are gay, you are gay - there is no need to go on about it in every second post. No one here, (least of all I) is going to think any less of you for a sexual orientation over which you have no control, and is of no consequence to anyone but you and your sexual partners. Believe me - no one gives a flying ****.
it depends how much gay is in their genes, some can turn straight, some can enjoy both worlds at the same time and some must be gay or they cannot function