Our Troops do NOT Protect Our Freedom and We Should Stop Thanking Them for Doing So

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Robodoon, Aug 8, 2011.

  1. Stupidsheep

    Stupidsheep New Member

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Stop working for the congress who allows the government arm tsa to grope little kids? You can't do that though because you need to get paid regardless of who your indirect actions hurt.
  2. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    yeah they dont protect us or our freedoms in any way. im so sure if we got rid of our military completely nobody would ever try to invade us because that piece of paper we call the Constitution would miraculously stop them lol?

    tell ya what, if or when we do have a war come to us on our front lawn i hope you make sure and tell them military personel that you do not want their help as you obviously hate them and let them protect the people that appreciate them and what they do for us.
  3. wezol

    wezol New Member

    Feb 18, 2011
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    You HOPED the number was higher? Wtf? What a d*ck thing to say. I'm not even going to get any further into it, other than you disgust me.

    As for the TSA thing, 1AV hit the nail on the head. You CHOOSE to fly, you are not forced. Therefore, you VOLUNTARILY give up your freedoms by choosing to fly. And as mentioned again by 1AV, if liberals weren't so hell bent on bring so PC, we wouldn't be searching people who obviously don't need to be searched anymore than the metal detector.
  4. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    You are 100x sicker than you can ever even TRY to make us out to be. I knew you were a few choice words in my head but I can't believe even you would say something like that.
  5. IgnoranceisBliss

    IgnoranceisBliss Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    Stupidsheep isn't even worth arguing with. It'd be one thing if he brought coherent well-backed arguments to the table. He doesn't, so lets just ignore him.
  6. Stupidsheep

    Stupidsheep New Member

    Jul 16, 2011
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    I never said to get rid of the military xompletely. Pay attention, corky.

    I said to stop enlisting until the bankers stop invading other countries for profit. It's above your head.
  7. Stupidsheep

    Stupidsheep New Member

    Jul 16, 2011
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    At least I don't take money to break families apart and kill innocents.

    Keep believing that you are helping protect the USA. All the facts of current events point to the opposite as we slide further into debt and ruin.
  8. 1AmericansView

    1AmericansView New Member

    Mar 10, 2011
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    See your ignorance shows with every post you make because I have made it clear that I'm not in the Military anymore. but you are either to ignorant to actually read, or don't know how to comprehend what you read.

    Either way. I don't get paid for the government, and I don't need a war to help me get paid. I make a living in peace time or war time. since I provide services that everybody needs.

    so wan't to try again on me getting paid?

    Again if you are so against it what have you done? besides come on here and attack the U.S. Military?

    You made a big deal about Indiana and asking people where they were when it was going on. Well how about this. Where were you? Why did you not have a problem with it back in May when it was happening. why the first time you actually mention the laws you have a problem with is when you are attacking U.S. Military.

    What actions are you taking to make change? you do have the freedom and the rights to make change but you use your rights as ignorant as any person can. by doing nothing. just sitting back and complain to people. instead of the politicians who can make a change.
  9. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    you dont get anywhere by trying to weaken our military because you dont like something. whats way over your (*)(*)(*)(*)ed head is our military does not make the decisions, if you were any ounce of smart you would know that. why not attack the politicians in office who give the orders, our military is not the bad guy.

    wanna do some real damage? then get on the real people who control everything.
  10. peoplevsmedia

    peoplevsmedia Banned

    Apr 28, 2011
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    Your first part of the post impressed me, but I think by the end you were mostly putting words in "our" mouths... in other words playing victim of our disrespect, where none exists. I am not one of those people who disrespects the military, my best friend as a matter of fact is going back to Afghanistan soon, and I can't even talk to him about politics freely because I don't want to hurt his morale, I hope he comes back alive and I hope he does not kill any innocent people or is ordered to beat up any more 14 year old kids as he said he had to in the past in Iraq. LET'S NOT DERAIL FROM THE SUBJECT:

    It seems very patriotic to support the troops fighting for our freedoms.
    I believe it is just as patriotic and IMO even more patriotic to state what OP says, in the face when everyone on the media and in the government DEMOCRATS INCLUDED kiss up to the boys in the military day in and day out. the OP did not insult the troops, I read it.

    Here are some facts that should not be ignored:
    - US is trillions of dollars in debt and paying about 40 cents interest on every dollar borrowed. only an invaded nation can go so far in debt, this is beyond return, FACT

    - It is easier to be patriotic and support the troops and blame Muslims in another country then to look at oneself such as our own government as the cause, not just the left/right monkeydicking, FACT

    - Terrorist attacks justifying invasion of multiple countries? - Hitler burned his own government building to create an excuse to invade others, FACT.

    This so called "we fight for your freedom to speak out against us" crap, don't use it in the arguments, we either have it or we don't.
  11. 1AmericansView

    1AmericansView New Member

    Mar 10, 2011
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    Well first off I hope you friend makes it home alive. A soldier, Marine, Airmen, or Sailor has two obligations to his country, and to himself, Follower lawful orders, and not to follow unlawful orders. If he was ordered to beat up a 14 year old for no reason it was not a lawful order and he should have not followed the orders and waited for his day in court (if it came to that)

    There are many ways to be Patriotic. you don't have to support the actions of the troops, you can even speak out against the orders that they are given. and I respect that. I have the utmost respect for the people who protested the wars in Iraq, and Afghanistan even though I did not agree with them.

    I respect people who tell politicians what they want. but I don't respect people who disrespect the Military just because they have a problem with the U.S. government.

    There are many things the U.S. can cut. including bringing the troops home. but will that save us in the future from having to return? The U.S. shouldn't be spending a lot of the money we are like giving billions of dollars to China so they can buy U.S. debt If you are able to buy a countries debt then you really don't need foreign aid.

    If you look at any post I've ever written you will not see me blame Muslims for anything. since I don't believe the terrorist are real Muslims. just like a somebody who claims he is a Christian and then kills somebody is not a real Christian. both parties are to blame for where our government is today. but again you should be speaking out against the politicians not insulting the honor of the men and women who have served this country.

    I never have said that the Iraq was was justified because of 9/11 I was against the Iraq war when it started because I thought the U.S. was better off going after the people behind 9/11. But I did support the work the U.S. military did in Iraq after we were there. and if you ever had a first hand chance to see the joy in the peoples eyes as they are thanking you for freeing them from Saddam, or the joy they had when they were able to cast a vote for their future for the first time. you might have a different aspect on what the U.S. Military does.

    The U.S. Military does fight for your rights, and guard your rights with their life. so the argument above is very valid. and the arrogance of the OP to say that the U.S. military is more likely to turn their weapons on a U.S. citizen then to defend their freedoms is ridiculous. and if he had any knowledge of the U.S. Military he would know that as well. but the ignorance of the facts does not allow him to understand that.

    and when I stated the OP in my previous post I was actually talking about somebody else and not the OP. my mistake.
  12. peoplevsmedia

    peoplevsmedia Banned

    Apr 28, 2011
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    I will let him know that, thanks!

    Likewise I respect any military person who respects my objection to the war.

    That is why I believe US military is needed here instead of gangs, to serve a tougher task, take a more bold step, a more corageous and brave step of standing up to completely corrupt government. we are in fear of losing our businesses speaking out against this whole system. it comes down to who is the real culprit, what does it control? I believe special interests control our government and that is the culprit. but it's just my opinion.

    I apologize then, for putting words in your mouth.

    Very possibly yes. interesting thought. I just wonder what kind of monsters ordered that abu ghraib abuses and for what purposes. also why was Saddam not allowed to run in election and instead executed, elections seem to create more peace then killing of top political figures
  13. 1AmericansView

    1AmericansView New Member

    Mar 10, 2011
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    There is a difference between objections to the war. and disrespecting the troops.

    You can still object to the war without calling the troops murders, killers, and so on (Not saying you said that)

    I agree that the government is controlled by special interest. I just don't think we would agree what those special interest are. We need to have campaign reform and stop allowing Public Unions and corporations to decide what the future of our Citizens are. We have a politician in Los Angeles, who was fined for accepting gifts and not reporting them. So what did he do. He want and set up "funds" to get other people to pay. Including politicians who collected so they can run for office. What kind of punishment is giving a corrupt politician a fine. if he has contributors paying them for him.

    no problem we all make mistakes ;-)

    What happened there was bad and can not be condoned. but you also have to try and think about what the soldiers were feeling towards the people. You have no idea what it is like to be faced with your "Enemy" day in and day out. and seeing that they have more rights then you do in certain situations.

    Saddam was tried and found guilty in a court of law for crimes against his people. the punishment for that was the death penalty. and so that is what he received.

    Saddam had a chance in court to defend himself. the people who ordered executed for speaking out against him. never did have that chance.
  14. peoplevsmedia

    peoplevsmedia Banned

    Apr 28, 2011
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    I still think allowing him to run in elections, along with Saddr, and having him lose and end up a nobody would have cost less innocent lives (Iraqi and American)

    But I think it's a scarry thought for USA of having him win, then it would prove that US lied about Saddam being hated by his people: fraud in elections would not have been an issue since we were already there to monitor it together with Iraqis. and the court under the occupation, I really don't know, no.

    That is just my opinion, I guess we have to agree to dissagree. I understand that my opinion is just that, and that it changed over the years also. I just wish fair elections would decide those things, because after all that's what we say we are fighting for: democracy and freedom of elections.
  15. wezol

    wezol New Member

    Feb 18, 2011
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    Im just commenting on your first part about your objection. That is what is great about this country, and I respect your position 100%, its your opinion and how you truly feel.

    But once someone blatantly disrespects the troops, or anyone with a different opinion, on anything, it's wrong and I won't respect it. Not saying you have, and you don't come to mind when it comes to disrespect. But a certain someone has, personally attacking us, calling us murderers, and "hoping the numbers were higher" when it came to the topic of suicide among the troops.

    A side note, I would of deleted your quote and just had that part I'm talking about, but my iPhone is frustrating me. Sorry.
  16. 1AmericansView

    1AmericansView New Member

    Mar 10, 2011
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    Till he was tried he was still technically the leader of Iraq, and the Military would have still been loyal to him.

    He had committed crimes and atrocities against the Iraqi people.

    He could have won the election even if the people hated him. They could have won because people feared what would have happened if they did not vote for him,

    As long as he was a live he had people that would have been loyal to him.

    The execution of Saddam did not cause any American or Iraqi lives. the Invasion did cost American, and innocent Iraqi' lives and that is a horrible thing but is a part of war.

    The majority of the people we are fighting to this day is not Iraqi's but people from other countries that want a piece of the action.

    People in the U.S. and other places in the world does not understand what it is to be like ruled under a dictator and scared for your life if you say anything wrong.

    Here we have the freedom to speak out against our government. the Iraqi people did not.
  17. peoplevsmedia

    peoplevsmedia Banned

    Apr 28, 2011
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    I completely agree. and I sometimes wonder if we were not led there by special interests for that same piece of the action, especially taking into consideration how much money was spent on that action. Saddam wanted debates with Bush, but we, the freedom of speech loving nation refused, Ari Fleitcher said "one bullet (to Saddams head) could save the need for a war, and Saddam responded "let's have one on one duel, but White house refused. it seems without a doubt that USA was determined to go there. I can only assume for a piece of the action.

    IT IS HARD FOR ME TO BELIEVE that a person who owes thousands of dollars to the bank and the rent and the car payments, is giving away money to kids because he wants to help them. if America was not in such debt, it would be easier to believe
  18. IgnoranceisBliss

    IgnoranceisBliss Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    What a joke. Saddam was given every opportunity to avoid the war. He violated UN mandates dozens of times over the years.
  19. peoplevsmedia

    peoplevsmedia Banned

    Apr 28, 2011
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    I was interested in seing the accused monster speak and answer questions, not only shown with a sword or the shotgun clippings with talks by others on top how he is a monster end of subject style.
  20. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    The United States also violated the UN Charter and our treaty obligations with all United Nation member states by invading both Afghanistan and Iraq without UN Security Council resolutions authorizing those invasions. The United States, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, intentionally did not introduce resolutions in both cases knowing that the Security Council would not authorize an invasion as such a resolution faced a veto from other permanent members of the UN Security Council.

    In both cases neither Afghanistan or Iraq presented any actual threat to the United States and so claims that the US military was defending the United States are false.

    Some like to point out that Saddam was a tyrannical dictator but who had the right to make that determination and the duty to overthrow such a regime? According to our very own Declaration of Independence which established the ideal upon which America was founded only the Iraqi People had the Right and Duty to overthrow a government that they believed was subjecting them to absolutel despotism.


    This is not an authority that can be granted to foreign nations but is exclusively reserved for those people living under such a government. The invasion of Iraq by the United States violated the very ideals upon which America was founded and the Right of the Iraqi People to self-determination.
  21. peoplevsmedia

    peoplevsmedia Banned

    Apr 28, 2011
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    Amen. spoken like a suppreme court judge of a non corrupt country. Also, as I mentioned earlier, all the claims by the big man why he is messing around with kids giving them candy and money because he wants to help them, would be a lot easier to believe if he didn't owe tons of money himself to the banks, mortgage payments, and be on foodstamps. this is exactly where US is, and as such, it has little credebility to make any claims about helping other nations in the first place.
  22. IgnoranceisBliss

    IgnoranceisBliss Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    What charges have been brought against the U.S. by the UN?
  23. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    None can be brought as the US can veto any such proposal as a permanent member of the Security Council. That doesn't imply that the US didn't violate the UN Charter as that is clearly established but instead points to the problems with having permanent members on the Security Council that are excluded from any condemnation of their actions because of their veto power.

    The best that can be provided is the UN Secretary-General condemning the US invasion of Iraq for violating the UN Charter which is about a much as could be done considering the power of permanent members of the Security Council.


    It was clearly an illegal war that violated the UN Charter.
  24. IgnoranceisBliss

    IgnoranceisBliss Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    The UN Secretary General has been at odds with the U.S. politically for years. One mans word, especially considering the controversy surronding him, is hardly proof.
  25. Stupidsheep

    Stupidsheep New Member

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Those of you war mongering robots can get a quick history lesson about Iran. The scary nation that can barely make gasoline that you want to invade because they want to get their hands on a nuke.

    As usual the USA instigated a fight with them first and now you losers are worried about them fighting back. Bend over and spread em, you deserve what Iran wants to give you.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6DjvhVcVRk&sns=em"]Ron Paul: I'm Trying to Change the Course of History - YouTube[/ame]

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