I want to rally up my Christian Brethren... Please watch these videos on the Satanic Secret Societies, it opened my eyes to how evil and sick this world truly is. PART 1 [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJT8io68p88&feature=related"]PART 2[/ame]
Cool documentary. I especially like that segment where it showed clips from the Bush reelection fiasco. Nice crowd there in Tallahassee booing the news of the newly reelected president. I remember that day quite well.
I only watched what you provided... the whole matter is not any new 'NEWS' for me. I am already aware of all of those details and many more that are not covered in those documentaries. Most of the details I have on those matters are not related to the religion segment of this forum, and to be honest with you, I am really rather tired of those discussions. Legally speaking, we are operating in their jurisdiction and as such, there is not much (judicially speaking) that we the people can do to (as a matter of court process) to correct any of the perversions of justice that are taking place. They have control of the money machine and they have the greater amount of armament,,, especially when there is no tangible group consensus that would pull the people together in numbers sufficient to make a difference. Here is a neat little article that again leads back to Washington and the Bush regime. http://www.american-buddha.com/throughglassdark.htm http://www.wanttoknow.info/mind_control/finders_foia_report_child_abduction.pdf At one time years ago, I had copies of those police reports, but have since lost them.
Information is our weapon. A secret society cant operate if it is uncovered. if you dont spread the word, i will... Btw, you may like this site... http://www.infowars.com it is very informative, and on the cutting edge of alternative media...
Couple of points to raise on this. A/ There is no such thing as satan...it was just a thing dreamed up to keep people coming into the church and give their money. B/ The WORST secrete societies by far are factions of the roman catholic church.
What proof (objective empirical evidence) do you possess that would either prove or disprove the existence or non existence of an entity known as Satan?
Show proof that it is real... go on show proof. I dont need to show it doesnt exist, you need to prove it DOES. The roman catholic church has used the idea of "satan" to keep the money flowing in and that is all.
The problem with this is that there is no evil Sa-tan. In the OT he was the Adversary/tester. The other crap was added in by contact with Greece and Rome. Interestingly Sa-tan did not originally represent evil to the Hebrew - carefully read the OT. Satan is the Adversary, the Tester, doing God's will by testing people. He also acts as a prosecuting attorney (when they fail the test,) bringing charges against sinners in God's court. (Psalm 109:6, Zechariah 3:1-2) Christianity mixed in pagan demons and ideas creating the evil Sa-tan idea we have in the NT, and today. So this idea of an evil Sa-tan out to make you do evil for his pleasure - is pure BULL. His job (according to the OT) was to test by putting things in your path - if you choose to do wrong at that point - "YOU" and only "YOU" have done evil, or wrong. YOU chose evil when times got tough! Even in the NT - what is the first thing he is doing? Testing Jesus to see if he is ready to begin his journey to Sacred King Sacrifice.
God, I am going to have to put this off til tomorrow, but I will watch it...I'm pretty sure I've seen it already, but I'll yet again point out the absurdity and watch your head explode.
There have been and always will be secret societies. They will not cease to exist or operate because they are found out. As a Christian, I am not concerned with them. If some are of Satan, let them have their societies. Im not required to be a part of it. Instead of uncovering societies, I would direct energy toward getting the Gospel out that Jesus Christ has come to save, and salvation is to those who believe on Jesus Christ. Quantrill
Do you realize that Alex Jones is the president of the Illuminati Public Affairs, and that YouTube is his child's school project?
that is completely irrelevant to the OP... I posted this video to show everybody what evil human secret societies are controlling human populations through wealth and power... in fact most secret societies didnt add satan into the mix til the late 1800s. if you watched the documentary, instead of refuting, then you would have known that... Inform yourself. BTW, are you defending Satan?
As a Christian, it is your duty to battle the forces of evil. You never heard of Gods army? Do me a favor, and tell me how God would judge you, if you allowed human beings to die at the hands of evil, when you know they can be stopped? In fact, in the documentary, it explains that their secrecy, and the general publics ignorance, is their only true power. I know Jesus is coming soon and all, you'd be a fool not to see it happening all around you...
Oh, and this interesting info came to my attention... United States Library of Congress The George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress, 1741-1799 http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/mgwquery.html You can search on Library of Congress yourself with the word "Illuminati". Below are the screen copies and the full transcript of George Washington's. You can search the world "Illuminati" yourself (link above) http://memory.loc.gov/mss/mgw/mgw2/021/1820176.jpg http://memory.loc.gov/mss/mgw/mgw2/021/2000194.jpg http://memory.loc.gov/mss/mgw/mgw2/021/2010195.jpg ================================================= George Washington to George Washington Snyder, October 24, 1798 -- Transcription Mount Vernon, October 24, 1798. "Revd Sir: I have your favor of the 17th. instant before me; and my only motive to trouble you with the receipt of this letter, is to explain, and correct a mistake which I perceive the hurry in which I am obliged, often, to write letters, have led you into. It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of seperation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a seperation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned. My occupations are such, that but little leisure is allowed me to read News Papers, or Books of any kind; the reading of letters, and preparing answers, absorb much of my time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mount Vernon, September 25, 1798. "Sir: Many apologies are due to you, for my not acknowledging the receipt of your obliging favour of the 22d. Ulto, and for not thanking you, at an earlier period, for the Book you had the goodness to send me. I have heard much of the nefarious, and dangerous plan, and doctrines of the Illuminati, but never saw the Book until you were pleased to send it to me. The same causes which have prevented my acknowledging the receipt of your letter have prevented my reading the Book, hitherto; namely, the multiplicity of matters which pressed upon me before, and the debilitated state in which I was left after, a severe fever had been removed. And which allows me to add little more now, than thanks for your kind wishes and favourable sentiments, except to correct an error you have run into, of my Presiding over the English lodges in this Country. The fact is, I preside over none, nor have I been in one more than once or twice, within the last thirty years. I believe notwithstanding, that none of the Lodges in this Country are contaminated with the principles ascribed to the Society of the Illuminati. With respect I am &c." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Note : In a letter from Snyder (Aug. 22, 1798, which is in the Washington Papers), it is stated that this book "gives a full Account of a Society of Free-Masons, that distinguishes itself by the Name of 'Illuminati,' whose Plan is to overturn all Government and all Religion, even natural."] http://www.consource.org/index.asp?bid=582&fid=600&documentid=56418 G. W. Snyder to George Washington (August 22, 179 Certified: Yes Volume: The Papers of George Washington: Retirement Series, 2 Pages: 554-557 Frederick-Town (Maryland) Augt 22. 1798. "Sir, You will, I hope, not think it a Presumption in a Stranger, whose Name, perhaps never reached your Ears, to address himself to you the Commanding General of a great Nation. I am a German, born and liberally educated in the City of Heydelberg in the Palatinate of the Rhine. I came to this Country in 1776, and felt soon after my Arrival a close Attachment to the Liberty for which these confederated States then struggled. The same Attachment still remains not glowing, but burning in my Breast. At the same Time that I am exulting in the Measures adopted by our Government, I feel myself elevated in the Idea of my adopted Country. I am attached both from the Bent of Education and mature Enquiry and Search to the simple Doctrines of Christianity, which I have the Honor to teach in Public; and I do heartily despise all the Cavils of Infidelity. Our present Time, pregnant with the most shocking Evils and Calamities, threatens Ruin to our Liberty and Goverment. Secret, the most secret Plans are in Agitation: Plans, calculated to ensnare the Unwary, to attract the Gay and irreligious, and to entice even the Well-disposed to combine in the general Machine for overturning all Government and all Religion. It was some Time since that a Book fell into my Hands entituled "Proofs of a Conspiracy &c. by John Robison," which gives a full Account of a Society of Freemasons, that distinguishes itself by the Name "of Illuminati," whose Plan is to overturn all Government and all Religion, even natural; and who endeavour to eradicate every Idea of a Supreme Being, and distinguish Man from Beast by his Shape only. A Thought suggested itself to me, that some of the Lodges in the United States might have caught the Infection, and might cooperate with the Illuminati or the Jacobine Club in France. Fauchet is mentioned by Robison as a zealous Member: and who can doubt of Genet and Adet? Have not these their Confidants in this Country? They use the same Expressions and are generally Men of no Religion. Upon serious Reflection I was led to think that it might be within your Power to prevent the horrid Plan from corrupting the Brethren of the English Lodge over which you preside. I send you the "Proof of a Conspiracy &c." which, I doubt not, will give you Satisfaction and afford you Matter for a Train of Ideas, that may operate to our national Felicity. If, however, you have already perused the Book, it will not, I trust, be disagreeable to you that I have presumed to address you with this Letter and the Book accompanying it. It proceeded from the Sincerity of my Heart and my ardent Wishes for the common Good. May the Supreme Ruler of all Things continue You long with us in these perilous Times: may he endow you with Strength and Wisdom to save our Country in the threatening Storms and gathering Clouds of Factions and Commotions! and after you have completed his Work on this terrene Spot, may He bring you to the full Possession of the glorious Liberty of the Children of God, is the hearty and most sincere Wish of Your Excellency's very humble and devoted Servant" G. W. Snyder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The archives from George Washington himself prove that not only they exist, but they were intensively active in America. Though George Washington, as Freemason, denied participation of Freemasonry as a whole in the Illuminati order - which was known to recruit members inside the freemasonry - he acknowledged that their presence in America was not unknown to him, "on the contrary" in his own word, as seen in the above authentic documents.
There is no proof that these groups are actually "evil." Ambitious, self serving, etc, but so are many groups.
I suppose that would all depend on what dictionary and what specific definition of the term "evil" that you are opting to use in the discussion.
LOL! Don't remember what you wrote? "the Satanic Secret Societies," Why would I defend something I don't believe in? I'm giving you the facts that Christianity has the Sa-tan info wrong - which makes me laugh when I read crap about "Satanic" activity by different groups.
Why would you even desire to discuss things that you don't believe in? In fact, if you don't believe in Sa-tan then how can you presume to KNOW what is right or wrong information about that subject?
By the way - this does not prove anything. They are talking about a book! "Proofs of a Conspiracy &c. by John Robison," And we all know about such books.