This seems like it might fit in with the rest of this conversation:;id=20714
You do not have to look to secret societies to find Satanial. Satan is as Satan does. What does Satan do ? Satan starts wars, commits Genocide, Tortures folks for no reason, Persecutes and Kills Gods chosen people. Satan decieves people into thinking there are humans on earth that speak for God so that the followers of these human religious leaders do in Gods name; the highest order of blasphamy. Open you eyes and you will see that Satan is found in the place you would least expect. Satan comes as a wolfe in sheeps clothing dressed in the robes of a priest of the Holy God. Yes kids .. If you have not figured it out yet you can find Satan leading the Catholic Church, Islam, and certain factions of the religious right.
Thanks. The 2nd part deals with the broken pentagram and its links with Venus. Interesting [ame=""]The Pentagram and Washington DC 2 of 2 - YouTube[/ame]
What is the 'religious right' and how is that segment different from the 'religious left' or the 'religious wrong' or the 'religious middle' or the 'religious up' or the 'religious down'?
Google it.. I do not have the patience to educate you and it would be a waste of time if I did. How can you educate someone who claims that nothing can be proven? They just keep repeating "prove it, prove it, prove it" adnausium.
You brought up the subject, now explain what you were talking about. If you cannot explain what you were talking about, then it becomes clear that you were speaking through a condition of ignorance of the subject matter.
Obviously those are not your words, as you have quoted the opinion of other people. Do you have an opinion of your own that you can express?
From the site: Which Masonic handbook? Not true. Again, not true. That would be a violation of the Charge I received in the 1st degree, and to make the point, the other degree's obligations and charges do not nullify the others. Actually Pike never said this. This is a lie.
If I were a Mason (which I am not) then I would be able to tell you what handbook. My confidence in the author(s) of that webpage is enough for me to accept what is being said.... (ya know, one of those 'faith' things like some others place in writings such as Darwins baloney). Shall we indulge in the sharing of a cup of the 'pot calling the kettle black'? How can you say it is not true, when just previously you were uncertain as to what 'handbook' the information was taken from? You know, those are all truly arguments that you need to take up with the publishers of that article... not with me. I didn't write them, though I fully believe them. So if you want to set the record straight, then perhaps you and some of your Masonic cronies should take action against the publishers of such information who are responsible for the initiation of such false information. Force them to make a public renunciation of their views. Were you around at the time Pike was here? If not, then how do you KNOW that Pike never said such a thing?
Na .. I know what the religious right is. Folks that speak in Tongues and claim to speak for God and then try to force their religious beliefs on others thinking they are doing Gods work because God talks to them.
Well then you should know that it is up to each jurisdiction on if a handbook exists in any fashion and what is put into it, and how. Idaho does have one, but it is completely coded. We don't call it a handbook though, we call it a "monitor". You're confidence is ill placed and not well founded as the "oath" they post on their site is not the Masonic oaths I took. I never said I didn't know, I was asking you if you knew. Well from my observation, the publisher of the article were more about putting their agenda first and not the truth. You posted the article without having knowledge of it or the subject, and then you made accusations? That sounds kind of reckless to me. No, but I have read all that there is to have on Pike's writings and sayings. That quote is connected to what is known as the Taxil Hoax. It was a part of a larger lie that is historically known to be a lie, but is still recycled by anti-Masons...and there cronies.
Well, in my jurisdiction, , , guess what? It exists as is published in the link I provided. Your observation is from your jurisdiction, so what now? And I gave my answer in truth. I posted the article therefore, I certainly had knowledge of the article. I also sometimes enjoy the reckless lifestyle. Is my lifestyle a problem to you? And you attempt to convince the readers by using wiki as a reference on a subject matter? But of course, those writings, like the writings of the Bible as viewed by non-theists, are all just writings of other men so it is really unimportant and is irrelevant, isn't it?
As you're not a Mason you don't really belong to any jurisdiction and maybe I missed it, but I didn't see it mention any jurisdiction. I only saw where it was published and that means very little to its actual location. Nor is that site as website of any Grand Lodge. My observation comes from my first hand knowledge of the rituals and of Masonry in general, being an actual member. It is as you are trying to tell me my business when you actually have no knowledge of my business. My points are: That is not the oath of a Mason. We are not told to cover up each other's crimes. Pike never said such things about Christianity or Revolution. Pike actually said that Freemasonry should not be seen as a replacement or substitute of religion. I used wiki as a second source, but I can post more links if you like on the subject of the Taxil Hoax.
Do you even know what jurisdiction means? Let me tell you in plain English. Jurisdiction means "law speak" or "speak law". So for you to say that I do not belong to any jurisdiction, then it is clearly shown that you do not know what you are talking about. In other words, you are ignorant of the subject matter, the subject matter being me and what jurisdiction I belong to.
I should have spoke more plain. You are a not a Mason so therefore you do not fall under the jurisdiction of the Masons. Plus this is really is a petty argument as it really has nothing to do with the matter at hand, the meat of the argument. It's a diversion, an off topic argument.
Well, a little off topic, but last night I was elected to the position of King (2nd in charge) for the Royal Arch Masons, Illustrious Master (presiding officer) for the Cryptic Masons, and Generalissimo for the Commandery of Knights Templar. It's interesting to note that this rank is used only in the American York Rite and is even more peculiar that as it would seem inappropriate to a subordinate officer, Generalissimo, signifying a Supreme Commander would fall under the Eminent Commander.
Oh Well... that was an extremely intelligent answer coming from you. Do you have more of that abundant wisdom that you would like to share?
You asked for the meaning to a phrase and that's what you got. When I have an opinion that I think you need to read I'll be glad to share it with you.
Then in other words, you don't have an opinion of your own, and are the type of person who will arbitrarily follow the opinions of others as long as those opinions make you feel good. Got it. LOL
No, the words I used were fine, and while I have an unlimited supply of my own opinions on a wide array of subjects, the only ones required here would be those concerning what I think of you from what I've seen so far and unfortunately sharing those would be a violation of TOS. Let your imagination run wild.