Love tattoos. It makes me happy when people are upset by them. There are very few places I am not tattooed. I would guess that 75% of my body is tattooed.
He was talking about how (*)(*)(*)(*)ty tattoos are on other. To be truthful some of my favorite tattoos are my (*)(*)(*)(*)tiest tattoos.
I guess he just for forgot about all the trauma surgeons I work with that have tattoos. They must all be (*)(*)(*)(*)ing morons it is the only way they could become doctors. We all know doctors are morons, right?
It makes me happy that you are happy, WatcherOfTheGate. As a lifelong student of psychology though, let me offer you an observation or two, and then a question or two; I surmise that your statement in posting #201, "It makes me happy when people are upset by them" signifies much about your core beliefs and psychology. You like to provoke a negative response. You view yourself as a rebellious and unconventional person. You are proud of having 75% of your body inked, and the fact that it bothers others makes you feel invigorated. The fact that all of the trauma surgeons you work with have some tats makes you feel validated. Your signature, "Whoever they vote for, we are ungovernable" indicates that you are apolitical, that 'others' line up to dutifully vote, and that you feel that you, and others like you, are never going to conform to the norms of society or the dictates of government. Questions: a. If more and more boys and girls line up to get ink all over their bodies, and I mean MORE AND MORE of them, and younger and younger at that; will it make you feel like a trail-blazer, or simply resentful that all these young punks who do it simply to get attention don't get it? In other words, if the anti-establishment (physical inking) statement becomes the norm, will you resent it when you have become (or perhaps viewed as) mainstream and passé'? b. Your kids; Will you encourage them to adorn their bodies with ink? and if so, at what age? Thanks in advance for your thoughtful and heartfelt response, sir.
I don't care what anyone thinks about me. I am smart enough to realize that for the most part no one thinks about me so why would I care? I'm not that important. As far as other people who get tattoos? Let them do what they want. It doesn't concern me one way or the other. I'm not going to have children so that question doesn't really matter.
I don't care what anyone thinks about me. I am smart enough to realize that for the most part no one thinks about me so why would I care? I'm not that important. As far as other people who get tattoos? Let them do what they want. It doesn't concern me one way or the other. I'm not going to have children so that question doesn't really matter.
I was going to mentio. that fat around the lymph node areas is ofteb a sign of increased hormonal activity. It is often a sign of a gluten allergy or reaction to other foods. It is why someone can look a bit fat around the face or breasts and neck but may be healthier than someone with a "normal" BMI but with unseen visceral fat. The media alarmists make people judge by what they see, but there is so much more to health than appearance.
It depends on how you put them on if they are applied with precision its passable as a real tattoo. People just paste them on really quickly and they look fake because they have alot of wrinkles oh and also the placement they have to be on a part like the shoulder that doesnt bend with movement.
Were you actually trying to say something here, or is this just more directionless babble? It's like trying to have a discussion with a mental patient.
It makes me happy when people when I see people upset by tattoos, too. I think the reason I like it is because it brings them a step closer to confrontation. Understanding can only be reached through confrontation. The person with the tattoo have provoked another person by making a personal choice, what people with tats have done is provoked thought in a closed mind. If the closed mind isn't full of fear, the confrontation will begin and understand may come soon after. It really not much different than other forms of graffiti. Which image is more attractive to you? I would imagine that the vast majority of people that like tattoos also like graffiti. Adversely, I would imagine the vast majority of people who don't like tattoos, don't like graffiti either. I'd like ot hear some comments and explanations on graffiti as well. So which person are you in this picture?
To the few people saying (or thinking) that your body is gods temple and tattoos are desecration... is this ok? Or would you rather just have a blank nub hanging there?
Graffiti should be punished with public floggings...10,000 lashes for a first offence and 10,000,000 for a second. It's vandalism, no different from smashing windows or sledgehammering doors.
People who hold that humans are owned by the state or by the church and, as such, should be punished for "damaging" state/church property when they get a tattoo are definitely deserving of death by lashes. It is not vandalism if the owner gives consent or does it himself. Grafitti does not mean "unsolicited". It is just a style of artwork.
Because he Lubs his Tattoos.Even has pet names fir some his Tattoo. Occassionally has one them Tattoo in his Dreams.Sometimes even a Tattoo nightmare. Aren't Tattoo just the last word.I mean,if one could have a Pipe Dream would it be complete w/o some Tattoo. The whole world should be awash in Tattoo. I mean,like they just to Die For. Did James Bond have a Tattoo. I mean,like 5 will getcha 10 that somewhere there's a book that states St. Francis of Assisi had him a few them Tattoo. I just can't fathom a kid growing up today w/o need of a tattoo.
Probably because Aussies are near fearless when it comes to Sharks. I swear there were TV presentations that showed Aussie's with little 20 ft. craft out in the water hunting for sharks even Great Whites. Aussie's are pretty Kool dudes.I always wanted to be like Rod Taylor. And Rod Laver was my favorite Tennis player.I played tennis as much as I could at our Summer Home. Aussie's are Real Gentleman and great gents.
DreadPirate, Watcher, I'm not anti-tattoo, just to be clear. I'm anti-fad. Anti-sheep behavior. I'm anti-'kids running down to the tattoo parlor with no other purpose but to ink their bodies in some fashion that will help them to fit-in'. I have seen some tattoos that I think look quite nice. I like them even more when I learn that a lot of forethought and introspection went into the decision to have that tattoo inked onto their bodies for ever and ever. Me personally? I don't believe that I will ever have a tattoo. I prefer to express my artistic and/or creative instincts by creating. Writing, playing music before a live audience, songwriting, drawing, cartooning, you name it. Those things are how I express that which I cannot otherwise put into words. If you choose to express yourself thru the body ink, then more power to you. I'm happy if it makes you happy. PS Jarlaxle, Foolardi is harmless. He puts on a folksy affectation, and communicates in a series of stream-of-conscienceness quips and Tourrettes-like yelps and exclamations. He and I are old friends from the now-defunct I admire his spirit of individuality, even though he is sometimes hard to understand.
Guilt by association. Just a stereotype. I think some people see others in society and on T.V. with tattoo's who do not act in a socially acceptable way. Just watch COPS and see how many of those being arrested have tattoo's. Again guilt by association. IMO a tattoo does not make a good person bad anymore than a person without a tattoo is innately good.
I like ink work, its a great form of art, I dont have any but just like a great looking motorcycle you have to give it some appreciation.
I don't really care if other people get tattoos although I'd never date someone who was really into them or get one myself. The number one reason being I believe it is a complete waste of money. Also I think that it can be addicting for some people to get tattoos and that leads to more wasting of money. There are very few tattoos that I find aesthetically pleasing as well. I just never cared much for body art plus it just seems like a lot of younger people are jumping onto the body art bandwagon and everyone is getting tattoos. As silly as it sounds it's probably more 'unique' now not to have a tattoo or multiple piercings. lol
Unless someone figures out body art that works with heavy body fur, I'll be skipping any tattoos. I don't see the point in a tattoo that would only be visible if I manscaped.