What a very educated argument without proof. You have established solid ground here. But uuhhhh where is the proof?
Are you incapable of presenting any of these facts or proofs? Wouldn't that be equivalent to me saying, "space is a long hallway, that's a fact and it's unarguable." Are you really going to buy that? CMON' MAN!
Do you think those fighter pilots wear seat belts? Wow - changing the speed of earth's surface by 1,000 mph while the armies continued to fight, shooting arrows in the air, running around, scaling ancient structures (built to local code?). And, no seat belts, I bet! And, then he did it AGAIN to spin it all back up again!! That sure as bloody hell is a miracle, alright. I know I've had long days where time seemed to stop. But of course my case didn't involve a god of war needing to let the slaughter continue.
Science does not deal in proofs it deals in evidence; your willful ignorance of it is not a valid argument
http://www.universetoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/A-Stormy-Atlantic.jpg Yep. It looks round from that angle! http://images.boomsbeat.com/data/images/full/7330/earth_2-jpg.jpg Yep. It looks round from that angle, too! http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/hands-hold-earth-space-3132802.jpg Oooops. DAMN! I thought I was onto something!
My belief in a globe Earth has nothing to do with God or the Bible and everything to do with reality. I only need look outside my window to prove that it is a globe. The only thing this thread makes me question is your sanity.
Funny how nobody in China, India, Europe, or anywhere else in the world for that matter, noticed this and bothered to record it.
If the Sun went "over the horizon" of a flat Earth, then the entire Earth would be dark at the same time, for 12 hours out of every 24 hours. Obviously, that doesn't happen. Congratulations, your thought experiment just disproved a flat Earth.
The one flaw to the whole flat Earth theory (besides being wrong) is the existence of orbiting satellites. Of course, that's why Flat Earthers have come up with the conspiracy theory that NASA, space travel and orbiting satellites are fake. But unfortunately for them, you don't have to take NASA's word on it, you can see them for yourself. This picture of the ISS and the space shuttle Discovery was taken by amateur astronomer Rob Bullen from the UK using an 8.5" telescope. See, anyone with a few thousand dollars worth of equipment can see and take pictures of the ISS. In fact, you can see it with your bare eyes, though it looks like a bright, moving star. The point is, anyone can go to a site like http://www.heavens-above.com/ and find out when the next satellite passes overhead and then just go out and watch it. As for the sun, yes it is 93 million miles away, but it is also over 860,000 miles in diameter which makes it large enough to swallow all the other planets in the solar system and still have room for dessert.
I responded to this in post #54. Are you ignoring me now? Were my question too difficult to address (not that youd ever addressed any)? And I was so enjoying our discussion.
you were given the proof on the first page. Wherever you are on this planet, simply start traveling in a straight line in any direction and don't stop. You will eventually end up right back where you started. This is an easy and repeatable experiment you can do which shows the earth is not flat.
The ISS is supposedly 259 miles away. Tell me, what would a football stadium look like at 259 miles away. If you went straight above the stadium 259 miles straight up, you would not even see the stadium. Did you put this picture into photo forensics? Perhaps you should. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q...5D409EFB31C7959AFE665D409EFB31C79&FORM=VRDGAR
Did you put this picture through photo forensics? Maybe this will blow your mind. You have to watch it all the way through, it gets really good. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q...5D409EFB31C7959AFE665D409EFB31C79&FORM=VRDGAR
The sun does not go over the horizon, it moves outside of the vanishing point, it is relatively close to earth or inside the firmament. It has not been fully developed yet but this might help. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q...DD26793D1D9042632745DD26793D1D90426&FORM=VIRE http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q...665D409EFB31C7959AFE665D409EFB31C79&FORM=VIRE
You say I am insane, right after you say you can look out your window and see the globe earth. Haha, it is you who is insane. You cannot see the globe from anywhere on earth. Maybe this will at least show you, the current theory is just a theory, and can be rivaled from anyone. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q...665D409EFB31C7959AFE665D409EFB31C79&FORM=VIRE
Your pictures are just as real as the following: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q...81c796c636fc869042a908ae26fb944bH0&ajaxhist=0 http://www.bing.com/images/search?q...7ebf90d16e34c6d8c9f873e604628aadH0&ajaxhist=0 http://www.bing.com/images/search?q...5b66fdcadc8751c63f10e9939d962c3fH0&ajaxhist=0
I do know what a telescope is, and maybe that would explain the blurriness. However, you still never answered my question. Did you put this picture in photo forensics?
You do realize that this picture was taken with a telescope, right? However, you can see the ISS with the naked eye as an elongated dot when it is overhead so if you want proof, look up the times the ISS will be seen in your area and go outside and look. You will be amazed. Need more proof of a sphere like Earth? 1) Standard radio communications has a limited range because the curvature of the Earth blocks the signal, unless the signal is either bounced off the ionosphere or satellites. 2) DirecTV/Dish Network satellite dishes have to pointed to an exact spot in the sky and cannot be off more than a few degrees or it won't get a signal. 2) Longitude lines converge at the poles and get wider at the equator. 3) Humans have pretty much explored the entire surface of the planet and we've never found an edge. 5) Time zones exist. 6) The moon has phases and eclipses in which the shadow of the Earth can be seen and it is round. 7) For what purpose would a conspiracy about the shape of the Earth serve? I can't say I'm surprised that you latched on to the flat Earth theory. It is not the first time you have questioned scientific theories using crack pot ideas and conspiracies. You really need to take some science classes.
so you understand that your analogy of a football field at 239 miles would be impossible to see is really dumb then right?
Are you making a specific argument for a flat Earth hypothesis now, only earlier you stated the you weren’t doing that (despite your choice of thread title)?
I'm agreeing it's a pear shape, theoretically, but practically speaking, it's not. Tyson is not the most precise speaker in his show. Please a real link of Tyson without all the extra Flat earth lies. I don't have time to sift through that bull(*)(*)(*)(*).