So, are you thinking there are no satellites? Or, are you thinking that nobody thought to attach a camera for a selfie. Or, what?
I'm not thinking anything, I'm just showing you how everybody sees a picture and automatically takes it as real. Like I said, you must put the picture through photo forensics. On my house computer I can do this, but I cannot download anything on this computer. Your photo of ISS could be real, then again it could be as fake as a three dollar bill. - - - Updated - - - I would imagine you could on a clear day. Instead, take that 8.5" telescope and see how far you can see on earth.
No I am not, the hypothesis you seen is of someone else. Where nothing can be proven, I take no sides, rather look at the evidence, and seek the truth. There was a surveyor who used his work ethics and equipment to strongly argue on the globe earth side. His work is very convincing, but does not prove anything.
You said that it did. So, in light of the fact that you've said everything you can to defend the notion of a flat Earth, even claiming... ...are you ready to admit that this is a lie?
Fair enough. You just seem to be uncritically accepting of unsupported claims in support of flat Earth hypotheses (such as that one regarding the position and motion of the Sun) in a way that you’ve not been about any evidence for the conventional model. Regardless, if you’re interested in looking at all the evidence, why have you continued to completely ignore various comments about the evidence of the day/night cycle around the world?
I live next to one of the Great Lakes, and if Earth was flat then I should be able to see the opposite shore on a clear day. The simple fact that I cannot is all the proof I need. Another "it's just a theory" argument? That tells me all that I need to know. Do you have any sources that can actually write down their ideas?
How can you know that we're real? Maybe you should run some forensics on your computer to see if someone installed a virus that is simply creating these messages to confuse you. Seriously though, why would anyone doubt that the Earth is a globe when there is simply so much evidence that it is? Are you going to perform photo forensics on every picture you come across? If you are going to spend this much time doubting science, how do you even have time to post here?
Are you seriously suggesting we haven't gotten to a concrete understanding of the basic shape of this PLANET???
Yes, because of all the turning and twisting they do. Now if they go in a straight line and land at a airport they can survive without a seatbelt. I think somewhere you asked for evidence for the long day and here it is. - - - Updated - - - Yes. Either that or they are lying to the masses. - - - Updated - - - Here's the evidence. - - - Updated - - - I can say the same about my statement.
Yes I know, it is outrageous! What about you, do you have proof, or just going off what we were taught? I absolutely feel like the earth is a sphere. I just don't know it.
Another of your religious sites. An ancient claim of radical change in day length can not possibly be taken at face value in a scientific context. For example, there is no hypothesis which that report supports. And, there is no confirming evidence of the cataclysmic affects that would correspond to a stopping of earth's revolution, the moving of the sun, etc. The real issue with Joshua, the issue that has actual religious importance, that is actually relevant TODAY is that it is saga of God repeatedly helping in slaughtering the local population to allow the Israelites to steal their land. In fact, the story of Joshua contains clear cases of terrorism - slaughter of civilians in order to change their political behavior, the killing of men, women and children when they had not attacked Joshua as an example to neighboring peoples. And, their terrorism worked! Following the terrorism at Jericho, neighboring cities did not resist. Now, that actually has modern relevance, as today we have Israelis bulldozing the homes and orchards of the residents of Palestine as they steal their land. The bulldozing of Palestinian homes in Palestine is right now continuing at a higher rate than ever before, and the primary reason for bulldozing a home is that there isn't a building permit issued by the occupation force of Israel!! This IS the modern version of the terrorism of Jericho - ethnic cleansing for acquisition of property and wealth. Why was God so ready to help slaughter these people? What is the moral lesson to us from that? How should we be applying that lesson to the nations of the world today? Can terrorism be considered acceptable if done in the name of God or in a cause God accepts as justification? The fixation on day length just plain makes no sense. And, it's really the least important, the least relevant, and the most fabulously unlikely elements of the entire story. We need to understand your religion. What is your god doing? And, why? The science issue isn't worth arguing about. From a science perspective it is total nonsense. BUT, the religious part is SUPREMELY important. Critically important!
Hey I understand your frustration. If you could provide some evidence, I would gladly oppose the flat earth theory. The fact that the globe has been taught to us for so many years now, makes it that much harder to reject. However I will admit I find myself with a slight lean towards the flat earth. The main reason for that, is that it most definitely proves a creator. And that I am all for. The globe and other scientific areas, do their best to cast doubt of a creator. If the earth is indeed flat, everyone's outlook on life and how we treat the earth would dramatically change.
Your personal education strategy is an absolute dead end failure. There is really almost nothing you have EVER learned without having accepted knowledge from outside sources. An inability to do that is crippling.
I beg to differ. Anything that I have been taught, if I felt it was wrong or needed looked into, I would do so. For the most part, everything can be researched individually, and unarguable data can be collected for a conclusion. Do you have any unarguable data, that would support the current globe model? If so I would love to see it, and I don't mean that sarcastically.
You have three reply's to my one. Why is it not you that is researching this? If your mind is made up, and there is nothing more on the matter. Why then don't you leave it alone? If you choose to ridicule me and others who find this topic of interest, why not find your topic of interest and again leave this one alone?
More times than not, things are not always as they seem. If a deception of this magnitude did take place, I want to get to the bottom of it. If there is any proof suggesting otherwise, I have no problem admitting it was I that was deceived.
No, it is settled (sort of) on the existence of a singularity. It is logically impossible for the Universe to have come into existence. Where is the proof that the Earth is flat? A bunch of people on here have given anecdotal proof of the Earth being round, and the composite images of the Earth from space are pretty decent proof. Not to mention the fact that anything with the Earth's mass would necessarily pull itself into a spherical shape through its gravity (which is why all celestial bodies over a certain mass are spheres, with the exception of stars like Vega which have their own spatial complications). So the entire point of this thread is to speculate about a random creationist conspiracy theory of which you have zero proof and postulate that it is somehow against the interests of "science" for a creator to exist. Mmkay.
Watch a tall ship sail out toward the horizon. The curvature of the earth will cause the bottom part of the ship to disappear first. But, in 240BC in Egypt Eratosthenes did WAY better than that. He actually calculated the SIZE of earth: But, good GOD! You can't serious suggest you reject all rocket and satellite based photography. Surely you don't see GPS as a monstrous world wide conspiracy against religion. How can you ignore stuff like airplane flight paths? Are you really thinking that we've done such a pathetic job of exploring earth that we missed that it has an EDGE??? Where do you live? What is your educational background? Seriously. I've never talked to anyone like you. There is NOTHING in science that proves (or disproves) a creator. Science is literally incapable of that. There is NOTHING in science that helps with determining ANYTHING about ANY god. NOTHING! So, science is simply soldiering on, figuring out how our universe works (not why, but how) unhampered by any thought that there could be massive amounts of magic screwing up everything we look at. What we've found out that way is pretty darn incredible!
Oh, please. Your method failed to detect that the earth is shaped like a ball!!!! And, despite MASSIVE evidence known for a few thousand years!
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