I think they look beautiful. What is the boundary that separates a woman from a skank? Is being a skank a look or an action? Can a woman be a skank if she does not have a tattoo? If yes then why assume a woman is a skank just because she has a tattoo?
Me too. Is your judgment preferential or do you attach a stereotype to those who wear loops in their earlobes? Mine is preferential. The better question is why do you errantly believe that I have a problem with you giving your opinion on topics? How exactly does my asking "If it harms no one then what cause is there to even care?" translate into my allegedly " have a problem with me (you) giving my (your) opinion on topics?"
I just don't like how they look. I don't really care, but I wanted to see if other people disliked them as much as I do. Why do I have to explain myself to you?
Cool. I personally do not like the style either. The better question is why do you errantly assume that I think that you "have to explain myself (yourself) to you (me)?"
Because you keep asking questions?? Let's use your logic, and look at this question. Even if someone is judgmental about such things, so what? Are they harming anyone?
What is wrong with that? If I do a search of your posts will I find that you never ask questions? If you ask questions then why take issue when I ask you questions? The following is a post of yours from a different thread where you asked a question. http://www.politicalforum.com/showthread.php?t=491772&page=5&p=1067006743#post1067006743 Depends upon the situation as it is not always harmful or harmless. Those who attach their self-esteem to how others view them can be harmed by being stereotyped. Some people turn to self harm, substance abuse, destructive behavior and even suicide because of bullying which overtly judges harmless action as a negative is in my book.
Talking about and saying you don't like something is not bullying. - - - Updated - - - This is a discussion board, and we are discussing our opinions about tattoos and other such body decorations.
Define grilling and tell me why it is a negative? Do you see being asked questions as being grilled? What is the boundary that separates being questioned vs being grilled? You do understand that you can just ignore my questions right? Because if you keep responding to my posts I may keep on asking questions as it is the prime way that I learn the perspective of others.
What? Lol. - - - Updated - - - I don't know, must be the way you ask. - - - Updated - - - Would you date someone with ear gauges? I might, but I would still think they were kind of disgusting.
So how would you suggest I ask you questions? Please be as specific as possible in your response. Depends upon the person I suppose. I certainly would not be closed to dating someone with ear gauges. IMO attraction is not a function of logic, but a function of a more base subconscious feeling, thus I do not know if I would be attracted to someone until I saw them. Fair enough.
I would. It's not a deal breaker for me. I guess it depends on the size of the gauges and the personality. If they're big gauges, then she better get good grades in other departments.
No, not 'grilling'. Look again and you will realize that it is 'side-stepping' .... unable to reply to your questions without looking less intelligent than you. Here's an example: Question: What is the sum of 2 plus 2? Reply: Define "plus".
Why do you errantly believe that I have a problem with ChrisL giving her opinion on topics? - - - Updated - - - Ad hominem.
POLITELY, instead of being passive aggressive. I would wish the person I was dating would get rid of the ear gauges, but then the damage is probably already done, so they would probably need plastic surgery to fix their giant ear holes.
Yes, as far as I know the damage is done. I mean, I don't think it will ever completely heal leaving no hole at all. However, I do believe that if the lower part is surgically removed (simply cut off) that the lobe might eventually round itself off and (maybe) look natural again? Some people have very little lobe anyway. The upper part of the ear is not made of the same stuff and won't heal in the same way, but the lobe ......