Would you try to get them to remove the ear hoops? If so why try to change a person rather than seek a person that you like just the way they are?
Good point. When you think about it a gauge is just the piercing part of an earring in XXXL size. So a tiny gauge isn't much different than a standard earring without the hanging bit. Size does matter.
If you look at the picture I posted . . . I think a person would definitely need plastic surgery to fix that earlobe. - - - Updated - - - Yes but they are called gauges because people who get them move up in size gradually. They start off small and then they get progressively larger. - - - Updated - - - Nobody's perfect.
If you do not have a problem with my discussion with ChrisL then why did you post the following? http://www.politicalforum.com/showthread.php?t=490030&page=27&p=1067009164#post1067009164 ChrisL said "Why do you have a problem with me giving my opinion on topics?" (Which you highlighted in red). You said "That is a question we'd all like to see answered". So again if you do not have a problem with my discussion with ChrisL then why did you write post 266? If you want to play semantics then replace "problem" with a synonym that works for you.
I haven't seen Leviticus on PF for a while, but I'm sure he would be down for girls with tattoos and piercings. He's a wild man.
Sure but it isn't going to just fix itself. It would definitely require some surgery to make it round and like a regular earlobe again. - - - Updated - - - "I'm different. Look at me!" Lol.
I do not agree. It only needs to be snipped off and administered with a few discrete stitches "up & under" (behind) the bottom edge of the new lobe. The surgery would take no more than half an hour. It could later be stretched (obviously) but observe people's earlobes when you go into town today and you will see that many have no more of a lobe than the results of my photo shop ear.
In case anyone is interested . . . [video=youtube;YvQe66jayUo]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvQe66jayUo[/video]
It's a simple operation and no plastic is needed. I had a similar operation a few years ago. A tiny "pie-shaped" snip was cut from the upper rim of one ear, which is much more of an operation than from the lobe. Once it was removed the ear was pulled together again and given a couple of stitches. No plastic surgeon was needed. You can't even see it unless I tell you where it is. ... and I didn't even need to go all the way to Utah!
It was when I was a profession MMA fighter and my opponent mauled me with a nail he had hidden in his fist. Only joking. I had a sort of wart and rather than take the chance of it being/becoming tumorous I had it cut off completely.
I was told there was a princess waiting to be kissed. Unfortunately I never could distinguish a frog from a toad. Good thing I decided to give her a hug instead.
Yes they are. Stalked her up and found pictures where she does not have that dirt on her legs and also pictures from a photoshoot where she was showing off these "new tattoo socks". Apparently that is fashion. The woman is tattooed though and has some sort of climber flower on her back.
Black nylons on white women excite me. I don't know why. I'm not attracted to black women with white nylons ....... so why do those things turn me on so much?
Since you mentioned it...you could bring it up. Its one of those grey areas for me. The idea is to be humble and filled with the holy spirit. Empty people tend to be rather prideful and shallow. the more someone focuses on that type of stuff the further away they become from Gods will and ultimately themselves. I could easily show images of beautiful, tasteful tats...its all about who is presenting it and the intentions and opinions of those people. Get extreme or careless tattoos and one might have to deal with consequences with future opportunities ect... still its their life. I have a pierced cartilage and a small easily hidden tattoo...not once have I regretted either.
lol @ "some sort of climber flower." ITS ALIVE. lock your doors or the vine butterflies will come eat you. bwahahaha.