Have you been to one of the many "OWS?" That would count, since most of those ppl are wannabe's, or old burned-out hippies, and ONLY 'spiritual' in the whacked out sense...as Jeff Foxworthy would say, "You might be a ....dirty-ring-around-the-neck"
Nope, the closest meaningful protests are four and a half hours away. I mean like on a regular basis.
Nope! I was referring to Christmas and how over the years it has become an extremely commercialized endeavor that has practically enveloped the entire nation of the US as well as some other foreign countries. Example: http://www.google.com/search?tbm=is...882l0l10203l18l17l0l2l2l1l228l2621l1.8.6l15l0
That's what I 1st thought about your post, but Deleted my initial response. Agreed it has become too commercial, but I enjoy the time of family & friends getting together on the eve, walking out in the cold, brisk night and looking at the lights, coming back home after and enjoying hot apple cider & egg nog with endless carols playing, and the looks on little children's faces at the awe & wonder of it all. And the next day at the dinner table with all gathered around, singing "Happy Birthday to Jesus." And all the kids finish up the grace with this little song: Johnny Appleseed Grace (song): Oh, the Lord's been good to me. And so I thank the Lord For giving me the things I need: The sun, the rain and the appleseed; Oh, the Lord's been good to me. We still enjoy the 'romantic' All-American Christmas; altho I was raised as a kid, 'having' to go to midnite 'High' Mass, with 2 hours of singing in Latin by ppl who couldnt sing, which I dont have to do now as an adult, 'set free Christian'...
Thx and to you and your family too......OK, if I get any 'materialistic' presents, I will sell them and give to the poor..ha ha...Actually most of my charitable giving is to 8 diff orgs this time of year.
Here is another example of that commercialization: http://www.coolgadgets.org/img/Multiprocessor_Christmas_Tree_Akihabara_1.jpg http://www.coolgadgets.org/worlds-fastest-christmas-tree-is-in-japan/ The hanging decorations on that tree are computer processors and other associated parts. Yes! By all means go ahead and share in the festivities... I am not a scrooge.
Well of course businesses are going to use it to drum up more business. It's the season of giving, they sell the things your going to give for the most part. In that sense, your right that is overcommercialized. But, YOU don't have to participate in that aspect of Christmas. You can choose to keep it spiritual in nature or you can go overboard with materialistic nonsense that gets tossed out in 3 months. I love Christmas time. Love seeing my kids anticipation for Christmas morning and everything leading up to it. They know what Christmas is about Jesus and what gifts they do get represent Christ in the manger and the gifts of the magi to him. It's all about how you go about approaching it.
Perhaps you should keep in mind the real reason for the Xmas holiday period. Its to celebrate the passing of one year and ushering a new year A.K.A the Winter Solstice. Christians couldn't get anyone to celebrate their myth so they high-jacked the pagan celebration of the winter solstice instead. So instead of asking where the line is to see a myth, maybe you should be asking why did we high-jack another cultures ritual?
Again, this myth is not the reason for the season. The Winter Solstice represents the death of one year and the birth (and the hope for a better year) of another. Quit high-jacking others stuff.
Who said Saint Nicholas wasn't a real person? Are you going to tell me Santa Clause is real? Sorry pal, while Santa may be based off Saint Nicholas, Santa is a myth. This doesn't surprise me thou. As most christians just cant comprehend that there was a Jesus Christ that once walked the Earth, but the jc that the bible speaks of is a myth.
Sounds like another 'lump of coal' checking in....all your verbiage has already been said (and ignored in the 'spirit of the season!')...so go hang out with all the other 'UnMerry Pshawers'...
This year, my laptop died while on vacation on Chicago. On my way back to Socal, I stopped in Dallas for the turkey day game. That night I went over and picked up a nice laptop (for what I need it to do) for $331 with a 3 year warranty.
^^^^ just mad when the true meaning of the winter Holiday season is revealed. Just can't hanlde the fact that this jesus myth is not part of it.
Thats just an arbitrary date. The real end of the year is the Winter Solstice when the Earths axis is furthest away from the sun. I doubt the Earth will change its orbit to accommodate us
Christmas is for Christ. New Year's is for New Year's. They aren't one and the same. So please, go back under your bridge until next October 31st.
Well you celebrate the Earth changing its axis if you want to. I will celebrate My Lord and Savior's birth thank you very much. Merry Christmas!
What is the point in asking such a question. The pic revealed a couple of pages back shows that the secular world practices the season in a totally commercial realm. The obvious purpose, as viewed by the secular world, is COMMERCE... worshiping the god of COMMERCE. http://www.aoc.gov/cc/art/rotunda/apotheosis/apoth_comm.cfm
No Xmas was hi-jacked by the christians because everyone was celebrated Winter Solstice. You should take your own advice. And while you are under your bridge, learn some history.
And while you do....keep it mind, it was high-jacked by christians, because they simply wanted some attention. Have fun. I would feel like a heel if I was a christian.