Why Do The Serbs And Albanians Hate Each Other?

Discussion in 'Russia & Eastern Europe' started by Makedde, Dec 27, 2008.

  1. FreeThinkingAlbanian

    FreeThinkingAlbanian New Member

    Jul 23, 2009
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    If someone claims that all Albanians are backward, illiterate, terrorists (because they are fanatic Muslims and all Muslims are killers and also being Muslim is second grade and a very bad thing therefore all Albanians are terrorists), pimps, drug dealers, child molesters, backward.....(did i mention illiterate?!) IS CHERRY PICKING.

    I can never say these words about any nationality, including Serbs. You can say it about an individual but never about a whole nation. One of my lecturers at university was Serbian and he was a brilliant human being as well as a great lecturer. Anyway, all developing countries have deep social issues and Kosovo and Albania are no exception.

    For what I know and the literature I've read from Western books, Kosovo Albanians have been the single most discriminated nationality in former Yugoslavia be it before, WW2 or after WW2. The Albanian population was left at the bottom of the pile in areas such as education, investment, autonomy and freedom of speech. For this case only, the Kosovars were morally right to fight for their independence and self determination. The resentment from their part is easily understood in my opinion.

    I find the Serb claim that Kosovar Albanians have extremely high birth rates (hence why they eventually outnumberered the Serbs there, as part of a unified grand plan) an insult to someone's intelligence. Honestly, if you want to write porky pies, this is a great one to write.

    Scores of Serbs write about how Albanians are really thick and backward. No nation is inferior in any way to another one and if you believe that, then I suggest you read Mein Kempf and tattoo a swastika in your chest. Anyhow, if this was the case (which it isn't) why didn't the "enlightened" Yugoslav (and later Serb) authorities do something to improve this. Instead they did whatever they could do deny Kosovars social and personal advancement. And again, if Serbia was the land of the free and fair, why did scores of Kosovo Albanians men take up arms to fight against the authorities. Why would a father risk his life and the life of his family to fight against the Serbian militias if his rights and his family's were respected? It's not logical, is it?!

    We have to accept that there have been attrocities towards the Serbian population in Kosovo but these were retribution attacks rather than premeditated and planned ones. I saw with my very own eyes scores of Kosovo Albanians flood into Albania because they feared for their lives. Many of them came to my town and the majority were taken in and given shelter by local families. Their suffering was real, their pain was real and you could see it in their eyes.
  2. CIAagent11

    CIAagent11 New Member

    Mar 7, 2009
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    It's muslims causing trouble, as always.
  3. FreeThinkingAlbanian

    FreeThinkingAlbanian New Member

    Jul 23, 2009
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    Why don't you come out of your little shell and open your mind a bit. You never know, it might do you some good.
  4. LenaSrb

    LenaSrb New Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    I think you need to look for the definition of "Cherry picking"... Anyway, I'm not sure whom you're referring too without quoting someone but I see that you're posting after I responded. I never said all Albanians are drug dealers, child molesters, illiterate or anything similar. Please, find single post to support your statement!
    Education and employment are the keys in all problematic areas!
    First, you must understand that there were plenty of investments in Kosovo and Metohija! Not just from Serbia but other Ex YU Republics as Slovenia and Croatia.Money was shoveled over there but nothing helped.It is not some top secret but we all know that and no one was happy because of that!
    Secondly, all citizens of one country suppose to be loyal no matter if they are from Balkans, America or Australia! If the freedom of speech is calling for separatism, I must inform you that no sovereign country in the world would allow it!
    Well, I can't claim that there is some grand plan as you called it but the truth still stand that Serbian Province of Kosovo and Metohija has the highest birth rate in Europe!
    Overwhelming majority of population is Albanian! All simple facts...Of course, there is a constant need for more space all the time and that was my point and why I included other neighboring countries, in one of my posts.Time will show everything!
    You're confusing things here... No one denied rights of Albanians as you're trying to present it here!!! They had universities and schools as any other republic of Ex YU but in order to advance one must finish his education and use his knowledge to improve the quality of living! Things are very simple and no one wants to talk about it! People need good education and employment! If those conditions are not fulfilled they will be unhappy and blaming all others for their problems! That's precisely what happened over there and what is still happening and will happen, until they start to follow simple rules in order to advance!
    BTW, did you know that even at late Preident's Milosevic trial there were Albanians who testified that KLA was terrorizing them and not Serbs or YNA?
    If so, how do you explain pogrom of ethnic Serbs after UN came there and Serbian troops left our southern province? How do explain Albanian attacks on UN offices and KFOR?!?I have no doubts about carefully planed attacks on Serbian and other minorities over there!
    Or maybe words of General Holger Kammerhoff clarified everything:
    UNMIK spokesman Derek Chappell:
    Even if you look at the graphicon of population in that area trough history it speaks for it self! How it's possible that one so much oppressed, as presented here, national minority increase so drastically their number over time on the expense of other nationalities?!?Why would other nationalities run away from there if they were oppressors, even before UN came to that area?
  5. CIAagent11

    CIAagent11 New Member

    Mar 7, 2009
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    BEcause the UN, as always, helps out muslims, who, as always, cause trouble.
  6. Illyrian Princess

    Illyrian Princess Banned

    Mar 7, 2008
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    You were asked between the hate of Albanians and Serbians. You are knowingly stimulating hate by promoting generalization. Please stop what you are doing, it's only for your own good.

    Okay, sure. Let us go back to your post.

    When you give your point of view, it does not conclude that a confusion is clarified. Is that correct?

    They are not called "Albos" or "Shiptars". The term "Shiptar" is used toward an Albanian in disrespectful, mocking manners, and mainly used for insult and not as a term of expression. The Serbs mostly use that word when calling out an Albanian.

    As a matter of fact, I am reporting this insult to the MODS.

    The future will not be bright if we approach issues with a negative attitude. If you want a bright future, you have to be the change. You have to let go of the past and focus on the future instead. That does not mean that we are asked to forget about the past altogether. The past, instead, should be used as a learning tool to a wise, safe and prosperous future.

    You are making it seem like Greece, amongst your other mentioned countries, is infested with pests, spreading a disease. Did you mean "we" as Serbians? Macedonians? Croats? Greeks? How about including the very people who were a product of war, such as Albanians from Repubic of Kosovo or from Albania or even from Serbia? Are they part of the change and the future, or will they be outcasted?

    Again, do not mislead other people. In my opinion, what you are doing is social opression. By leading people to believe that Albanians are hated by all surrounding countries, not only are you gravely encouraging blind hate, you are doing that in a cruel, unjust manner.
  7. Illyrian Princess

    Illyrian Princess Banned

    Mar 7, 2008
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    Can you please elaborate on that? How did you come to that conclusion?

    The UN's sole purpose is to protect humanity from harm, amongst other, committed to maintaining peace and security. What they have done was just and what I say can be vouched by millions of people around the world.
  8. LenaSrb

    LenaSrb New Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    What in the earth you're trying to say here? That only Serbs would call Albanians "Shiptars" so you're all the time pointing that out??? You're trying to present that there is no problem in the area? Do you follow the news at all?
    I'll open new thread with the news from Balkans to prove my point and no, it's not the social oppression but truth! You're trying to present my words as the hate speech and deny all problems in area which is unacceptable and on purpose not giving comment on economic aspect which I pointed out as the main obstacle! Also, you're trying to present all Albanians as same which is also unacceptable!
    This is not "Miss Universe" contest but political forum which purpose is discussion about the issues!
  9. kmisho

    kmisho New Member Past Donor

    Jun 25, 2009
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    It doesn't have to be like that. We humans have barely climbed down from the trees long enough for clubbing each other on the head the first chance we get to be anything other than our natural immediate first reaction. We need time...but we might not have it.
  10. Illyrian Princess

    Illyrian Princess Banned

    Mar 7, 2008
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    Oh come on LenaSrb, it is not hard to comprehend simple sentences. Perhaps I am too simple for you.

    This is your response? This is it? How "unacceptable".

    You just won the "Miss Universe" contest.

    Ps: Try again. This time, I ask that you reply to each of my responses, if that is "acceptable" to you.
  11. LenaSrb

    LenaSrb New Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    No, I have no reason to go into personal flame wars and have enough wisdom to know when things are getting into that direction.
    There is no problem in answering very directly to anyone as soon as they start to answer to me the same way and talk directly about the situation! I like to go into details without generalization with facts to support my position. UCK (KLA) killed many civilians and to me they are terrorists, to you they are not, so our initial position over matter is very different and of course we can agree that we disagree but that will not solve current problems in the region!
    To add that I hate no one and never promote hate or wars as any kind of solution! To me economic situation and low level of education-poverty are the main problem!
    How can I say that I hate Albanians as a whole, when Joe in Block 45/Belgrade has the best made cakes in the whole city and I spent hours in traffic jam to go to over there to buy some of it! My neighbors, condo above my family's one, were Albanians and are completely normal working people! I have nothing against normal working people no matter their ethnicity or religion but terrorists and trouble makers!!!
    I have no reason to proceed on this thread anymore 'cause I think that I explained in details my position.
  12. AGS

    AGS New Member

    Mar 19, 2009
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    i will explain it in a couple of sentences and not some bogus autobiographical 100 page post.

    ottoman turks took over the balkans for 800 years and they had 2 collaboraters that inspired them to stay and make islam the rule of the land in europe : ALBANIANS and BOSNIAN muslims.

    these 2 muslims were the PRAETORIAN GUARDS for the MUSLIM OTTOMANS ruling the christians LIKE SLAVES for 800 years. or white slavery.

    many albanians will talk about skenderbeg but thats more like roman catholic propaganda because the different christian denominations were competing for power and real estate.

    during the 1054 schism of the roman catholic church and byzantine churches(orthodox) which is before otoman muslim take over. the roman catholics have been plotting to take the balkans back into their territory either by not supporting the eastern christians against the advancing turks or vice versa
  13. AGS

    AGS New Member

    Mar 19, 2009
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    well albanians in kosovo migrated after WWII during hoxha regime. LOL ha ha
    albanians bash serbs as well so I dont see them as angels .

    and everyone suffered not just albanians.


    thats YOUR MIEN KAMPF. so they play so stupid and fail to neglect that PART OF WWII history.
  14. FreeThinkingAlbanian

    FreeThinkingAlbanian New Member

    Jul 23, 2009
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    Thanks for the history lesson AGS. Moving on... :ignore::ignore:
  15. Dardanian

    Dardanian Member

    May 14, 2009
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    This is the part where you heart your self like in some other threads so I don’t bather even to discuss it …Is it your fit still hearting?

    Well honestly comparing to Serbs they are angels… Albanians are moving forward while other Slavic neighbors are moving backward they want to go to 1389 and count how many serv soldiers was on that beetle … which I can suggest 1 ore 2

    If you consider suffering from your on president “Milosebich” ,than its your own fault you guys chose it we didn’t come to servija and say Kosova je Servija.

    this is the second part where you will heart your fit…
    AGS I have asked you long time ago about these MUFTI whats in the Hek is it.(seriously friendly question)

    You mean Nacertanje…
  16. Illyrian Princess

    Illyrian Princess Banned

    Mar 7, 2008
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    The Ottoman Turks did not "choose" their targets. The regions they controlled and the people in those regions were of all nationalities, therefore it could not have been that they chose specific people. The Serbs, Albanians, Greeks, etc...were all subjugated. Many of them concluded that converting to Islam would make their life easier under the Ottoman rule. Others who refused, moved to other areas to escape the plight. Although, those who stayed and did not convert were subject to lesser advantages such as land, ownership,etc.

    In fact, Albanians resisted the rule of the Ottoman Turks. Albania became a symbol of resistance to the Ottoman Turks but suffered an almost continuous state of warfare. One example being is Skenderbeg, the most successful resistance against the invading Ottomans.

    The spreading of Islam was easier on Albanians and Bosnians than Serbians. Reason being, Albanians and Bosnians did not have many Christian churches and therefore did not hold these in regards to high esteem. They were easier to comply to the ways of the Ottomans. Albanians were more fictile than Serbians, though.

    Even today, it is not unusual to see Albanian Muslims celebrating holidays with their Albanian Christian friends or even marriage. A lot of families have mixed faiths of Muslim, Catholic, and Christian. Majority of Albanians today do not see religion as a base of their faith, but rather their faith in God (no matter what religion) and their traditions. It is not Roman Catholic propaganda. It's a truth presented in facts.




  17. Dardanian

    Dardanian Member

    May 14, 2009
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    AGS eeeeeeeeeeeeee

    Serbs and their King Branko(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) who stop Skanderbeg to join Janosh Huniady (Hungarian General-which his life ended in the prison in Pashaluk of Belgrade by Murder from Serbs because he was making troubles to Ottoman empire)…

    Serbs and their King Branko(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)… this Skanderbeg and that Hungarian General was the only protectors of the Europe and Christianity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skanderbeg , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hunyadi .

    Wiki talks better here you go again: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skanderbeg
  18. Dardanian

    Dardanian Member

    May 14, 2009
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    So Lenasrb,are you trying to show us that you guys are still tracking us while we have sex… ore your showing us how your so called State, was making Plans how to stop Natality among Albanians in Kosova.

    Guess what I give you the response … the Natality among Albanians in Kosovo is as a result of Albanian Woman being so beautiful so we just can’t miss a night without having sex, I would prefer it to my neighbors Srbs to do it… I can Understand its not easy for them cause their woman look so Ugly,But they have to try at least.
  19. Illyrian Princess

    Illyrian Princess Banned

    Mar 7, 2008
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    Oh my goodness. NO comment.

    But I would like to point out that Serbia has the highest abortion rate in the whole Balkans.




  20. LenaSrb

    LenaSrb New Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    Again, insults to attack messenger and not the message it self.
    You're not disputing the numbers, I see...

    Anyway, since no territory in the world could be shared among just two nations let's see what happened with minorities after Serbian troops left our Southern province, Kosovo and Metohija!
    This was published by Guardian...
  21. LenaSrb

    LenaSrb New Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    Sure, it must be like that forever and that explains the graphicon I posted and other minorities, besides Serbs who left our Southern province after UN came there and you forcefully took our province!
    Keep up the good work!!!

    Still you continue to have the extremely high natality rate according to your stats which creates problems, as always, in the education, employment etc. You know, there is just so much donations you can get before tax payers from EU an others doesn't start to question this whole situation!

  22. Ostap Bender

    Ostap Bender Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Kosovo isn't a state but a failure of stupid EU politic.
  23. Illyrian Princess

    Illyrian Princess Banned

    Mar 7, 2008
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    Hey...now. Don't get angry that people wanted and got freedom.

    There is nothing wrong with giving birth. Don't blame a mother for keeping her child or for not choosing to use birth control. Blame Milosevic whose sole goal was to exterminate all Albanians off the face of the earth.

    Education and the economy have always been a problem in Kosovo for the Albanians and the other minorities living there. It is getting better though since the independence. Trust me when I say that because I follow the news closely and I have people I talk to as well. Stop opressing the situation and try to be a positive part of it! (I highly doubt you want to)
  24. LenaSrb

    LenaSrb New Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    As I already said I'm finished with this thread but you and few others keep going into personal wars and insinuating what other members think when they say something, while non of you gave the answer to initial post!So basically, you're using other people's posts and answers as a platform for attacks! Go figure...
  25. Illegal and Illegitimate

    Illegal and Illegitimate New Member

    Sep 8, 2009
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    Wow this thread is like an absolute war. The13thMonkey said it best from what I've read. I wish people would be more neutral, analytical and rational instead of making some dumb emotional argument about this stuff. I'm just over it at this point really.

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