You don't have pictures of a rocket, have you? While we are at it, can you tell me why there would be a rocket involved in the surrpetitious demolition of a sky scraper? None of that crap makes the least bit of sense.
people who have reading disabilities really should consider taking a highschool english class before entering into debates. The claims have been made in several posts, for anyone who does not "get it" I suggest hiring someone to explain it to them if they wish to attempt a debate.
People with writing inadequacies should take more time before attempting to create a thread, or pose an argument. State your claim clearly, and provide supporting evidence. (Hint: Supporting evidence is not low quality gifs and babble.)'s another hint for you Koko. Low quality gifs of some blurry blob presented as "official" evidence of Flight 77, isn't actually evidence at all. Just because it's source is the US gov't, it should be heavily scrutinized.
Nothing like proving that not only are you unqualified but neither do you have any experience what so ever or even any conception of forensic procedure assessment. The gif posted in my previous post as usual is clear enough to demonstrate the stated issues. Since you clearly "dont get it" please take a (*)(*)(*)(*) on someone elses lawn, seriously your posts have no value except to harrass.
its purely harassment and frankly he should be reported for it because it has no merit what so ever to the case made. Total trash post because that clip by comparison is very clear and show flames for (*)(*)(*)(*) sake, what you see there is burning white with a whit smoke trail. I cant believe they let that out in public. Also take note of all the EM interference in the camera! Most cameras were not that close and em falls off at the square of the distance.
Horse feathers. None of the objects that you name are visible in that piece of crap gif. YOU clearly lack any forensic training that I can see, especially as regards fire investigations, in which I am professionally trrained and experienced. To those of us with experience in such matters, no, it isn't. Complain to a mod, if you don't like it. If you post twaddle, you will get called on it. This talk about a "rocket" is childish twaddle.
Well, DUH! Video which shows no anomolies and which shows the entire sequence of events is SO much better. There are enough videos of the aircraft, from a bunch of different angles, to clearly identify it. Now, what was your point?
nice ZERO post its a descriptive euphemism. it referenced the appearance of a certain item in the event that terrifies you and destroys the official lie. you dropped into the ranks of "dont get it". Thought you were above that but then that nice clear gif is so damning since we can see burning turning so brite it lit the whole side of the building up then turned to smoke and metal being disintegrated. In fact it is so obvious that even the biggest dummy can see the steel burst into flames and sever after it is airborn! I am surprised there was so little smoke considering the damage it did. Especially interesting are all those sparkles on the side of the building every time his camera went bzerk from the em?
well except among themselves they are presumed liars until they prove otherwise. They have failed on every level to do that.
I told you these nice hi resolution gifs have already been posted. wow they never showed us those on tv they used abc and other news media in every report made. HUGE billowing brilliant white flames out the left side on the maintenance floor no less. the same falling metal seen in the OP on nbc just look at that! the whole top of wtc 2 looks like a tank shot the (*)(*)(*)(*) out of the columns and it was tipped over the side with nothing to hit or hit it on the way down. It didnt even get 30 stories before it was turned to spaghetti. and we have those white hot metal that defies gravity! Its going the wrong way! yeh the news media filmed it from miles away at angles we could not see (*)(*)(*)(*)! LOL
" Oh, I see. Your gifs prove there was no controlled demolition, since CD has none of those properties. Gotcha.
Once again, Ibal muddies the waters with false rhetoric. Great job. Another "official" impediment towards free flowing truth.
Finally, I get what Kokomojojo is calling a "rocket." It is a piece of aluminum cladding with a lot of gypsum dust entrained, twisting in the winds. Dude, a rocket's exhaut will just about ALWAYS, run in a line with it's long axis. The dust behind your object is flying off at a right angle to the long axis, even as it remains almost perfectly horizontal. You swallowed idiot boy Chandler's crap whole.
You support the no-planers. You claim no one died on 9/11. You said the FDNY was complicit in murder. These are facts. You did it, now live with it.