Can Canada and the USA be Unified into One Country? Canada and the USA are two big countries adjacent to each other in North America. On the US-Canada border, there is a Peace Arch. From far away, people can see CHILDREN OF A COMMON MOTHER on top of it. These words describe the special relations between the two countries. There are many similarities between the two countries. Canada and the USA have similar history. Both countries were British colonies before independence. Both countries have the same culture and the same language - a legacy left behind by Great Britain. Both countries have the same political system. Democracy, freedom and election are highly cherished in both countries. Both countries have the same economic system. Capitalism, competition and laissez faire are the core of economic system in both countries. Both countries have the same highly developed and industrialized economy. The peoples in both countries have the same lifestyle and enjoy highly affluent life. In economy, Canada and the USA are closely linked with each other and integrated in a huge North American market. Their trade volume with each other is higher than with any other countries. Canada and the USA have the same population pattern. Both countries are nations composed of immigrants and descendants of immigrants, primarily, immigrants from Europe. Since there are so many similarities between Canada and the USA, the two countries are adjacent in geography and are so integrated in economy, is it possible for Canada and the USA to be unified into one country? The idea of unification sounds crazy and unrealistic? Well, a book has been published to explore the possibility of unification between Canada and the USA. This book is published by a publishing company called PublishAmerica in the USA. Go to website , search title REDRAWING WORLD MAP, we can find this book. The subtitle of this book is EXPLORATION OF UNIFICATION BETWEEN COUNTRIES. In addition to unification between Canada and the USA, this book also explores the possibility of unification between a few pairs of other countries, such as, unification between Mexico and its two small southern neighbors, unification between Chile and Argentina, unification between France and the two tiny states along the southern border of France, unification between South Africa and a small country called Lesotho, which is entirely encircled by South Africa and unification between a few pairs of other small countries. This book traces the origin and evolution of nation and state. In primitive society, the dawn of human history, there were no such things like nation or state. In primitive society, people lived in tribes. Later on, powerful tribes conquered or absorbed neighboring small and weak tribes. Gradually, tribes evolved into nations and states. Since Jesus Christ, unification, merger or incorporation between geographically adjacent countries occurred numerous times, in every continent of the world. This book introduces geography, history, culture, economy and politics of North America, Latin America, France and South Africa. Based on the analysis of these aspects, this book explores the possibility of unification between two geographically adjacent countries, which are the same or similar in history, culture, language, social custom, religion, economy, politics and other aspects. The primary condition for unification between countries is geographical adjacency. History and culture play important role in unification between countries. Two adjacent countries should have the same or similar history, culture or language if these two countries are going towards unification. Canada and the USA were ruled by Great Britain during their colonial times and have the same culture and the same language English. Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America were ruled by Spain during their colonial times and have the same culture and the same language Spanish. Social custom and religion are also important factors in unification between two adjacent countries. Canada and the USA have the same social custom and religion. Most countries in Latin America have the same social custom and religion Roman Catholic Church. This book lists some benefits of unification between adjacent countries. The most important benefit is that unification between adjacent countries will promote the economy and improve the peoples life in the unified countries. Unification will also bring many other benefits, which are explained in this book. Those who read this book will find that this book is convincing. This book does not make such proposition that all adjacent countries with the same or similar history, culture, language and social custom should be unified. In our long history, human beings have undergone too many wars. Wars have caused huge loss to property and human lives to both victors and losers. This book emphasizes that unification between countries should never be achieved through forces or wars and should never cause any bloody conflicts. Unification between countries should be achieved through peaceful means and with the consent of the involved peoples. Go to , search title REDRAWING WORLD MAP, we can find this book. feel free to copy and paste this article in other websites, periodicals or newspapers.
I think there is little to no desire by either Canadians or Americans to join together. We are very cordial neighbors and allies. NAFTA makes our trade relatively simple and duty free. Yet we are different in good ways.
Canadians are too "European" to be compatible with American society. American society is rough and tumble, often unpredictable and violent because we mishmash the entire world into our borders.
The myth that we are too european is just that a myth. We eat like american, dress like american, listen to american music, watch american tv show and movies... The only difference is that the second language here is french and in the USA it's spanish. Depending on how this merger is done I would bet that no one would care. The only thing that could prevent a clean transition would be our universal health coverage and our bank regulation (those that prevented the fiasco that happened in the USA). If both of those could be garanteed then I think it could be done.
Do you know what a syllogism is? If Canada is America's hat,... ...and America's hat is designed to be pissed in,... follows that Canada is designed to be pissed in.
European or not I have to disagree on several points. French as the "second language" is only official. Urdu is the second language where I live, and it is sometimes Cree and in other areas Mandarin. No, there is much more to prevent a union of the two nations, most notably because Canada is not a 'nation', there is no unifying culture to be merged, whether it be cuisine, language or the arts, there are few common denominators within Canada. Arguably the best video about the relationship between the two regions has to be Tom Brokaw, a Canadian, explaining Canada to Americans as a prelude to the opening of the Winter Olympics in Vancouver in 2010... [ame=""]Tom Brokaw Explains Canada To Americans - YouTube[/ame] If you watch closely, you will also see some differences, and a defiance within a peoples whose only true common denominator is that we aren't Americans. But you are correct about health care, there is no way in hell the Canadian people would accept Owebamare any more than the American taxpayer would accept Canada's MSP. Ain't gonna happen.
The funny part about these posts is that Canada and the United States are great allies. We are more alike than different. More like two siblings who have slightly different preferences, and couldn't stand to live together, but really like living next door to each other. But hey....lets not let the opportunity to sing "Blame Canada!" pass by. Fabulous song.
I've always liked the Canadians; they are a country rich in culture and history. LIkewise, I admire their social programs, especially their socialized healthcare system. I think that if both countries were to attempt to be unified, you'd get resistance from the the province of Quebec, who, if i'm correct, have in the past desired to be a separte nation. I'm sure they wouldn't want to lose their identity in a proposed unification.
The push back would be equally fierce in Newfoundland, the Maritimes and BC. There is some sympathy for the idea in the extreme right on the prairies but it is not large enough to make much of a difference....
That is a great description and, in fact, how I feel about a cousin I have. No, The True North could never accept the second amendment....we have had to spend ten years fighting off the most poorly conceived gun control laws in the history, but there is no stomach at all for "open carry" or fully automatic weapons. When it comes to guns we want to be able to shoot moose and deer, some ducks and geese...
I'm not a fan of the unification idea, although maybe if they sugar coated by having Canada enter the union as a single State.
If Canada joins the Union it will be necessary to find some place to put the Canadians. We can't just let them remain in possession of the premises. I think Canadians would like Mexico.
This is what Mexico is'll love it: [ame=""]SWAT SAN FELIPE MEXICO SPRING BREAK: TEQUILA RACES - YouTube[/ame]
Yes, Canada and the USA could merge. But I think the people in the two countries prefer more regional identities and governance. Those in the USA are extremely ignorant about their neighbor to the north. It would be like merging Norway and Sweden. It could be done, but the people prefer their own identities, a form of separatism despite all they have in common.
Been there. Done that.Got the T shirt. Spent two weeks in the bloody hotel that Barry Manilow recorded one of his hits. If I had known the Copacobana was playing it all day, every day, I would have chosen somewhere else.